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[csit.git] / resources / tools / disk-image-builder / centos / html / ks.cfg
1 #platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
2 #version=DEVEL
3 # License agreement
4 eula --agreed
5 # Install OS instead of upgrade
6 text
7 install
8 # Keyboard layouts
9 keyboard 'us'
10 # Root password
11 rootpw --iscrypted $1$OmK6zb39$lJdJnxgmx5z/.x1YXpnjf/
12 # System timezone
13 timezone America/New_York --isUtc
14 # System language
15 lang en_US.UTF-8
16 # Firewall configuration
17 firewall --disabled
18 # Syste authorization information
19 auth  --useshadow  --passalgo=sha512
20 # Use CDROM installation media
21 cdrom
22 # Use graphical install
23 graphical
24 # SELinux configuration
25 selinux --disabled
26 firewall --disable
27 # Do not configure the X Window System
28 skipx
29 reboot
30 # Network information
31 network --bootproto=dhcp
32 network --hostname=centos7
33 # Halt after installation
34 # System bootloader configuration
35 bootloader --location=mbr --boot-drive=vda
36 # Partition clearing information
37 autopart --type=lvm
38 clearpart --none --initlabel
40 %packages
41 @core
42 openssh-server
43 rpm
44 yum
45 %end