job-spec: Add VSAP and Hoststack to weekly and coverage
[csit.git] / fdio.infra.pxe / docker-nginx / html / ubuntu_focal_amd64 / 00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0 / user-data
1 #cloud-config
2 autoinstall:
3   version: 1
4   apt:
5     geoip: true
6     preserve_sources_list: false
7     primary:
8     - arches: [amd64, i386]
9       uri:
10     - arches: [default]
11       uri:
12   identity:
13     hostname: t2-sut1
14     password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
15     realname: testuser
16     username: testuser
17   keyboard:
18     layout: us
19     toggle: null
20     variant: ''
21   locale: en_US.UTF-8
22   network:
23     ethernets:
24       enp25s0f0:
25         addresses: [ ]
26         dhcp4: false
27         gateway4:
28         nameservers:
29           addresses: [, ]
30     version: 2
31   packages:
32     - python3
33   refresh-installer:
34     update: no
35   ssh:
36     allow-pw: true
37     authorized-keys: []
38     install-server: true
39   storage:
40     config:
41     - grub_device: false
42       id: disk-sda
43       path: /dev/sda
44       ptable: gpt
45       preserve: false
46       type: disk
47       wipe: superblock-recursive
48     - device: disk-sda
49       grub_device: true
50       id: partition-0
51       flag: boot
52       number: 1
53       preserve: false
54       size: 536870912
55       type: partition
56       wipe: superblock
57     - id: format-0
58       fstype: fat32
59       preserve: false
60       type: format
61       volume: partition-0
62     - device: disk-sda
63       flag: ''
64       grub_device: false
65       id: partition-1
66       number: 2
67       preserve: false
68       size: -1
69       type: partition
70       wipe: superblock
71     - fstype: ext4
72       id: format-1
73       preserve: false
74       type: format
75       volume: partition-1
76     - device: format-1
77       id: mount-1
78       path: /
79       type: mount
80     - device: format-0
81       id: mount-0
82       path: /boot/efi
83       type: mount