CSIT-841 Optimize creating of vnf-agent docker image Part I
[csit.git] / docs / report / honeycomb_functional_tests / csit_release_notes.rst
1 CSIT Release Notes\r
2 ==================\r
3 \r
4 Changes in CSIT |release|\r
5 -------------------------\r
6 \r
7 #. Added Honeycomb functional tests for the following features:\r
8 \r
9    - Policer\r
10 \r
11 #. Improved test coverage for the following features:\r
12 \r
13    - Interface Management\r
14    - Vlan\r
15    - Port Mirroring\r
16 \r
17 Known Issues\r
18 ------------\r
19 \r
20 Here is the list of known issues in CSIT |release| for Honeycomb functional\r
21 tests in VIRL:\r
22 \r
23 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
24 | # | Issue                                      | Jira ID    | Description                                                                |\r
25 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
26 | 1 | IP address subnet validation               | VPP-649    | When configuring two IP addresses from the same subnet on an interface,    |\r
27 |   |                                            |            | VPP refuses the configuration but returns code 200:OK. This can cause      |\r
28 |   |                                            |            | desync between Honeycomb's config and operational data.                    |\r
29 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
30 | 2 | Removal of ACP-plugin interface assignment | HC2VPP-173 | Attempting to remove all ACLs from an interface responds with OK but does  |\r
31 |   |                                            |            | not remove the assignments.                                                |\r
32 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
33 | 3 | VxLAN GPE configuration crashes VPP        | VPP-875    | Specific VxLAN GPE configurations cause VPP to crash and restart.          |\r
34 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
35 | 4 | Policer traffic test failure               | CSIT-      | Traffic test has begun to fail, likely due to VPP changes. There is  more  |\r
36 |   |                                            |            | information available yet.                                                 |\r
37 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
38 | 5 | SPAN traffic test failure                  | CSIT-      | Traffic test has begun to fail, likely due to VPP changes. There is  more  |\r
39 |   |                                            |            | information available yet.                                                 |\r
40 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
41 | 6 | Unnumbered interface VIRL issue            | CSIT-      | CRUD for unnumbered interface appears to fail in VIRL, but not in local    |\r
42 |   |                                            |            | test runs. Investigation pending.                                          |\r
43 +---+--------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\r