# JSON generation import json import sys import os process_imports = True def walk_imports(s): r = [] for e in s: r.append(str(e)) return r def walk_counters(s, pathset): r = [] for e in s: r2 = {"name": e.name, "elements": e.block} r.append(r2) r3 = [] for p in pathset: r3.append(p.paths) return r, r3 def walk_enums(s): r = [] for e in s: d = [] d.append(e.name) for b in e.block: d.append(b) d.append({"enumtype": e.enumtype}) r.append(d) return r def walk_services(s): r = {} for e in s: d = {"reply": e.reply} if e.stream: d["stream"] = True if e.stream_message: d["stream_msg"] = e.stream_message if e.events: d["events"] = e.events r[e.caller] = d return r def walk_defs(s, is_message=False): r = [] for t in s: d = [] d.append(t.name) for b in t.block: if b.type == "Option": continue if b.type == "Field": if b.limit: d.append([b.fieldtype, b.fieldname, b.limit]) else: d.append([b.fieldtype, b.fieldname]) elif b.type == "Array": if b.lengthfield: d.append([b.fieldtype, b.fieldname, b.length, b.lengthfield]) else: d.append([b.fieldtype, b.fieldname, b.length]) elif b.type == "Union": pass else: raise ValueError("Error in processing array type %s" % b) if is_message and t.crc: c = {} c["crc"] = "{0:#0{1}x}".format(t.crc, 10) c["options"] = t.options if t.comment: c["comment"] = t.comment d.append(c) r.append(d) return r # # Plugin entry point # def contents_to_c_string(contents): # Escape backslashes and double quotes contents = contents.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') # Replace newlines with \n contents = contents.replace("\n", "\\n") return '"' + contents + '"' def run(output_dir, apifilename, s): if not output_dir: sys.stderr.write("Missing --outputdir argument") return None basename = os.path.basename(apifilename) filename_json_repr = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + "_json.h") filename, _ = os.path.splitext(basename) modulename = filename.replace(".", "_") j = {} j["types"] = walk_defs([o for o in s["types"] if o.__class__.__name__ == "Typedef"]) j["messages"] = walk_defs(s["Define"], True) j["unions"] = walk_defs([o for o in s["types"] if o.__class__.__name__ == "Union"]) j["enums"] = walk_enums([o for o in s["types"] if o.__class__.__name__ == "Enum"]) j["enumflags"] = walk_enums( [o for o in s["types"] if o.__class__.__name__ == "EnumFlag"] ) j["services"] = walk_services(s["Service"]) j["options"] = s["Option"] j["aliases"] = { o.name: o.alias for o in s["types"] if o.__class__.__name__ == "Using" } j["vl_api_version"] = hex(s["file_crc"]) j["imports"] = walk_imports(i for i in s["Import"]) j["counters"], j["paths"] = walk_counters(s["Counters"], s["Paths"]) r = json.dumps(j, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")) c_string = contents_to_c_string(r) with open(filename_json_repr, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as f: print(f"const char *json_api_repr_{modulename} = {c_string};", file=f) # return json.dumps(j, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")) return r