.. _trex1: Using VPP with TRex Mixed Traffic Templates =========================================== In this example, a more complicated traffic with delay profile on *net2s22c05* is generated using the traffic configuration file "avl/sfr_delay_10_1g.yaml": .. code-block:: console NET2S22C05$ sudo ./t-rex-64 -f avl/sfr_delay_10_1g.yaml -c 2 -m 20 -d 100 -l 1000 summary stats -------------- Total-pkt-drop : 43309 pkts Total-tx-bytes : 251062132504 bytes Total-tx-sw-bytes : 21426636 bytes Total-rx-bytes : 251040139922 byte Total-tx-pkt : 430598064 pkts Total-rx-pkt : 430554755 pkts Total-sw-tx-pkt : 324646 pkts Total-sw-err : 0 pkts Total ARP sent : 5 pkts Total ARP received : 4 pkts maximum-latency : 1278 usec average-latency : 9 usec latency-any-error : ERROR On *csp2s22c03*, use the VCC CLI command show run to display the graph runtime statistics. Observe that the average vector per node is 10.69 and 14.47: .. figure:: /_images/build-a-fast-network-stack-terminal-3.png Summary ======= This tutorial showed how to download, compile, and install the VPP binary on an IntelĀ® Architecture platform. Examples of /etc/sysctl.d/80-vpp.conf and /etc/vpp/startup.conf/startup.conf configuration files were provided to get the user up and running with VPP. The tutorial also illustrated how to detect and bind the network interfaces to a DPDK-compatible driver. You can use the VPP CLI to assign IP addresses to these interfaces and bring them up. Finally, four examples using iperf3 and TRex were included, to show how VPP processes packets in batches.