# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Data pre-processing - extract data from output.xml files generated by Jenkins jobs and store in pandas' Series, - provide access to the data. - filter the data using tags, """ import re import copy import resource import logging from collections import OrderedDict from os import remove from datetime import datetime as dt from datetime import timedelta from json import loads import prettytable import pandas as pd from robot.api import ExecutionResult, ResultVisitor from robot import errors from resources.libraries.python import jumpavg from input_data_files import download_and_unzip_data_file # Separator used in file names SEPARATOR = u"__" class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor): """Class to traverse through the test suite structure. The functionality implemented in this class generates a json structure: Performance tests: { "metadata": { "generated": "Timestamp", "version": "SUT version", "job": "Jenkins job name", "build": "Information about the build" }, "suites": { "Suite long name 1": { "name": Suite name, "doc": "Suite 1 documentation", "parent": "Suite 1 parent", "level": "Level of the suite in the suite hierarchy" } "Suite long name N": { "name": Suite name, "doc": "Suite N documentation", "parent": "Suite 2 parent", "level": "Level of the suite in the suite hierarchy" } } "tests": { # NDRPDR tests: "ID": { "name": "Test name", "parent": "Name of the parent of the test", "doc": "Test documentation", "msg": "Test message", "conf-history": "DUT1 and DUT2 VAT History", "show-run": "Show Run", "tags": ["tag 1", "tag 2", "tag n"], "type": "NDRPDR", "status": "PASS" | "FAIL", "throughput": { "NDR": { "LOWER": float, "UPPER": float }, "PDR": { "LOWER": float, "UPPER": float } }, "latency": { "NDR": { "direction1": { "min": float, "avg": float, "max": float, "hdrh": str }, "direction2": { "min": float, "avg": float, "max": float, "hdrh": str } }, "PDR": { "direction1": { "min": float, "avg": float, "max": float, "hdrh": str }, "direction2": { "min": float, "avg": float, "max": float, "hdrh": str } } } } # TCP tests: "ID": { "name": "Test name", "parent": "Name of the parent of the test", "doc": "Test documentation", "msg": "Test message", "tags": ["tag 1", "tag 2", "tag n"], "type": "TCP", "status": "PASS" | "FAIL", "result": int } # MRR, BMRR tests: "ID": { "name": "Test name", "parent": "Name of the parent of the test", "doc": "Test documentation", "msg": "Test message", "tags": ["tag 1", "tag 2", "tag n"], "type": "MRR" | "BMRR", "status": "PASS" | "FAIL", "result": { "receive-rate": float, # Average of a list, computed using AvgStdevStats. # In CSIT-1180, replace with List[float]. } } "ID" { # next test } } } Functional tests: { "metadata": { # Optional "version": "VPP version", "job": "Jenkins job name", "build": "Information about the build" }, "suites": { "Suite name 1": { "doc": "Suite 1 documentation", "parent": "Suite 1 parent", "level": "Level of the suite in the suite hierarchy" } "Suite name N": { "doc": "Suite N documentation", "parent": "Suite 2 parent", "level": "Level of the suite in the suite hierarchy" } } "tests": { "ID": { "name": "Test name", "parent": "Name of the parent of the test", "doc": "Test documentation" "msg": "Test message" "tags": ["tag 1", "tag 2", "tag n"], "conf-history": "DUT1 and DUT2 VAT History" "show-run": "Show Run" "status": "PASS" | "FAIL" }, "ID" { # next test } } } .. note:: ID is the lowercase full path to the test. """ REGEX_PLR_RATE = re.compile(r'PLRsearch lower bound::?\s(\d+.\d+).*\n' r'PLRsearch upper bound::?\s(\d+.\d+)') REGEX_NDRPDR_RATE = re.compile(r'NDR_LOWER:\s(\d+.\d+).*\n.*\n' r'NDR_UPPER:\s(\d+.\d+).*\n' r'PDR_LOWER:\s(\d+.\d+).*\n.*\n' r'PDR_UPPER:\s(\d+.\d+)') REGEX_NDRPDR_LAT = re.compile(r'LATENCY.*\[\'(.*)\', \'(.*)\'\]\s\n.*\n.*\n' r'LATENCY.*\[\'(.*)\', \'(.*)\'\]') REGEX_TOLERANCE = re.compile(r'^[\D\d]*LOSS_ACCEPTANCE:\s(\d*\.\d*)\s' r'[\D\d]*') REGEX_VERSION_VPP = re.compile(r"(return STDOUT Version:\s*|" r"VPP Version:\s*|VPP version:\s*)(.*)") REGEX_VERSION_DPDK = re.compile(r"(DPDK version:\s*|DPDK Version:\s*)(.*)") REGEX_TCP = re.compile(r'Total\s(rps|cps|throughput):\s(\d*).*$') REGEX_MRR = re.compile(r'MaxReceivedRate_Results\s\[pkts/(\d*)sec\]:\s' r'tx\s(\d*),\srx\s(\d*)') REGEX_BMRR = re.compile(r'Maximum Receive Rate trial results' r' in packets per second: \[(.*)\]') REGEX_RECONF_LOSS = re.compile(r'Packets lost due to reconfig: (\d*)') REGEX_RECONF_TIME = re.compile(r'Implied time lost: (\d*.[\de-]*)') REGEX_TC_TAG = re.compile(r'\d+[tT]\d+[cC]') REGEX_TC_NAME_OLD = re.compile(r'-\d+[tT]\d+[cC]-') REGEX_TC_NAME_NEW = re.compile(r'-\d+[cC]-') REGEX_TC_NUMBER = re.compile(r'tc\d{2}-') REGEX_TC_PAPI_CLI = re.compile(r'.*\((\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+.) - (.*)\)') def __init__(self, metadata, mapping, ignore): """Initialisation. :param metadata: Key-value pairs to be included in "metadata" part of JSON structure. :param mapping: Mapping of the old names of test cases to the new (actual) one. :param ignore: List of TCs to be ignored. :type metadata: dict :type mapping: dict :type ignore: list """ # Type of message to parse out from the test messages self._msg_type = None # VPP version self._version = None # Timestamp self._timestamp = None # Testbed. The testbed is identified by TG node IP address. self._testbed = None # Mapping of TCs long names self._mapping = mapping # Ignore list self._ignore = ignore # Number of PAPI History messages found: # 0 - no message # 1 - PAPI History of DUT1 # 2 - PAPI History of DUT2 self._lookup_kw_nr = 0 self._conf_history_lookup_nr = 0 # Number of Show Running messages found # 0 - no message # 1 - Show run message found self._show_run_lookup_nr = 0 # Test ID of currently processed test- the lowercase full path to the # test self._test_id = None # The main data structure self._data = { u"metadata": OrderedDict(), u"suites": OrderedDict(), u"tests": OrderedDict() } # Save the provided metadata for key, val in metadata.items(): self._data[u"metadata"][key] = val # Dictionary defining the methods used to parse different types of # messages self.parse_msg = { u"timestamp": self._get_timestamp, u"vpp-version": self._get_vpp_version, u"dpdk-version": self._get_dpdk_version, # TODO: Remove when not needed: u"teardown-vat-history": self._get_vat_history, u"teardown-papi-history": self._get_papi_history, u"test-show-runtime": self._get_show_run, u"testbed": self._get_testbed } @property def data(self): """Getter - Data parsed from the XML file. :returns: Data parsed from the XML file. :rtype: dict """ return self._data def _get_testbed(self, msg): """Called when extraction of testbed IP is required. The testbed is identified by TG node IP address. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if msg.message.count(u"Setup of TG node") or \ msg.message.count(u"Setup of node TG host"): reg_tg_ip = re.compile( r'.*TG .* (\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}).*') try: self._testbed = str(re.search(reg_tg_ip, msg.message).group(1)) except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): pass finally: self._data[u"metadata"][u"testbed"] = self._testbed self._msg_type = None def _get_vpp_version(self, msg): """Called when extraction of VPP version is required. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if msg.message.count(u"return STDOUT Version:") or \ msg.message.count(u"VPP Version:") or \ msg.message.count(u"VPP version:"): self._version = str(re.search(self.REGEX_VERSION_VPP, msg.message). group(2)) self._data[u"metadata"][u"version"] = self._version self._msg_type = None def _get_dpdk_version(self, msg): """Called when extraction of DPDK version is required. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if msg.message.count(u"DPDK Version:"): try: self._version = str(re.search( self.REGEX_VERSION_DPDK, msg.message).group(2)) self._data[u"metadata"][u"version"] = self._version except IndexError: pass finally: self._msg_type = None def _get_timestamp(self, msg): """Called when extraction of timestamp is required. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ self._timestamp = msg.timestamp[:14] self._data[u"metadata"][u"generated"] = self._timestamp self._msg_type = None def _get_vat_history(self, msg): """Called when extraction of VAT command history is required. TODO: Remove when not needed. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if msg.message.count(u"VAT command history:"): self._conf_history_lookup_nr += 1 if self._conf_history_lookup_nr == 1: self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id][u"conf-history"] = str() else: self._msg_type = None text = re.sub(r"\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3} " r"VAT command history:", u"", msg.message, count=1).replace(u'\n', u' |br| ').\ replace(u'"', u"'") self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id][u"conf-history"] += ( f" |br| **DUT{str(self._conf_history_lookup_nr)}:** {text}" ) def _get_papi_history(self, msg): """Called when extraction of PAPI command history is required. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if msg.message.count(u"PAPI command history:"): self._conf_history_lookup_nr += 1 if self._conf_history_lookup_nr == 1: self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id][u"conf-history"] = str() else: self._msg_type = None text = re.sub(r"\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3} " r"PAPI command history:", u"", msg.message, count=1).replace(u'\n', u' |br| ').\ replace(u'"', u"'") self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id][u"conf-history"] += ( f" |br| **DUT{str(self._conf_history_lookup_nr)}:** {text}" ) def _get_show_run(self, msg): """Called when extraction of VPP operational data (output of CLI command Show Runtime) is required. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if u"show-run" not in self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id].keys(): self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id][u"show-run"] = str() if msg.message.count(u"stats runtime") or \ msg.message.count(u"Runtime"): try: host = str(re.search(self.REGEX_TC_PAPI_CLI, msg.message). group(1)) except (AttributeError, IndexError): host = self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id][u"show-run"].\ count(u"DUT:") + 1 try: socket = str(re.search(self.REGEX_TC_PAPI_CLI, msg.message). group(2)) socket = f"/{socket}" except (AttributeError, IndexError): socket = u"" runtime = loads( str(msg.message). replace(u' ', u''). replace(u'\n', u''). replace(u"'", u'"'). replace(u'b"', u'"'). replace(u'u"', u'"'). split(u":", 1)[1] ) try: threads_nr = len(runtime[0][u"clocks"]) except (IndexError, KeyError): return tbl_hdr = [ u"Name", u"Calls", u"Vectors", u"Suspends", u"Clocks", u"Vectors/Calls" ] table = [[tbl_hdr, ] for _ in range(threads_nr)] for item in runtime: for idx in range(threads_nr): name = format(item[u"name"]) calls = format(item[u"calls"][idx]) vectors = format(item[u"vectors"][idx]) suspends = format(item[u"suspends"][idx]) if item[u"vectors"][idx] > 0: clocks = format( item[u"clocks"][idx]/item[u"vectors"][idx], u".2e") elif item[u"calls"][idx] > 0: clocks = format( item[u"clocks"][idx]/item[u"calls"][idx], u".2e") elif item[u"suspends"][idx] > 0: clocks = format( item[u"clocks"][idx]/item[u"suspends"][idx], u".2e") else: clocks = 0 if item[u"calls"][idx] > 0: vectors_call = format( item[u"vectors"][idx]/item[u"calls"][idx], u".2f") else: vectors_call = format(0, u".2f") if int(calls) + int(vectors) + int(suspends): table[idx].append([ name, calls, vectors, suspends, clocks, vectors_call ]) text = "" for idx in range(threads_nr): text += f"Thread {idx} " text += u"vpp_main\n" if idx == 0 else f"vpp_wk_{idx-1}\n" txt_table = None for row in table[idx]: if txt_table is None: txt_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(row) else: if any(row[1:]): txt_table.add_row(row) txt_table.set_style(prettytable.MSWORD_FRIENDLY) txt_table.align[u"Name"] = u"l" txt_table.align[u"Calls"] = u"r" txt_table.align[u"Vectors"] = u"r" txt_table.align[u"Suspends"] = u"r" txt_table.align[u"Clocks"] = u"r" txt_table.align[u"Vectors/Calls"] = u"r" text += txt_table.get_string(sortby=u"Name") + u'\n' text = f"\n**DUT: {host}{socket}**\n{text}".\ replace(u'\n', u' |br| ').\ replace(u'\r', u'').\ replace(u'"', u"'") self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id][u"show-run"] += text def _get_ndrpdr_throughput(self, msg): """Get NDR_LOWER, NDR_UPPER, PDR_LOWER and PDR_UPPER from the test message. :param msg: The test message to be parsed. :type msg: str :returns: Parsed data as a dict and the status (PASS/FAIL). :rtype: tuple(dict, str) """ throughput = { u"NDR": {u"LOWER": -1.0, u"UPPER": -1.0}, u"PDR": {u"LOWER": -1.0, u"UPPER": -1.0} } status = u"FAIL" groups = re.search(self.REGEX_NDRPDR_RATE, msg) if groups is not None: try: throughput[u"NDR"][u"LOWER"] = float(groups.group(1)) throughput[u"NDR"][u"UPPER"] = float(groups.group(2)) throughput[u"PDR"][u"LOWER"] = float(groups.group(3)) throughput[u"PDR"][u"UPPER"] = float(groups.group(4)) status = u"PASS" except (IndexError, ValueError): pass return throughput, status def _get_plr_throughput(self, msg): """Get PLRsearch lower bound and PLRsearch upper bound from the test message. :param msg: The test message to be parsed. :type msg: str :returns: Parsed data as a dict and the status (PASS/FAIL). :rtype: tuple(dict, str) """ throughput = { u"LOWER": -1.0, u"UPPER": -1.0 } status = u"FAIL" groups = re.search(self.REGEX_PLR_RATE, msg) if groups is not None: try: throughput[u"LOWER"] = float(groups.group(1)) throughput[u"UPPER"] = float(groups.group(2)) status = u"PASS" except (IndexError, ValueError): pass return throughput, status def _get_ndrpdr_latency(self, msg): """Get LATENCY from the test message. :param msg: The test message to be parsed. :type msg: str :returns: Parsed data as a dict and the status (PASS/FAIL). :rtype: tuple(dict, str) """ latency_default = { u"min": -1.0, u"avg": -1.0, u"max": -1.0, u"hdrh": u"" } latency = { u"NDR": { u"direction1": copy.copy(latency_default), u"direction2": copy.copy(latency_default) }, u"PDR": { u"direction1": copy.copy(latency_default), u"direction2": copy.copy(latency_default) } } status = u"FAIL" groups = re.search(self.REGEX_NDRPDR_LAT, msg) def process_latency(in_str): """Return object with parsed latency values. TODO: Define class for the return type. :param in_str: Input string, min/avg/max/hdrh format. :type in_str: str :returns: Dict with corresponding keys, except hdrh float values. :rtype dict: :throws IndexError: If in_str does not have enough substrings. :throws ValueError: If a substring does not convert to float. """ in_list = in_str.split('/', 3) rval = { u"min": float(in_list[0]), u"avg": float(in_list[1]), u"max": float(in_list[2]), u"hdrh": u"" } if len(in_list) == 4: rval[u"hdrh"] = str(in_list[3]) return rval if groups is not None: try: latency[u"NDR"][u"direction1"] = \ process_latency(groups.group(1)) latency[u"NDR"][u"direction2"] = \ process_latency(groups.group(2)) latency[u"PDR"][u"direction1"] = \ process_latency(groups.group(3)) latency[u"PDR"][u"direction2"] = \ process_latency(groups.group(4)) status = u"PASS" except (IndexError, ValueError): pass return latency, status def visit_suite(self, suite): """Implements traversing through the suite and its direct children. :param suite: Suite to process. :type suite: Suite :returns: Nothing. """ if self.start_suite(suite) is not False: suite.suites.visit(self) suite.tests.visit(self) self.end_suite(suite) def start_suite(self, suite): """Called when suite starts. :param suite: Suite to process. :type suite: Suite :returns: Nothing. """ try: parent_name = suite.parent.name except AttributeError: return doc_str = suite.doc.\ replace(u'"', u"'").\ replace(u'\n', u' ').\ replace(u'\r', u'').\ replace(u'*[', u' |br| *[').\ replace(u"*", u"**").\ replace(u' |br| *[', u'*[', 1) self._data[u"suites"][suite.longname.lower(). replace(u'"', u"'"). replace(u" ", u"_")] = { u"name": suite.name.lower(), u"doc": doc_str, u"parent": parent_name, u"level": len(suite.longname.split(u".")) } suite.keywords.visit(self) def end_suite(self, suite): """Called when suite ends. :param suite: Suite to process. :type suite: Suite :returns: Nothing. """ def visit_test(self, test): """Implements traversing through the test. :param test: Test to process. :type test: Test :returns: Nothing. """ if self.start_test(test) is not False: test.keywords.visit(self) self.end_test(test) def start_test(self, test): """Called when test starts. :param test: Test to process. :type test: Test :returns: Nothing. """ longname_orig = test.longname.lower() # Check the ignore list if longname_orig in self._ignore: return tags = [str(tag) for tag in test.tags] test_result = dict() # Change the TC long name and name if defined in the mapping table longname = self._mapping.get(longname_orig, None) if longname is not None: name = longname.split(u'.')[-1] logging.debug( f"{self._data[u'metadata']}\n{longname_orig}\n{longname}\n" f"{name}" ) else: longname = longname_orig name = test.name.lower() # Remove TC number from the TC long name (backward compatibility): self._test_id = re.sub(self.REGEX_TC_NUMBER, u"", longname) # Remove TC number from the TC name (not needed): test_result[u"name"] = re.sub(self.REGEX_TC_NUMBER, "", name) test_result[u"parent"] = test.parent.name.lower() test_result[u"tags"] = tags test_result["doc"] = test.doc.\ replace(u'"', u"'").\ replace(u'\n', u' ').\ replace(u'\r', u'').\ replace(u'[', u' |br| [').\ replace(u' |br| [', u'[', 1) test_result[u"msg"] = test.message.\ replace(u'\n', u' |br| ').\ replace(u'\r', u'').\ replace(u'"', u"'") test_result[u"type"] = u"FUNC" test_result[u"status"] = test.status if u"PERFTEST" in tags: # Replace info about cores (e.g. -1c-) with the info about threads # and cores (e.g. -1t1c-) in the long test case names and in the # test case names if necessary. groups = re.search(self.REGEX_TC_NAME_OLD, self._test_id) if not groups: tag_count = 0 tag_tc = str() for tag in test_result[u"tags"]: groups = re.search(self.REGEX_TC_TAG, tag) if groups: tag_count += 1 tag_tc = tag if tag_count == 1: self._test_id = re.sub(self.REGEX_TC_NAME_NEW, f"-{tag_tc.lower()}-", self._test_id, count=1) test_result[u"name"] = re.sub(self.REGEX_TC_NAME_NEW, f"-{tag_tc.lower()}-", test_result["name"], count=1) else: test_result[u"status"] = u"FAIL" self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id] = test_result logging.debug( f"The test {self._test_id} has no or more than one " f"multi-threading tags.\n" f"Tags: {test_result[u'tags']}" ) return if test.status == u"PASS": if u"NDRPDR" in tags: test_result[u"type"] = u"NDRPDR" test_result[u"throughput"], test_result[u"status"] = \ self._get_ndrpdr_throughput(test.message) test_result[u"latency"], test_result[u"status"] = \ self._get_ndrpdr_latency(test.message) elif u"SOAK" in tags: test_result[u"type"] = u"SOAK" test_result[u"throughput"], test_result[u"status"] = \ self._get_plr_throughput(test.message) elif u"TCP" in tags: test_result[u"type"] = u"TCP" groups = re.search(self.REGEX_TCP, test.message) test_result[u"result"] = int(groups.group(2)) elif u"MRR" in tags or u"FRMOBL" in tags or u"BMRR" in tags: if u"MRR" in tags: test_result[u"type"] = u"MRR" else: test_result[u"type"] = u"BMRR" test_result[u"result"] = dict() groups = re.search(self.REGEX_BMRR, test.message) if groups is not None: items_str = groups.group(1) items_float = [float(item.strip()) for item in items_str.split(",")] # Use whole list in CSIT-1180. stats = jumpavg.AvgStdevStats.for_runs(items_float) test_result[u"result"][u"receive-rate"] = stats.avg else: groups = re.search(self.REGEX_MRR, test.message) test_result[u"result"][u"receive-rate"] = \ float(groups.group(3)) / float(groups.group(1)) elif u"RECONF" in tags: test_result[u"type"] = u"RECONF" test_result[u"result"] = None try: grps_loss = re.search(self.REGEX_RECONF_LOSS, test.message) grps_time = re.search(self.REGEX_RECONF_TIME, test.message) test_result[u"result"] = { u"loss": int(grps_loss.group(1)), u"time": float(grps_time.group(1)) } except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError, TypeError): test_result[u"status"] = u"FAIL" else: test_result[u"status"] = u"FAIL" self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id] = test_result return self._data[u"tests"][self._test_id] = test_result def end_test(self, test): """Called when test ends. :param test: Test to process. :type test: Test :returns: Nothing. """ def visit_keyword(self, keyword): """Implements traversing through the keyword and its child keywords. :param keyword: Keyword to process. :type keyword: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ if self.start_keyword(keyword) is not False: self.end_keyword(keyword) def start_keyword(self, keyword): """Called when keyword starts. Default implementation does nothing. :param keyword: Keyword to process. :type keyword: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ try: if keyword.type == u"setup": self.visit_setup_kw(keyword) elif keyword.type == u"teardown": self._lookup_kw_nr = 0 self.visit_teardown_kw(keyword) else: self._lookup_kw_nr = 0 self.visit_test_kw(keyword) except AttributeError: pass def end_keyword(self, keyword): """Called when keyword ends. Default implementation does nothing. :param keyword: Keyword to process. :type keyword: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ def visit_test_kw(self, test_kw): """Implements traversing through the test keyword and its child keywords. :param test_kw: Keyword to process. :type test_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ for keyword in test_kw.keywords: if self.start_test_kw(keyword) is not False: self.visit_test_kw(keyword) self.end_test_kw(keyword) def start_test_kw(self, test_kw): """Called when test keyword starts. Default implementation does nothing. :param test_kw: Keyword to process. :type test_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ if test_kw.name.count(u"Show Runtime On All Duts") or test_kw.name.count(u"Show Runtime Counters On All Duts"): self._lookup_kw_nr += 1 self._show_run_lookup_nr = 0 self._msg_type = u"test-show-runtime" elif test_kw.name.count(u"Install Dpdk Test") and not self._version: self._msg_type = u"dpdk-version" else: return test_kw.messages.visit(self) def end_test_kw(self, test_kw): """Called when keyword ends. Default implementation does nothing. :param test_kw: Keyword to process. :type test_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ def visit_setup_kw(self, setup_kw): """Implements traversing through the teardown keyword and its child keywords. :param setup_kw: Keyword to process. :type setup_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ for keyword in setup_kw.keywords: if self.start_setup_kw(keyword) is not False: self.visit_setup_kw(keyword) self.end_setup_kw(keyword) def start_setup_kw(self, setup_kw): """Called when teardown keyword starts. Default implementation does nothing. :param setup_kw: Keyword to process. :type setup_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ if setup_kw.name.count(u"Show Vpp Version On All Duts") \ and not self._version: self._msg_type = u"vpp-version" elif setup_kw.name.count(u"Set Global Variable") \ and not self._timestamp: self._msg_type = u"timestamp" elif setup_kw.name.count(u"Setup Framework") and not self._testbed: self._msg_type = u"testbed" else: return setup_kw.messages.visit(self) def end_setup_kw(self, setup_kw): """Called when keyword ends. Default implementation does nothing. :param setup_kw: Keyword to process. :type setup_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ def visit_teardown_kw(self, teardown_kw): """Implements traversing through the teardown keyword and its child keywords. :param teardown_kw: Keyword to process. :type teardown_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ for keyword in teardown_kw.keywords: if self.start_teardown_kw(keyword) is not False: self.visit_teardown_kw(keyword) self.end_teardown_kw(keyword) def start_teardown_kw(self, teardown_kw): """Called when teardown keyword starts :param teardown_kw: Keyword to process. :type teardown_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ if teardown_kw.name.count(u"Show Vat History On All Duts"): # TODO: Remove when not needed: self._conf_history_lookup_nr = 0 self._msg_type = u"teardown-vat-history" teardown_kw.messages.visit(self) elif teardown_kw.name.count(u"Show Papi History On All Duts"): self._conf_history_lookup_nr = 0 self._msg_type = u"teardown-papi-history" teardown_kw.messages.visit(self) def end_teardown_kw(self, teardown_kw): """Called when keyword ends. Default implementation does nothing. :param teardown_kw: Keyword to process. :type teardown_kw: Keyword :returns: Nothing. """ def visit_message(self, msg): """Implements visiting the message. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if self.start_message(msg) is not False: self.end_message(msg) def start_message(self, msg): """Called when message starts. Get required information from messages: - VPP version. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ if self._msg_type: self.parse_msg[self._msg_type](msg) def end_message(self, msg): """Called when message ends. Default implementation does nothing. :param msg: Message to process. :type msg: Message :returns: Nothing. """ class InputData: """Input data The data is extracted from output.xml files generated by Jenkins jobs and stored in pandas' DataFrames. The data structure: - job name - build number - metadata (as described in ExecutionChecker documentation) - suites (as described in ExecutionChecker documentation) - tests (as described in ExecutionChecker documentation) """ def __init__(self, spec): """Initialization. :param spec: Specification. :type spec: Specification """ # Specification: self._cfg = spec # Data store: self._input_data = pd.Series() @property def data(self): """Getter - Input data. :returns: Input data :rtype: pandas.Series """ return self._input_data def metadata(self, job, build): """Getter - metadata :param job: Job which metadata we want. :param build: Build which metadata we want. :type job: str :type build: str :returns: Metadata :rtype: pandas.Series """ return self.data[job][build][u"metadata"] def suites(self, job, build): """Getter - suites :param job: Job which suites we want. :param build: Build which suites we want. :type job: str :type build: str :returns: Suites. :rtype: pandas.Series """ return self.data[job][str(build)][u"suites"] def tests(self, job, build): """Getter - tests :param job: Job which tests we want. :param build: Build which tests we want. :type job: str :type build: str :returns: Tests. :rtype: pandas.Series """ return self.data[job][build][u"tests"] def _parse_tests(self, job, build, log): """Process data from robot output.xml file and return JSON structured data. :param job: The name of job which build output data will be processed. :param build: The build which output data will be processed. :param log: List of log messages. :type job: str :type build: dict :type log: list of tuples (severity, msg) :returns: JSON data structure. :rtype: dict """ metadata = { u"job": job, u"build": build } with open(build[u"file-name"], u'r') as data_file: try: result = ExecutionResult(data_file) except errors.DataError as err: log.append( (u"ERROR", f"Error occurred while parsing output.xml: " f"{repr(err)}") ) return None checker = ExecutionChecker(metadata, self._cfg.mapping, self._cfg.ignore) result.visit(checker) return checker.data def _download_and_parse_build(self, job, build, repeat, pid=10000): """Download and parse the input data file. :param pid: PID of the process executing this method. :param job: Name of the Jenkins job which generated the processed input file. :param build: Information about the Jenkins build which generated the processed input file. :param repeat: Repeat the download specified number of times if not successful. :type pid: int :type job: str :type build: dict :type repeat: int """ logs = list() logs.append( (u"INFO", f" Processing the job/build: {job}: {build[u'build']}") ) state = u"failed" success = False data = None do_repeat = repeat while do_repeat: success = download_and_unzip_data_file(self._cfg, job, build, pid, logs) if success: break do_repeat -= 1 if not success: logs.append( (u"ERROR", f"It is not possible to download the input data file from the " f"job {job}, build {build[u'build']}, or it is damaged. " f"Skipped.") ) if success: logs.append( (u"INFO", f" Processing data from the build {build[u'build']} ...") ) data = self._parse_tests(job, build, logs) if data is None: logs.append( (u"ERROR", f"Input data file from the job {job}, build " f"{build[u'build']} is damaged. Skipped.") ) else: state = u"processed" try: remove(build[u"file-name"]) except OSError as err: logs.append( ("ERROR", f"Cannot remove the file {build[u'file-name']}: " f"{repr(err)}") ) # If the time-period is defined in the specification file, remove all # files which are outside the time period. timeperiod = self._cfg.input.get(u"time-period", None) if timeperiod and data: now = dt.utcnow() timeperiod = timedelta(int(timeperiod)) metadata = data.get(u"metadata", None) if metadata: generated = metadata.get(u"generated", None) if generated: generated = dt.strptime(generated, u"%Y%m%d %H:%M") if (now - generated) > timeperiod: # Remove the data and the file: state = u"removed" data = None logs.append( (u"INFO", f" The build {job}/{build[u'build']} is " f"outdated, will be removed.") ) logs.append((u"INFO", u" Done.")) for level, line in logs: if level == u"INFO": logging.info(line) elif level == u"ERROR": logging.error(line) elif level == u"DEBUG": logging.debug(line) elif level == u"CRITICAL": logging.critical(line) elif level == u"WARNING": logging.warning(line) return {u"data": data, u"state": state, u"job": job, u"build": build} def download_and_parse_data(self, repeat=1): """Download the input data files, parse input data from input files and store in pandas' Series. :param repeat: Repeat the download specified number of times if not successful. :type repeat: int """ logging.info(u"Downloading and parsing input files ...") for job, builds in self._cfg.builds.items(): for build in builds: result = self._download_and_parse_build(job, build, repeat) build_nr = result[u"build"][u"build"] if result[u"data"]: data = result[u"data"] build_data = pd.Series({ u"metadata": pd.Series( list(data[u"metadata"].values()), index=list(data[u"metadata"].keys()) ), u"suites": pd.Series( list(data[u"suites"].values()), index=list(data[u"suites"].keys()) ), u"tests": pd.Series( list(data[u"tests"].values()), index=list(data[u"tests"].keys()) ) }) if self._input_data.get(job, None) is None: self._input_data[job] = pd.Series() self._input_data[job][str(build_nr)] = build_data self._cfg.set_input_file_name( job, build_nr, result[u"build"][u"file-name"]) self._cfg.set_input_state(job, build_nr, result[u"state"]) mem_alloc = \ resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / 1000 logging.info(f"Memory allocation: {mem_alloc:.0f}MB") logging.info(u"Done.") @staticmethod def _end_of_tag(tag_filter, start=0, closer=u"'"): """Return the index of character in the string which is the end of tag. :param tag_filter: The string where the end of tag is being searched. :param start: The index where the searching is stated. :param closer: The character which is the tag closer. :type tag_filter: str :type start: int :type closer: str :returns: The index of the tag closer. :rtype: int """ try: idx_opener = tag_filter.index(closer, start) return tag_filter.index(closer, idx_opener + 1) except ValueError: return None @staticmethod def _condition(tag_filter): """Create a conditional statement from the given tag filter. :param tag_filter: Filter based on tags from the element specification. :type tag_filter: str :returns: Conditional statement which can be evaluated. :rtype: str """ index = 0 while True: index = InputData._end_of_tag(tag_filter, index) if index is None: return tag_filter index += 1 tag_filter = tag_filter[:index] + u" in tags" + tag_filter[index:] def filter_data(self, element, params=None, data=None, data_set=u"tests", continue_on_error=False): """Filter required data from the given jobs and builds. The output data structure is: - job 1 - build 1 - test (or suite) 1 ID: - param 1 - param 2 ... - param n ... - test (or suite) n ID: ... ... - build n ... - job n :param element: Element which will use the filtered data. :param params: Parameters which will be included in the output. If None, all parameters are included. :param data: If not None, this data is used instead of data specified in the element. :param data_set: The set of data to be filtered: tests, suites, metadata. :param continue_on_error: Continue if there is error while reading the data. The Item will be empty then :type element: pandas.Series :type params: list :type data: dict :type data_set: str :type continue_on_error: bool :returns: Filtered data. :rtype pandas.Series """ try: if element[u"filter"] in (u"all", u"template"): cond = u"True" else: cond = InputData._condition(element[u"filter"]) logging.debug(f" Filter: {cond}") except KeyError: logging.error(u" No filter defined.") return None if params is None: params = element.get(u"parameters", None) if params: params.append(u"type") data_to_filter = data if data else element[u"data"] data = pd.Series() try: for job, builds in data_to_filter.items(): data[job] = pd.Series() for build in builds: data[job][str(build)] = pd.Series() try: data_dict = dict( self.data[job][str(build)][data_set].items()) except KeyError: if continue_on_error: continue return None for test_id, test_data in data_dict.items(): if eval(cond, {u"tags": test_data.get(u"tags", u"")}): data[job][str(build)][test_id] = pd.Series() if params is None: for param, val in test_data.items(): data[job][str(build)][test_id][param] = val else: for param in params: try: data[job][str(build)][test_id][param] =\ test_data[param] except KeyError: data[job][str(build)][test_id][param] =\ u"No Data" return data except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as err: logging.error( f"Missing mandatory parameter in the element specification: " f"{repr(err)}" ) return None except AttributeError as err: logging.error(repr(err)) return None except SyntaxError as err: logging.error( f"The filter {cond} is not correct. Check if all tags are " f"enclosed by apostrophes.\n{repr(err)}" ) return None def filter_tests_by_name(self, element, params=None, data_set=u"tests", continue_on_error=False): """Filter required data from the given jobs and builds. The output data structure is: - job 1 - build 1 - test (or suite) 1 ID: - param 1 - param 2 ... - param n ... - test (or suite) n ID: ... ... - build n ... - job n :param element: Element which will use the filtered data. :param params: Parameters which will be included in the output. If None, all parameters are included. :param data_set: The set of data to be filtered: tests, suites, metadata. :param continue_on_error: Continue if there is error while reading the data. The Item will be empty then :type element: pandas.Series :type params: list :type data_set: str :type continue_on_error: bool :returns: Filtered data. :rtype pandas.Series """ include = element.get(u"include", None) if not include: logging.warning(u"No tests to include, skipping the element.") return None if params is None: params = element.get(u"parameters", None) if params: params.append(u"type") data = pd.Series() try: for job, builds in element[u"data"].items(): data[job] = pd.Series() for build in builds: data[job][str(build)] = pd.Series() for test in include: try: reg_ex = re.compile(str(test).lower()) for test_id in self.data[job][ str(build)][data_set].keys(): if re.match(reg_ex, str(test_id).lower()): test_data = self.data[job][ str(build)][data_set][test_id] data[job][str(build)][test_id] = pd.Series() if params is None: for param, val in test_data.items(): data[job][str(build)][test_id]\ [param] = val else: for param in params: try: data[job][str(build)][ test_id][param] = \ test_data[param] except KeyError: data[job][str(build)][ test_id][param] = u"No Data" except KeyError as err: logging.error(repr(err)) if continue_on_error: continue return None return data except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as err: logging.error( f"Missing mandatory parameter in the element " f"specification: {repr(err)}" ) return None except AttributeError as err: logging.error(repr(err)) return None @staticmethod def merge_data(data): """Merge data from more jobs and builds to a simple data structure. The output data structure is: - test (suite) 1 ID: - param 1 - param 2 ... - param n ... - test (suite) n ID: ... :param data: Data to merge. :type data: pandas.Series :returns: Merged data. :rtype: pandas.Series """ logging.info(u" Merging data ...") merged_data = pd.Series() for builds in data.values: for item in builds.values: for item_id, item_data in item.items(): merged_data[item_id] = item_data return merged_data