ikev2: fix issue when sending multiple requests at once
[vpp.git] / test / requirements.txt
1 pip-tools==5.1.2                        # BSD   Keep this in sync with Makefile's PIP_TOOLS_VERSION
3 aenum>= 2.1.2; python_version < '3.6'   # BSD
4 cffi                                    # MIT
5 cryptography!=2.0                       # BSD/Apache-2.0
6 deprecation>=2.0.6                      # Apache-2.0
7 faulthandler; python_version < '3.3' #  # BSD License (2 clause)
8 flake8                                  # MIT
9 ipaddress; python_version < '3.3'       # PSF
10 parameterized>=0.6.1                    # BSD
11 pexpect                                 # ISC
12 psutil                                  # BSD
13 pycodestyle                             # MIT (Expat license)       https://pypi.org/project/pycodestyle/
14 scapy==2.4.3; python_version >= '2.7' or python_version >= '3.4'    # GPL2  https://github.com/secdev/scapy/blob/master/LICENSE
15 six                                     # MIT
16 subprocess32                            # PSF
17 syslog_rfc5424_parser>=0.3.1            # ISC
18 objgraph                                # MIT
19 pympler                                 # Apache-2.0
20 sphinx<3.0.0                            # BSD,  sphinx 3.0.0 crashes with a traceback
21 sphinx-rtd-theme                        # MIT
22 noiseprotocol                           # MIT