#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # generate FE config script # import sys, optparse, math def print_usage (): print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [-f fe_lcore_list] [-b be_lcore_list]" print " [-p start_port] [-n number_of_streams]" print " [-m mode] [-q local_address] [-r remote_address]" print " [-s fwd_local_address] [-t fwd_remote_address]" print " [-l txlen] [-4/-6] [-H]" print print "Options" print " -f, --fe_lcore_list: list of lcores used for FE. Multiple " \ "lcores are comma-separated, within double quote" print " -b, --be_lcore_list: list of lcores used for BE. Multiple " \ "lcores are comma-separated, within double quote" print " -p, --start_port: starting UDP port number" print " -n, --number_of_streams: number of streams to be generated" print " -m, --mode: mode of the application. [echo, rx, tx, fwd]" print " -q, --local_address: local address of the stream" print " -r, --remote_address: remote address of the stream" print " -s, --fwd_local_address: forwarding local address of the stream" print " -t, --fwd_remote_address: forwarding remote address of the " \ "stream" print " -l, --txlen: transmission length for rx/tx mode" print " -H: if port number to printed in hex format" print " -4/-6: if default ip addresses to be printed in ipv4/ipv6 format" def align_power_of_2(x): return 2**(x-1).bit_length() def print_stream(mode, la, ra, fwd_la, fwd_ra, lcore, belcore, lport, fwrport, txlen): if support_hex != 0: lport_str = str(format(lport, '#x')) fwrport_str = str(format(fwrport, '#x')) else: lport_str = str(lport) fwrport_str = str(fwrport) stream = "lcore=" + str(lcore) + ",belcore=" + str(belcore) + ",op=" + mode stream += ",laddr=" + la + ",lport=" + lport_str stream += ",raddr=" + ra + ",rport=0" if mode == 'fwd': stream += ",fwladdr=" + fwd_la + ",fwlport=0,fwraddr=" + fwd_ra stream += ",fwrport=" + fwrport_str if mode == 'rx' or mode == 'tx': stream += ",txlen=" + str(txlen) print stream parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-b", "--be_lcore_list", dest = "be_lcore_list", help = "BE lcore lists.") parser.add_option("-f", "--fe_lcore_list", dest = "fe_lcore_list", help = "FE lcore lists.") parser.add_option("-p", "--start_port", dest = "start_port", help = "start port.") parser.add_option("-n", "--number_of_streams", dest = "number_of_streams", help = "number of streams.") parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", dest = "mode", help = "mode (op, rx, tx, fwd).") parser.add_option("-q", "--local_address", dest = "local_address", help = "local_address.") parser.add_option("-r", "--remote_address", dest = "remote_address", help = "remote_address.") parser.add_option("-s", "--fwd_local_address", dest = "fwd_local_address", help = "fwd_local_address.") parser.add_option("-t", "--fwd_remote_address", dest = "fwd_remote_address", help = "fwd_remote_address.") parser.add_option("-l", "--txlen", dest = "txlen", help = "txlen.") parser.add_option("-4", action = "store_false", dest = "ipv6", help = "IPv4/IPv6") parser.add_option("-6", action = "store_true", dest = "ipv6", help = "IPv4/IPv6") parser.add_option("-H", action = "store_true", dest = "support_hex", help = "print ports in hexa format") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) == 1: print print_usage() print sys.exit() supported_modes = ['echo', 'rx', 'tx', 'fwd'] support_hex = 0 txlen = 72 if options.ipv6 == True: la = '::' ra = '::' fwd_la = '::' fwd_ra = '::' else: la = '' ra = '' fwd_la = '' fwd_ra = '' if options.support_hex == True: support_hex = 1 if options.txlen != None: txlen = options.txlen if options.fe_lcore_list != None: felcore_list = list(map(int, options.fe_lcore_list.split(","))) felcore_list.sort() else: felcore_list = [] if options.be_lcore_list != None: belcore_list = list(map(int, options.be_lcore_list.split(","))) belcore_list.sort() else: print "default BE lcore list = [ 1 ]" belcore_list = [1] if options.mode != None: mode = options.mode if mode not in supported_modes: print "Supported modes: " + str(supported_modes) print "Provided mode \"" + mode + "\" is not supported. Terminating..." sys.exit() else: print "default mode = echo" mode = "echo" if options.start_port != None: start_port = int(options.start_port) else: print "default start_port = 32768" start_port = 32768 if options.number_of_streams != None: number_of_streams = int(options.number_of_streams) else: print "default number_of_streams = 1" number_of_streams = 1 fwd_start_port = 53248 if options.local_address != None: la = options.local_address if options.remote_address != None: ra = options.remote_address if options.fwd_local_address != None: fwd_la = options.fwd_local_address if options.fwd_remote_address != None: fwd_ra = options.fwd_remote_address belcore_count = len(belcore_list) align_belcore_count = align_power_of_2(belcore_count) nb_bits = int(math.log(align_belcore_count, 2)) felcore_count = len(felcore_list) if felcore_count != 0: if number_of_streams % felcore_count == 0: nb_stream_per_flc = number_of_streams / felcore_count else: nb_stream_per_flc = (number_of_streams / felcore_count) + 1 for i in range(start_port, start_port + number_of_streams): k = i - start_port align_belcore_count = align_power_of_2(belcore_count) blc_indx = (i % align_belcore_count) % belcore_count belcore = belcore_list[blc_indx] if felcore_count != 0: flc_indx = k / nb_stream_per_flc felcore = felcore_list[flc_indx] else: felcore = belcore print_stream(mode, la, ra, fwd_la, fwd_ra, felcore, belcore, i, fwd_start_port + k, txlen)