#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import logging import collections import struct import json import threading import fnmatch import weakref import atexit from cffi import FFI import cffi if sys.version[0] == '2': import Queue as queue else: import queue as queue ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef(""" typedef void (*vac_callback_t)(unsigned char * data, int len); typedef void (*vac_error_callback_t)(void *, unsigned char *, int); int vac_connect(char * name, char * chroot_prefix, vac_callback_t cb, int rx_qlen); int vac_disconnect(void); int vac_read(char **data, int *l, unsigned short timeout); int vac_write(char *data, int len); void vac_free(void * msg); int vac_get_msg_index(unsigned char * name); int vac_msg_table_size(void); int vac_msg_table_max_index(void); void vac_rx_suspend (void); void vac_rx_resume (void); void vac_set_error_handler(vac_error_callback_t); """) # Barfs on failure, no need to check success. vpp_api = ffi.dlopen('libvppapiclient.so') def vpp_atexit(vpp_weakref): """Clean up VPP connection on shutdown.""" vpp_instance = vpp_weakref() if vpp_instance.connected: vpp_instance.logger.debug('Cleaning up VPP on exit') vpp_instance.disconnect() vpp_object = None def vpp_iterator(d): if sys.version[0] == '2': return d.iteritems() else: return d.items() @ffi.callback("void(unsigned char *, int)") def vac_callback_sync(data, len): vpp_object.msg_handler_sync(ffi.buffer(data, len)) @ffi.callback("void(unsigned char *, int)") def vac_callback_async(data, len): vpp_object.msg_handler_async(ffi.buffer(data, len)) @ffi.callback("void(void *, unsigned char *, int)") def vac_error_handler(arg, msg, msg_len): vpp_object.logger.warning("VPP API client:: %s", ffi.string(msg, msg_len)) class Empty(object): pass class FuncWrapper(object): def __init__(self, func): self._func = func self.__name__ = func.__name__ def __call__(self, **kwargs): return self._func(**kwargs) class VPP(): """VPP interface. This class provides the APIs to VPP. The APIs are loaded from provided .api.json files and makes functions accordingly. These functions are documented in the VPP .api files, as they are dynamically created. Additionally, VPP can send callback messages; this class provides a means to register a callback function to receive these messages in a background thread. """ def __init__(self, apifiles=None, testmode=False, async_thread=True, logger=logging.getLogger('vpp_papi'), loglevel='debug', read_timeout=0): """Create a VPP API object. apifiles is a list of files containing API descriptions that will be loaded - methods will be dynamically created reflecting these APIs. If not provided this will load the API files from VPP's default install location. """ global vpp_object vpp_object = self self.logger = logger logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, loglevel.upper())) self.messages = {} self.id_names = [] self.id_msgdef = [] self.connected = False self.header = struct.Struct('>HI') self.apifiles = [] self.event_callback = None self.message_queue = queue.Queue() self.read_timeout = read_timeout self.vpp_api = vpp_api self.async_thread = async_thread if not apifiles: # Pick up API definitions from default directory try: apifiles = self.find_api_files() except RuntimeError: # In test mode we don't care that we can't find the API files if testmode: apifiles = [] else: raise for file in apifiles: with open(file) as apidef_file: api = json.load(apidef_file) for t in api['types']: self.add_type(t[0], t[1:]) for m in api['messages']: self.add_message(m[0], m[1:]) self.apifiles = apifiles # Basic sanity check if len(self.messages) == 0 and not testmode: raise ValueError(1, 'Missing JSON message definitions') # Make sure we allow VPP to clean up the message rings. atexit.register(vpp_atexit, weakref.ref(self)) # Register error handler vpp_api.vac_set_error_handler(vac_error_handler) # Support legacy CFFI # from_buffer supported from 1.8.0 (major, minor, patch) = [int(s) for s in cffi.__version__.split('.', 3)] if major >= 1 and minor >= 8: self._write = self._write_new_cffi else: self._write = self._write_legacy_cffi class ContextId(object): """Thread-safe provider of unique context IDs.""" def __init__(self): self.context = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock() def __call__(self): """Get a new unique (or, at least, not recently used) context.""" with self.lock: self.context += 1 return self.context get_context = ContextId() @classmethod def find_api_dir(cls): """Attempt to find the best directory in which API definition files may reside. If the value VPP_API_DIR exists in the environment then it is first on the search list. If we're inside a recognized location in a VPP source tree (src/scripts and src/vpp-api/python) then entries from there to the likely locations in build-root are added. Finally the location used by system packages is added. :returns: A single directory name, or None if no such directory could be found. """ dirs = [] if 'VPP_API_DIR' in os.environ: dirs.append(os.environ['VPP_API_DIR']) # perhaps we're in the 'src/scripts' or 'src/vpp-api/python' dir; # in which case, plot a course to likely places in the src tree import __main__ as main if hasattr(main, '__file__'): # get the path of the calling script localdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(main.__file__)) else: # use cwd if there is no calling script localdir = os.cwd() localdir_s = localdir.split(os.path.sep) def dmatch(dir): """Match dir against right-hand components of the script dir""" d = dir.split('/') # param 'dir' assumes a / separator l = len(d) return len(localdir_s) > l and localdir_s[-l:] == d def sdir(srcdir, variant): """Build a path from srcdir to the staged API files of 'variant' (typically '' or '_debug')""" # Since 'core' and 'plugin' files are staged # in separate directories, we target the parent dir. return os.path.sep.join(( srcdir, 'build-root', 'install-vpp%s-native' % variant, 'vpp', 'share', 'vpp', 'api', )) srcdir = None if dmatch('src/scripts'): srcdir = os.path.sep.join(localdir_s[:-2]) elif dmatch('src/vpp-api/python'): srcdir = os.path.sep.join(localdir_s[:-3]) elif dmatch('test'): # we're apparently running tests srcdir = os.path.sep.join(localdir_s[:-1]) if srcdir: # we're in the source tree, try both the debug and release # variants. x = 'vpp/share/vpp/api' dirs.append(sdir(srcdir, '_debug')) dirs.append(sdir(srcdir, '')) # Test for staged copies of the scripts # For these, since we explicitly know if we're running a debug versus # release variant, target only the relevant directory if dmatch('build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp/bin'): srcdir = os.path.sep.join(localdir_s[:-4]) dirs.append(sdir(srcdir, '_debug')) if dmatch('build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/bin'): srcdir = os.path.sep.join(localdir_s[:-4]) dirs.append(sdir(srcdir, '')) # finally, try the location system packages typically install into dirs.append(os.path.sep.join(('', 'usr', 'share', 'vpp', 'api'))) # check the directories for existance; first one wins for dir in dirs: if os.path.isdir(dir): return dir return None @classmethod def find_api_files(cls, api_dir=None, patterns='*'): """Find API definition files from the given directory tree with the given pattern. If no directory is given then find_api_dir() is used to locate one. If no pattern is given then all definition files found in the directory tree are used. :param api_dir: A directory tree in which to locate API definition files; subdirectories are descended into. If this is None then find_api_dir() is called to discover it. :param patterns: A list of patterns to use in each visited directory when looking for files. This can be a list/tuple object or a comma-separated string of patterns. Each value in the list will have leading/trialing whitespace stripped. The pattern specifies the first part of the filename, '.api.json' is appended. The results are de-duplicated, thus overlapping patterns are fine. If this is None it defaults to '*' meaning "all API files". :returns: A list of file paths for the API files found. """ if api_dir is None: api_dir = cls.find_api_dir() if api_dir is None: raise RuntimeError("api_dir cannot be located") if isinstance(patterns, list) or isinstance(patterns, tuple): patterns = [p.strip() + '.api.json' for p in patterns] else: patterns = [p.strip() + '.api.json' for p in patterns.split(",")] api_files = [] for root, dirnames, files in os.walk(api_dir): # iterate all given patterns and de-dup the result files = set(sum([fnmatch.filter(files, p) for p in patterns], [])) for filename in files: api_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return api_files def status(self): """Debug function: report current VPP API status to stdout.""" print('Connected') if self.connected else print('Not Connected') print('Read API definitions from', ', '.join(self.apifiles)) def __struct(self, t, n=None, e=-1, vl=None): """Create a packing structure for a message.""" base_types = {'u8': 'B', 'u16': 'H', 'u32': 'I', 'i32': 'i', 'u64': 'Q', 'f64': 'd', } pack = None if t in base_types: pack = base_types[t] if not vl: if e > 0 and t == 'u8': # Fixed byte array s = struct.Struct('>' + str(e) + 's') return s.size, s if e > 0: # Fixed array of base type s = struct.Struct('>' + base_types[t]) return s.size, [e, s] elif e == 0: # Old style variable array s = struct.Struct('>' + base_types[t]) return s.size, [-1, s] else: # Variable length array if t == 'u8': s = struct.Struct('>s') return s.size, [vl, s] else: s = struct.Struct('>' + base_types[t]) return s.size, [vl, s] s = struct.Struct('>' + base_types[t]) return s.size, s if t in self.messages: size = self.messages[t]['sizes'][0] # Return a list in case of array if e > 0 and not vl: return size, [e, lambda self, encode, buf, offset, args: ( self.__struct_type(encode, self.messages[t], buf, offset, args))] if vl: return size, [vl, lambda self, encode, buf, offset, args: ( self.__struct_type(encode, self.messages[t], buf, offset, args))] elif e == 0: # Old style VLA raise NotImplementedError(1, 'No support for compound types ' + t) return size, lambda self, encode, buf, offset, args: ( self.__struct_type(encode, self.messages[t], buf, offset, args) ) raise ValueError(1, 'Invalid message type: ' + t) def __struct_type(self, encode, msgdef, buf, offset, kwargs): """Get a message packer or unpacker.""" if encode: return self.__struct_type_encode(msgdef, buf, offset, kwargs) else: return self.__struct_type_decode(msgdef, buf, offset) def __struct_type_encode(self, msgdef, buf, offset, kwargs): off = offset size = 0 for k in kwargs: if k not in msgdef['args']: raise ValueError(1,'Non existing argument [' + k + ']' + \ ' used in call to: ' + \ self.id_names[kwargs['_vl_msg_id']] + '()' ) for k, v in vpp_iterator(msgdef['args']): off += size if k in kwargs: if type(v) is list: if callable(v[1]): e = kwargs[v[0]] if v[0] in kwargs else v[0] if e != len(kwargs[k]): raise (ValueError(1, 'Input list length mismatch: %s (%s != %s)' % (k, e, len(kwargs[k])))) size = 0 for i in range(e): size += v[1](self, True, buf, off + size, kwargs[k][i]) else: if v[0] in kwargs: l = kwargs[v[0]] if l != len(kwargs[k]): raise ValueError(1, 'Input list length mismatch: %s (%s != %s)' % (k, l, len(kwargs[k]))) else: l = len(kwargs[k]) if v[1].size == 1: buf[off:off + l] = bytearray(kwargs[k]) size = l else: size = 0 for i in kwargs[k]: v[1].pack_into(buf, off + size, i) size += v[1].size else: if callable(v): size = v(self, True, buf, off, kwargs[k]) else: if type(kwargs[k]) is str and v.size < len(kwargs[k]): raise ValueError(1, 'Input list length mismatch: %s (%s < %s)' % (k, v.size, len(kwargs[k]))) v.pack_into(buf, off, kwargs[k]) size = v.size else: size = v.size if not type(v) is list else 0 return off + size - offset def __getitem__(self, name): if name in self.messages: return self.messages[name] return None def get_size(self, sizes, kwargs): total_size = sizes[0] for e in sizes[1]: if e in kwargs and type(kwargs[e]) is list: total_size += len(kwargs[e]) * sizes[1][e] return total_size def encode(self, msgdef, kwargs): # Make suitably large buffer size = self.get_size(msgdef['sizes'], kwargs) buf = bytearray(size) offset = 0 size = self.__struct_type(True, msgdef, buf, offset, kwargs) return buf[:offset + size] def decode(self, msgdef, buf): return self.__struct_type(False, msgdef, buf, 0, None)[1] def __struct_type_decode(self, msgdef, buf, offset): res = [] off = offset size = 0 for k, v in vpp_iterator(msgdef['args']): off += size if type(v) is list: lst = [] if callable(v[1]): # compound type size = 0 if v[0] in msgdef['args']: # vla e = res[v[2]] else: # fixed array e = v[0] res.append(lst) for i in range(e): (s, l) = v[1](self, False, buf, off + size, None) lst.append(l) size += s continue if v[1].size == 1: if type(v[0]) is int: size = len(buf) - off else: size = res[v[2]] res.append(buf[off:off + size]) else: e = v[0] if type(v[0]) is int else res[v[2]] if e == -1: e = (len(buf) - off) / v[1].size lst = [] res.append(lst) size = 0 for i in range(e): lst.append(v[1].unpack_from(buf, off + size)[0]) size += v[1].size else: if callable(v): size = 0 (s, l) = v(self, False, buf, off, None) res.append(l) size += s else: res.append(v.unpack_from(buf, off)[0]) size = v.size return off + size - offset, msgdef['return_tuple']._make(res) def ret_tup(self, name): if name in self.messages and 'return_tuple' in self.messages[name]: return self.messages[name]['return_tuple'] return None def duplicate_check_ok(self, name, msgdef): crc = None for c in msgdef: if type(c) is dict and 'crc' in c: crc = c['crc'] break if crc: # We can get duplicates because of imports if crc == self.messages[name]['crc']: return True return False def add_message(self, name, msgdef, typeonly=False): if name in self.messages: if typeonly: if self.duplicate_check_ok(name, msgdef): return raise ValueError('Duplicate message name: ' + name) args = collections.OrderedDict() argtypes = collections.OrderedDict() fields = [] msg = {} total_size = 0 sizes = {} for i, f in enumerate(msgdef): if type(f) is dict and 'crc' in f: msg['crc'] = f['crc'] continue field_type = f[0] field_name = f[1] if len(f) == 3 and f[2] == 0 and i != len(msgdef) - 2: raise ValueError('Variable Length Array must be last: ' + name) size, s = self.__struct(*f) args[field_name] = s if type(s) == list and type(s[0]) == int and type(s[1]) == struct.Struct: if s[0] < 0: sizes[field_name] = size else: sizes[field_name] = size total_size += s[0] * size else: sizes[field_name] = size total_size += size argtypes[field_name] = field_type if len(f) == 4: # Find offset to # elements field idx = list(args.keys()).index(f[3]) - i args[field_name].append(idx) fields.append(field_name) msg['return_tuple'] = collections.namedtuple(name, fields, rename=True) self.messages[name] = msg self.messages[name]['args'] = args self.messages[name]['argtypes'] = argtypes self.messages[name]['typeonly'] = typeonly self.messages[name]['sizes'] = [total_size, sizes] return self.messages[name] def add_type(self, name, typedef): return self.add_message('vl_api_' + name + '_t', typedef, typeonly=True) def make_function(self, name, i, msgdef, multipart, async): if (async): f = lambda **kwargs: (self._call_vpp_async(i, msgdef, **kwargs)) else: f = lambda **kwargs: (self._call_vpp(i, msgdef, multipart, **kwargs)) args = self.messages[name]['args'] argtypes = self.messages[name]['argtypes'] f.__name__ = str(name) f.__doc__ = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (argtypes[k], k) for k in args.keys()]) return f @property def api(self): if not hasattr(self, "_api"): raise Exception("Not connected, api definitions not available") return self._api def _register_functions(self, async=False): self.id_names = [None] * (self.vpp_dictionary_maxid + 1) self.id_msgdef = [None] * (self.vpp_dictionary_maxid + 1) self._api = Empty() for name, msgdef in vpp_iterator(self.messages): if self.messages[name]['typeonly']: continue crc = self.messages[name]['crc'] n = name + '_' + crc[2:] i = vpp_api.vac_get_msg_index(n.encode()) if i > 0: self.id_msgdef[i] = msgdef self.id_names[i] = name multipart = True if name.find('_dump') > 0 else False f = self.make_function(name, i, msgdef, multipart, async) setattr(self._api, name, FuncWrapper(f)) # old API stuff starts here - will be removed in 17.07 if hasattr(self, name): raise NameError( 3, "Conflicting name in JSON definition: `%s'" % name) setattr(self, name, f) # old API stuff ends here else: self.logger.debug( 'No such message type or failed CRC checksum: %s', n) def _write_new_cffi(self, buf): """Send a binary-packed message to VPP.""" if not self.connected: raise IOError(1, 'Not connected') return vpp_api.vac_write(ffi.from_buffer(buf), len(buf)) def _write_legacy_cffi(self, buf): """Send a binary-packed message to VPP.""" if not self.connected: raise IOError(1, 'Not connected') return vpp_api.vac_write(str(buf), len(buf)) def _read(self): if not self.connected: raise IOError(1, 'Not connected') mem = ffi.new("char **") size = ffi.new("int *") rv = vpp_api.vac_read(mem, size, self.read_timeout) if rv: raise IOError(rv, 'vac_read failed') msg = bytes(ffi.buffer(mem[0], size[0])) vpp_api.vac_free(mem[0]) return msg def connect_internal(self, name, msg_handler, chroot_prefix, rx_qlen, async): pfx = chroot_prefix.encode() if chroot_prefix else ffi.NULL rv = vpp_api.vac_connect(name.encode(), pfx, msg_handler, rx_qlen) if rv != 0: raise IOError(2, 'Connect failed') self.connected = True self.vpp_dictionary_maxid = vpp_api.vac_msg_table_max_index() self._register_functions(async=async) # Initialise control ping crc = self.messages['control_ping']['crc'] self.control_ping_index = vpp_api.vac_get_msg_index( ('control_ping' + '_' + crc[2:]).encode()) self.control_ping_msgdef = self.messages['control_ping'] if self.async_thread: self.event_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.thread_msg_handler) self.event_thread.daemon = True self.event_thread.start() return rv def connect(self, name, chroot_prefix=None, async=False, rx_qlen=32): """Attach to VPP. name - the name of the client. chroot_prefix - if VPP is chroot'ed, the prefix of the jail async - if true, messages are sent without waiting for a reply rx_qlen - the length of the VPP message receive queue between client and server. """ msg_handler = vac_callback_sync if not async else vac_callback_async return self.connect_internal(name, msg_handler, chroot_prefix, rx_qlen, async) def connect_sync(self, name, chroot_prefix=None, rx_qlen=32): """Attach to VPP in synchronous mode. Application must poll for events. name - the name of the client. chroot_prefix - if VPP is chroot'ed, the prefix of the jail rx_qlen - the length of the VPP message receive queue between client and server. """ return self.connect_internal(name, ffi.NULL, chroot_prefix, rx_qlen, async=False) def disconnect(self): """Detach from VPP.""" rv = vpp_api.vac_disconnect() self.connected = False self.message_queue.put("terminate event thread") return rv def msg_handler_sync(self, msg): """Process an incoming message from VPP in sync mode. The message may be a reply or it may be an async notification. """ r = self.decode_incoming_msg(msg) if r is None: return # If we have a context, then use the context to find any # request waiting for a reply context = 0 if hasattr(r, 'context') and r.context > 0: context = r.context if context == 0: # No context -> async notification that we feed to the callback self.message_queue.put_nowait(r) else: raise IOError(2, 'RPC reply message received in event handler') def decode_incoming_msg(self, msg): if not msg: self.logger.warning('vpp_api.read failed') return i, ci = self.header.unpack_from(msg, 0) if self.id_names[i] == 'rx_thread_exit': return # # Decode message and returns a tuple. # msgdef = self.id_msgdef[i] if not msgdef: raise IOError(2, 'Reply message undefined') r = self.decode(msgdef, msg) return r def msg_handler_async(self, msg): """Process a message from VPP in async mode. In async mode, all messages are returned to the callback. """ r = self.decode_incoming_msg(msg) if r is None: return msgname = type(r).__name__ if self.event_callback: self.event_callback(msgname, r) def _control_ping(self, context): """Send a ping command.""" self._call_vpp_async(self.control_ping_index, self.control_ping_msgdef, context=context) def _call_vpp(self, i, msgdef, multipart, **kwargs): """Given a message, send the message and await a reply. msgdef - the message packing definition i - the message type index multipart - True if the message returns multiple messages in return. context - context number - chosen at random if not supplied. The remainder of the kwargs are the arguments to the API call. The return value is the message or message array containing the response. It will raise an IOError exception if there was no response within the timeout window. """ if 'context' not in kwargs: context = self.get_context() kwargs['context'] = context else: context = kwargs['context'] kwargs['_vl_msg_id'] = i b = self.encode(msgdef, kwargs) vpp_api.vac_rx_suspend() self._write(b) if multipart: # Send a ping after the request - we use its response # to detect that we have seen all results. self._control_ping(context) # Block until we get a reply. rl = [] while (True): msg = self._read() if not msg: raise IOError(2, 'VPP API client: read failed') r = self.decode_incoming_msg(msg) msgname = type(r).__name__ if context not in r or r.context == 0 or context != r.context: self.message_queue.put_nowait(r) continue if not multipart: rl = r break if msgname == 'control_ping_reply': break rl.append(r) vpp_api.vac_rx_resume() return rl def _call_vpp_async(self, i, msgdef, **kwargs): """Given a message, send the message and await a reply. msgdef - the message packing definition i - the message type index context - context number - chosen at random if not supplied. The remainder of the kwargs are the arguments to the API call. """ if 'context' not in kwargs: context = self.get_context() kwargs['context'] = context else: context = kwargs['context'] kwargs['_vl_msg_id'] = i b = self.encode(msgdef, kwargs) self._write(b) def register_event_callback(self, callback): """Register a callback for async messages. This will be called for async notifications in sync mode, and all messages in async mode. In sync mode, replies to requests will not come here. callback is a fn(msg_type_name, msg_type) that will be called when a message comes in. While this function is executing, note that (a) you are in a background thread and may wish to use threading.Lock to protect your datastructures, and (b) message processing from VPP will stop (so if you take a long while about it you may provoke reply timeouts or cause VPP to fill the RX buffer). Passing None will disable the callback. """ self.event_callback = callback def thread_msg_handler(self): """Python thread calling the user registerd message handler. This is to emulate the old style event callback scheme. Modern clients should provide their own thread to poll the event queue. """ while True: r = self.message_queue.get() if r == "terminate event thread": break msgname = type(r).__name__ if self.event_callback: self.event_callback(msgname, r) # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4