#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Wg tests """ import datetime import base64 import os from hashlib import blake2s from scapy.packet import Packet from scapy.packet import Raw from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, ARP from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6 from scapy.layers.vxlan import VXLAN from scapy.contrib.wireguard import ( Wireguard, WireguardResponse, WireguardInitiation, WireguardTransport, WireguardCookieReply, ) from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import ( X25519PrivateKey, X25519PublicKey, ) from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import ( Encoding, PrivateFormat, PublicFormat, NoEncryption, ) from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import BLAKE2s, Hash from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hmac import HMAC from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from noise.connection import NoiseConnection, Keypair from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20_Poly1305 from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes from vpp_ipip_tun_interface import VppIpIpTunInterface from vpp_interface import VppInterface from vpp_pg_interface import is_ipv6_misc from vpp_ip_route import VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath from vpp_l2 import VppBridgeDomain, VppBridgeDomainPort from vpp_vxlan_tunnel import VppVxlanTunnel from vpp_object import VppObject from vpp_papi import VppEnum from framework import is_distro_ubuntu2204, is_distro_debian11, tag_fixme_vpp_debug from framework import VppTestCase from re import compile import unittest """ TestWg is a subclass of VPPTestCase classes. Wg test. """ def private_key_bytes(k): return k.private_bytes(Encoding.Raw, PrivateFormat.Raw, NoEncryption()) def public_key_bytes(k): return k.public_bytes(Encoding.Raw, PublicFormat.Raw) def get_field_bytes(pkt, name): fld, val = pkt.getfield_and_val(name) return fld.i2m(pkt, val) class VppWgInterface(VppInterface): """ VPP WireGuard interface """ def __init__(self, test, src, port): super(VppWgInterface, self).__init__(test) self.port = port self.src = src self.private_key = X25519PrivateKey.generate() self.public_key = self.private_key.public_key() # cookie related params self.cookie_key = blake2s(b"cookie--" + self.public_key_bytes()).digest() def public_key_bytes(self): return public_key_bytes(self.public_key) def private_key_bytes(self): return private_key_bytes(self.private_key) def add_vpp_config(self): r = self.test.vapi.wireguard_interface_create( interface={ "user_instance": 0xFFFFFFFF, "port": self.port, "src_ip": self.src, "private_key": private_key_bytes(self.private_key), "generate_key": False, } ) self.set_sw_if_index(r.sw_if_index) self.test.registry.register(self, self.test.logger) return self def remove_vpp_config(self): self.test.vapi.wireguard_interface_delete(sw_if_index=self._sw_if_index) def query_vpp_config(self): ts = self.test.vapi.wireguard_interface_dump(sw_if_index=0xFFFFFFFF) for t in ts: if ( t.interface.sw_if_index == self._sw_if_index and str(t.interface.src_ip) == self.src and t.interface.port == self.port and t.interface.private_key == private_key_bytes(self.private_key) ): return True return False def want_events(self, peer_index=0xFFFFFFFF): self.test.vapi.want_wireguard_peer_events( enable_disable=1, pid=os.getpid(), sw_if_index=self._sw_if_index, peer_index=peer_index, ) def wait_events(self, expect, peers, timeout=5): for i in range(len(peers)): rv = self.test.vapi.wait_for_event(timeout, "wireguard_peer_event") self.test.assertEqual(rv.peer_index, peers[i]) self.test.assertEqual(rv.flags, expect) def __str__(self): return self.object_id() def object_id(self): return "wireguard-%d" % self._sw_if_index NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME = b"Noise_IKpsk2_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s" NOISE_IDENTIFIER_NAME = b"WireGuard v1 zx2c4 Jason@zx2c4.com" HANDSHAKE_COUNTING_INTERVAL = 0.5 UNDER_LOAD_INTERVAL = 1.0 HANDSHAKE_NUM_PER_PEER_UNTIL_UNDER_LOAD = 40 HANDSHAKE_NUM_BEFORE_RATELIMITING = 5 HANDSHAKE_JITTER = 0.5 class VppWgPeer(VppObject): def __init__(self, test, itf, endpoint, port, allowed_ips, persistent_keepalive=15): self._test = test self.itf = itf self.endpoint = endpoint self.port = port self.allowed_ips = allowed_ips self.persistent_keepalive = persistent_keepalive # remote peer's public self.private_key = X25519PrivateKey.generate() self.public_key = self.private_key.public_key() # cookie related params self.cookie_key = blake2s(b"cookie--" + self.public_key_bytes()).digest() self.last_sent_cookie = None self.last_mac1 = None self.last_received_cookie = None self.noise = NoiseConnection.from_name(NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME) def change_endpoint(self, endpoint, port): self.endpoint = endpoint self.port = port def add_vpp_config(self): rv = self._test.vapi.wireguard_peer_add( peer={ "public_key": self.public_key_bytes(), "port": self.port, "endpoint": self.endpoint, "n_allowed_ips": len(self.allowed_ips), "allowed_ips": self.allowed_ips, "sw_if_index": self.itf.sw_if_index, "persistent_keepalive": self.persistent_keepalive, } ) self.index = rv.peer_index self.receiver_index = self.index + 1 self._test.registry.register(self, self._test.logger) return self def remove_vpp_config(self): self._test.vapi.wireguard_peer_remove(peer_index=self.index) def object_id(self): return "wireguard-peer-%s" % self.index def public_key_bytes(self): return public_key_bytes(self.public_key) def query_vpp_config(self): peers = self._test.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump() for p in peers: # "::" endpoint will be returned as "" in peer's details endpoint = "" if self.endpoint == "::" else self.endpoint if ( p.peer.public_key == self.public_key_bytes() and p.peer.port == self.port and str(p.peer.endpoint) == endpoint and p.peer.sw_if_index == self.itf.sw_if_index and len(self.allowed_ips) == p.peer.n_allowed_ips ): self.allowed_ips.sort() p.peer.allowed_ips.sort() for (a1, a2) in zip(self.allowed_ips, p.peer.allowed_ips): if str(a1) != str(a2): return False return True return False def mk_tunnel_header(self, tx_itf, is_ip6=False): if is_ip6 is False: return ( Ether(dst=tx_itf.local_mac, src=tx_itf.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.endpoint, dst=self.itf.src) / UDP(sport=self.port, dport=self.itf.port) ) else: return ( Ether(dst=tx_itf.local_mac, src=tx_itf.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.endpoint, dst=self.itf.src) / UDP(sport=self.port, dport=self.itf.port) ) def noise_reset(self): self.noise = NoiseConnection.from_name(NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME) def noise_init(self, public_key=None): self.noise.set_prologue(NOISE_IDENTIFIER_NAME) self.noise.set_psks(psk=bytes(bytearray(32))) if not public_key: public_key = self.itf.public_key # local/this private self.noise.set_keypair_from_private_bytes( Keypair.STATIC, private_key_bytes(self.private_key) ) # remote's public self.noise.set_keypair_from_public_bytes( Keypair.REMOTE_STATIC, public_key_bytes(public_key) ) self.noise.start_handshake() def mk_cookie(self, p, tx_itf, is_resp=False, is_ip6=False): self.verify_header(p, is_ip6) wg_pkt = Wireguard(p[Raw]) if is_resp: self._test.assertEqual(wg_pkt[Wireguard].message_type, 2) self._test.assertEqual(wg_pkt[Wireguard].reserved_zero, 0) self._test.assertEqual(wg_pkt[WireguardResponse].mac2, bytes([0] * 16)) else: self._test.assertEqual(wg_pkt[Wireguard].message_type, 1) self._test.assertEqual(wg_pkt[Wireguard].reserved_zero, 0) self._test.assertEqual(wg_pkt[WireguardInitiation].mac2, bytes([0] * 16)) # collect info from wg packet (initiation or response) src = get_field_bytes(p[IPv6 if is_ip6 else IP], "src") sport = p[UDP].sport.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") if is_resp: mac1 = wg_pkt[WireguardResponse].mac1 sender_index = wg_pkt[WireguardResponse].sender_index else: mac1 = wg_pkt[WireguardInitiation].mac1 sender_index = wg_pkt[WireguardInitiation].sender_index # make cookie reply cookie_reply = Wireguard() / WireguardCookieReply() cookie_reply[Wireguard].message_type = 3 cookie_reply[Wireguard].reserved_zero = 0 cookie_reply[WireguardCookieReply].receiver_index = sender_index nonce = get_random_bytes(24) cookie_reply[WireguardCookieReply].nonce = nonce # generate cookie data changing_secret = get_random_bytes(32) self.last_sent_cookie = blake2s( src + sport, digest_size=16, key=changing_secret ).digest() # encrypt cookie data cipher = ChaCha20_Poly1305.new(key=self.cookie_key, nonce=nonce) cipher.update(mac1) ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(self.last_sent_cookie) cookie_reply[WireguardCookieReply].encrypted_cookie = ciphertext + tag # prepare cookie reply to be sent cookie_reply = self.mk_tunnel_header(tx_itf, is_ip6) / cookie_reply return cookie_reply def consume_cookie(self, p, is_ip6=False): self.verify_header(p, is_ip6) cookie_reply = Wireguard(p[Raw]) self._test.assertEqual(cookie_reply[Wireguard].message_type, 3) self._test.assertEqual(cookie_reply[Wireguard].reserved_zero, 0) self._test.assertEqual( cookie_reply[WireguardCookieReply].receiver_index, self.receiver_index ) # collect info from cookie reply nonce = cookie_reply[WireguardCookieReply].nonce encrypted_cookie = cookie_reply[WireguardCookieReply].encrypted_cookie ciphertext, tag = encrypted_cookie[:16], encrypted_cookie[16:] # decrypt cookie data cipher = ChaCha20_Poly1305.new(key=self.itf.cookie_key, nonce=nonce) cipher.update(self.last_mac1) self.last_received_cookie = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag) def mk_handshake(self, tx_itf, is_ip6=False, public_key=None): self.noise.set_as_initiator() self.noise_init(public_key) p = Wireguard() / WireguardInitiation() p[Wireguard].message_type = 1 p[Wireguard].reserved_zero = 0 p[WireguardInitiation].sender_index = self.receiver_index # some random data for the message # lifted from the noise protocol's wireguard example now = datetime.datetime.now() tai = struct.pack( "!qi", 4611686018427387914 + int(now.timestamp()), int(now.microsecond * 1e3), ) b = self.noise.write_message(payload=tai) # load noise into init message p[WireguardInitiation].unencrypted_ephemeral = b[0:32] p[WireguardInitiation].encrypted_static = b[32:80] p[WireguardInitiation].encrypted_timestamp = b[80:108] # generate the mac1 hash mac_key = blake2s(b"mac1----" + self.itf.public_key_bytes()).digest() mac1 = blake2s(bytes(p)[0:116], digest_size=16, key=mac_key).digest() p[WireguardInitiation].mac1 = mac1 self.last_mac1 = mac1 # generate the mac2 hash if self.last_received_cookie: mac2 = blake2s( bytes(p)[0:132], digest_size=16, key=self.last_received_cookie ).digest() p[WireguardInitiation].mac2 = mac2 self.last_received_cookie = None else: p[WireguardInitiation].mac2 = bytearray(16) p = self.mk_tunnel_header(tx_itf, is_ip6) / p return p def verify_header(self, p, is_ip6=False): if is_ip6 is False: self._test.assertEqual(p[IP].src, self.itf.src) self._test.assertEqual(p[IP].dst, self.endpoint) self._test.assert_packet_checksums_valid(p) else: self._test.assertEqual(p[IPv6].src, self.itf.src) self._test.assertEqual(p[IPv6].dst, self.endpoint) self._test.assert_packet_checksums_valid(p, False) self._test.assertEqual(p[UDP].sport, self.itf.port) self._test.assertEqual(p[UDP].dport, self.port) def consume_init(self, p, tx_itf, is_ip6=False, is_mac2=False): self.noise.set_as_responder() self.noise_init(self.itf.public_key) self.verify_header(p, is_ip6) init = Wireguard(p[Raw]) self._test.assertEqual(init[Wireguard].message_type, 1) self._test.assertEqual(init[Wireguard].reserved_zero, 0) self.sender = init[WireguardInitiation].sender_index # validate the mac1 hash mac_key = blake2s(b"mac1----" + public_key_bytes(self.public_key)).digest() mac1 = blake2s(bytes(init)[0:-32], digest_size=16, key=mac_key).digest() self._test.assertEqual(init[WireguardInitiation].mac1, mac1) # validate the mac2 hash if is_mac2: self._test.assertNotEqual(init[WireguardInitiation].mac2, bytes([0] * 16)) self._test.assertNotEqual(self.last_sent_cookie, None) mac2 = blake2s( bytes(init)[0:-16], digest_size=16, key=self.last_sent_cookie ).digest() self._test.assertEqual(init[WireguardInitiation].mac2, mac2) self.last_sent_cookie = None else: self._test.assertEqual(init[WireguardInitiation].mac2, bytes([0] * 16)) # this passes only unencrypted_ephemeral, encrypted_static, # encrypted_timestamp fields of the init payload = self.noise.read_message(bytes(init)[8:-32]) # build the response b = self.noise.write_message() mac_key = blake2s(b"mac1----" + public_key_bytes(self.itf.public_key)).digest() resp = Wireguard(message_type=2, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardResponse( sender_index=self.receiver_index, receiver_index=self.sender, unencrypted_ephemeral=b[0:32], encrypted_nothing=b[32:], ) mac1 = blake2s(bytes(resp)[:-32], digest_size=16, key=mac_key).digest() resp[WireguardResponse].mac1 = mac1 self.last_mac1 = mac1 resp = self.mk_tunnel_header(tx_itf, is_ip6) / resp self._test.assertTrue(self.noise.handshake_finished) return resp def consume_response(self, p, is_ip6=False): self.verify_header(p, is_ip6) resp = Wireguard(p[Raw]) self._test.assertEqual(resp[Wireguard].message_type, 2) self._test.assertEqual(resp[Wireguard].reserved_zero, 0) self._test.assertEqual( resp[WireguardResponse].receiver_index, self.receiver_index ) self.sender = resp[Wireguard].sender_index payload = self.noise.read_message(bytes(resp)[12:60]) self._test.assertEqual(payload, b"") self._test.assertTrue(self.noise.handshake_finished) def decrypt_transport(self, p, is_ip6=False): self.verify_header(p, is_ip6) p = Wireguard(p[Raw]) self._test.assertEqual(p[Wireguard].message_type, 4) self._test.assertEqual(p[Wireguard].reserved_zero, 0) self._test.assertEqual( p[WireguardTransport].receiver_index, self.receiver_index ) d = self.noise.decrypt(p[WireguardTransport].encrypted_encapsulated_packet) return d def encrypt_transport(self, p): return self.noise.encrypt(bytes(p)) def validate_encapped(self, rxs, tx, is_tunnel_ip6=False, is_transport_ip6=False): ret_rxs = [] for rx in rxs: rx = self.decrypt_transport(rx, is_tunnel_ip6) if is_transport_ip6 is False: rx = IP(rx) # check the original packet is present self._test.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, tx[IP].dst) self._test.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, tx[IP].ttl - 1) else: rx = IPv6(rx) # check the original packet is present self._test.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].dst, tx[IPv6].dst) self._test.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].hlim, tx[IPv6].hlim - 1) ret_rxs.append(rx) return ret_rxs def want_events(self): self._test.vapi.want_wireguard_peer_events( enable_disable=1, pid=os.getpid(), peer_index=self.index, sw_if_index=self.itf.sw_if_index, ) def wait_event(self, expect, timeout=5): rv = self._test.vapi.wait_for_event(timeout, "wireguard_peer_event") self._test.assertEqual(rv.flags, expect) self._test.assertEqual(rv.peer_index, self.index) def is_handshake_init(p): wg_p = Wireguard(p[Raw]) return wg_p[Wireguard].message_type == 1 class TestWg(VppTestCase): """Wireguard Test Case""" error_str = compile(r"Error") wg4_output_node_name = "/err/wg4-output-tun/" wg4_input_node_name = "/err/wg4-input/" wg6_output_node_name = "/err/wg6-output-tun/" wg6_input_node_name = "/err/wg6-input/" kp4_error = wg4_output_node_name + "Keypair error" mac4_error = wg4_input_node_name + "Invalid MAC handshake" peer4_in_err = wg4_input_node_name + "Peer error" peer4_out_err = wg4_output_node_name + "Peer error" kp6_error = wg6_output_node_name + "Keypair error" mac6_error = wg6_input_node_name + "Invalid MAC handshake" peer6_in_err = wg6_input_node_name + "Peer error" peer6_out_err = wg6_output_node_name + "Peer error" cookie_dec4_err = wg4_input_node_name + "Failed during Cookie decryption" cookie_dec6_err = wg6_input_node_name + "Failed during Cookie decryption" ratelimited4_err = wg4_input_node_name + "Handshake ratelimited" ratelimited6_err = wg6_input_node_name + "Handshake ratelimited" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestWg, cls).setUpClass() if (is_distro_ubuntu2204 == True or is_distro_debian11 == True) and not hasattr( cls, "vpp" ): return try: cls.create_pg_interfaces(range(3)) for i in cls.pg_interfaces: i.admin_up() i.config_ip4() i.config_ip6() i.resolve_arp() i.resolve_ndp() except Exception: super(TestWg, cls).tearDownClass() raise @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestWg, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(VppTestCase, self).setUp() self.base_kp4_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp4_error) self.base_mac4_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.mac4_error) self.base_peer4_in_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer4_in_err) self.base_peer4_out_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer4_out_err) self.base_kp6_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp6_error) self.base_mac6_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.mac6_error) self.base_peer6_in_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer6_in_err) self.base_peer6_out_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer6_out_err) self.base_cookie_dec4_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter( self.cookie_dec4_err ) self.base_cookie_dec6_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter( self.cookie_dec6_err ) self.base_ratelimited4_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter( self.ratelimited4_err ) self.base_ratelimited6_err = self.statistics.get_err_counter( self.ratelimited6_err ) def send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init( self, intf, pkts, remark="", timeout=None ): self.pg_send(intf, pkts) def _filter_out_fn(p): return is_ipv6_misc(p) or is_handshake_init(p) try: if not timeout: timeout = 1 for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.assert_nothing_captured( timeout=timeout, remark=remark, filter_out_fn=_filter_out_fn ) timeout = 0.1 finally: pass def test_wg_interface(self): """Simple interface creation""" port = 12312 # Create interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh int")) # delete interface wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_handshake_hash(self): """test hashing an init message""" # a init packet generated by linux given the key below h = ( "0100000098b9032b" "55cc4b39e73c3d24" "a2a1ab884b524a81" "1808bb86640fb70d" "e93154fec1879125" "ab012624a27f0b75" "c0a2582f438ddb5f" "8e768af40b4ab444" "02f9ff473e1b797e" "80d39d93c5480c82" "a3d4510f70396976" "586fb67300a5167b" "ae6ca3ff3dfd00eb" "59be198810f5aa03" "6abc243d2155ee4f" "2336483900aef801" "08752cd700000000" "0000000000000000" "00000000" ) b = bytearray.fromhex(h) tgt = Wireguard(b) pubb = base64.b64decode("aRuHFTTxICIQNefp05oKWlJv3zgKxb8+WW7JJMh0jyM=") pub = X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(pubb) self.assertEqual(pubb, public_key_bytes(pub)) # strip the macs and build a new packet init = b[0:-32] mac_key = blake2s(b"mac1----" + public_key_bytes(pub)).digest() init += blake2s(init, digest_size=16, key=mac_key).digest() init += b"\x00" * 16 act = Wireguard(init) self.assertEqual(tgt, act) def _test_wg_send_cookie_tmpl(self, is_resp, is_ip6): port = 12323 # create wg interface if is_ip6: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() else: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer if is_ip6: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, ["1::3:0/112"] ).add_vpp_config() else: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) if is_resp: # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) # prepare and send a handshake initiation # expect the peer to send a handshake response init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [init], self.pg1) else: # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # prepare and send a wrong cookie reply # expect no replies and the cookie error incremented cookie = peer_1.mk_cookie(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_resp=is_resp, is_ip6=is_ip6) cookie.nonce = b"1234567890" self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, [cookie], timeout=0.1) if is_ip6: self.assertEqual( self.base_cookie_dec6_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.cookie_dec6_err), ) else: self.assertEqual( self.base_cookie_dec4_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.cookie_dec4_err), ) # prepare and send a correct cookie reply cookie = peer_1.mk_cookie(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_resp=is_resp, is_ip6=is_ip6) self.pg_send(self.pg1, [cookie]) # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation with mac2 set rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=6) # verify the initiation and its mac2 peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6, is_mac2=True) # remove configs peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_send_cookie_on_init_v4(self): """Send cookie on handshake initiation (v4)""" self._test_wg_send_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=False, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_send_cookie_on_init_v6(self): """Send cookie on handshake initiation (v6)""" self._test_wg_send_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=False, is_ip6=True) def test_wg_send_cookie_on_resp_v4(self): """Send cookie on handshake response (v4)""" self._test_wg_send_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=True, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_send_cookie_on_resp_v6(self): """Send cookie on handshake response (v6)""" self._test_wg_send_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=True, is_ip6=True) def _test_wg_receive_cookie_tmpl(self, is_resp, is_ip6): port = 12323 # create wg interface if is_ip6: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() else: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer if is_ip6: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, ["1::3:0/112"] ).add_vpp_config() else: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) if is_resp: # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # prepare and send a bunch of handshake responses # expect to switch to under load state resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) txs = [resp] * HANDSHAKE_NUM_PER_PEER_UNTIL_UNDER_LOAD rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) # reset noise to be able to turn into initiator later peer_1.noise_reset() else: # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) # prepare and send a bunch of handshake initiations # expect to switch to under load state init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) txs = [init] * HANDSHAKE_NUM_PER_PEER_UNTIL_UNDER_LOAD rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) # expect the peer to send a cookie reply peer_1.consume_cookie(rxs[-1], is_ip6=is_ip6) # prepare and send a handshake initiation with wrong mac2 # expect a cookie reply init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) init.mac2 = b"1234567890" rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [init], self.pg1) peer_1.consume_cookie(rxs[0], is_ip6=is_ip6) # prepare and send a handshake initiation with correct mac2 # expect a handshake response init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [init], self.pg1) # verify the response peer_1.consume_response(rxs[0], is_ip6=is_ip6) # clear up under load state self.sleep(UNDER_LOAD_INTERVAL) # remove configs peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_receive_cookie_on_init_v4(self): """Receive cookie on handshake initiation (v4)""" self._test_wg_receive_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=False, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_receive_cookie_on_init_v6(self): """Receive cookie on handshake initiation (v6)""" self._test_wg_receive_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=False, is_ip6=True) def test_wg_receive_cookie_on_resp_v4(self): """Receive cookie on handshake response (v4)""" self._test_wg_receive_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=True, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_receive_cookie_on_resp_v6(self): """Receive cookie on handshake response (v6)""" self._test_wg_receive_cookie_tmpl(is_resp=True, is_ip6=True) def test_wg_under_load_interval(self): """Under load interval""" port = 12323 # create wg interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) # prepare and send a bunch of handshake initiations # expect to switch to under load state init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) txs = [init] * HANDSHAKE_NUM_PER_PEER_UNTIL_UNDER_LOAD rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) # expect the peer to send a cookie reply peer_1.consume_cookie(rxs[-1]) # sleep till the next counting interval # expect under load state is still active self.sleep(HANDSHAKE_COUNTING_INTERVAL) # prepare and send a handshake initiation with wrong mac2 # expect a cookie reply init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) init.mac2 = b"1234567890" rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [init], self.pg1) peer_1.consume_cookie(rxs[0]) # sleep till the end of being under load # expect under load state is over self.sleep(UNDER_LOAD_INTERVAL - HANDSHAKE_COUNTING_INTERVAL) # prepare and send a handshake initiation with wrong mac2 # expect a handshake response init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) init.mac2 = b"1234567890" rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [init], self.pg1) # verify the response peer_1.consume_response(rxs[0]) # remove configs peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def _test_wg_handshake_ratelimiting_tmpl(self, is_ip6): port = 12323 # create wg interface if is_ip6: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() else: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer if is_ip6: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, ["1::3:0/112"] ).add_vpp_config() else: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) # prepare and send a bunch of handshake initiations # expect to switch to under load state init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) txs = [init] * HANDSHAKE_NUM_PER_PEER_UNTIL_UNDER_LOAD rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) # expect the peer to send a cookie reply peer_1.consume_cookie(rxs[-1], is_ip6=is_ip6) # prepare and send a bunch of handshake initiations with correct mac2 # expect a handshake response and then ratelimiting NUM_TO_REJECT = 10 init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) txs = [init] * (HANDSHAKE_NUM_BEFORE_RATELIMITING + NUM_TO_REJECT) rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) if is_ip6: self.assertEqual( self.base_ratelimited6_err + NUM_TO_REJECT, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.ratelimited6_err), ) else: self.assertEqual( self.base_ratelimited4_err + NUM_TO_REJECT, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.ratelimited4_err), ) # verify the response peer_1.consume_response(rxs[0], is_ip6=is_ip6) # clear up under load state self.sleep(UNDER_LOAD_INTERVAL) # remove configs peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_handshake_ratelimiting_v4(self): """Handshake ratelimiting (v4)""" self._test_wg_handshake_ratelimiting_tmpl(is_ip6=False) def test_wg_handshake_ratelimiting_v6(self): """Handshake ratelimiting (v6)""" self._test_wg_handshake_ratelimiting_tmpl(is_ip6=True) def test_wg_handshake_ratelimiting_multi_peer(self): """Handshake ratelimiting (multiple peer)""" port = 12323 # create wg interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create two peers NUM_PEERS = 2 self.pg1.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_PEERS) self.pg1.configure_ipv4_neighbors() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_hosts[0].ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() peer_2 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_hosts[1].ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 2) # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(NUM_PEERS, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) # (peer_1) prepare and send a bunch of handshake initiations # expect not to switch to under load state init_1 = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) txs = [init_1] * HANDSHAKE_NUM_PER_PEER_UNTIL_UNDER_LOAD rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) # (peer_1) expect the peer to send a handshake response peer_1.consume_response(rxs[0]) peer_1.noise_reset() # (peer_1) send another bunch of handshake initiations # expect to switch to under load state rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) # (peer_1) expect the peer to send a cookie reply peer_1.consume_cookie(rxs[-1]) # (peer_2) prepare and send a handshake initiation # expect a cookie reply init_2 = peer_2.mk_handshake(self.pg1) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [init_2], self.pg1) peer_2.consume_cookie(rxs[0]) # (peer_1) (peer_2) prepare and send a bunch of handshake initiations with correct mac2 # expect a handshake response and then ratelimiting PEER_1_NUM_TO_REJECT = 2 PEER_2_NUM_TO_REJECT = 5 init_1 = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) txs = [init_1] * (HANDSHAKE_NUM_BEFORE_RATELIMITING + PEER_1_NUM_TO_REJECT) init_2 = peer_2.mk_handshake(self.pg1) txs += [init_2] * (HANDSHAKE_NUM_BEFORE_RATELIMITING + PEER_2_NUM_TO_REJECT) rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg1, txs, self.pg1) self.assertTrue( self.base_ratelimited4_err + PEER_1_NUM_TO_REJECT < self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.ratelimited4_err) <= self.base_ratelimited4_err + PEER_1_NUM_TO_REJECT + PEER_2_NUM_TO_REJECT ) # (peer_1) (peer_2) verify the response peer_1.consume_response(rxs[0]) peer_2.consume_response(rxs[1]) # clear up under load state self.sleep(UNDER_LOAD_INTERVAL) # remove configs peer_1.remove_vpp_config() peer_2.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def _test_wg_peer_roaming_on_handshake_tmpl(self, is_endpoint_set, is_resp, is_ip6): port = 12323 # create wg interface if is_ip6: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() else: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create more remote hosts NUM_REMOTE_HOSTS = 2 self.pg1.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_REMOTE_HOSTS) if is_ip6: self.pg1.configure_ipv6_neighbors() else: self.pg1.configure_ipv4_neighbors() # create a peer if is_ip6: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( test=self, itf=wg0, endpoint=self.pg1.remote_hosts[0].ip6 if is_endpoint_set else "::", port=port + 1 if is_endpoint_set else 0, allowed_ips=["1::3:0/112"], ).add_vpp_config() else: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( test=self, itf=wg0, endpoint=self.pg1.remote_hosts[0].ip4 if is_endpoint_set else "", port=port + 1 if is_endpoint_set else 0, allowed_ips=[""], ).add_vpp_config() self.assertTrue(peer_1.query_vpp_config()) if is_resp: # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # prepare a handshake response resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) # change endpoint if is_ip6: peer_1.change_endpoint(self.pg1.remote_hosts[1].ip6, port + 100) resp[IPv6].src, resp[UDP].sport = peer_1.endpoint, peer_1.port else: peer_1.change_endpoint(self.pg1.remote_hosts[1].ip4, port + 100) resp[IP].src, resp[UDP].sport = peer_1.endpoint, peer_1.port # send the handshake response # expect a keepalive message sent to the new endpoint rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) # verify the keepalive message b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rxs[0], is_ip6=is_ip6) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) else: # change endpoint if is_ip6: peer_1.change_endpoint(self.pg1.remote_hosts[1].ip6, port + 100) else: peer_1.change_endpoint(self.pg1.remote_hosts[1].ip4, port + 100) # prepare and send a handshake initiation # expect a handshake response sent to the new endpoint init = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [init], self.pg1) # verify the response peer_1.consume_response(rxs[0], is_ip6=is_ip6) self.assertTrue(peer_1.query_vpp_config()) # remove configs peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_init_v4(self): """Peer roaming on handshake initiation (v4)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_handshake_tmpl( is_endpoint_set=False, is_resp=False, is_ip6=False ) def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_init_v6(self): """Peer roaming on handshake initiation (v6)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_handshake_tmpl( is_endpoint_set=False, is_resp=False, is_ip6=True ) def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_resp_v4(self): """Peer roaming on handshake response (v4)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_handshake_tmpl( is_endpoint_set=True, is_resp=True, is_ip6=False ) def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_resp_v6(self): """Peer roaming on handshake response (v6)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_handshake_tmpl( is_endpoint_set=True, is_resp=True, is_ip6=True ) def _test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_tmpl(self, is_async, is_ip6): self.vapi.wg_set_async_mode(is_async) port = 12323 # create wg interface if is_ip6: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() else: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create more remote hosts NUM_REMOTE_HOSTS = 2 self.pg1.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_REMOTE_HOSTS) if is_ip6: self.pg1.configure_ipv6_neighbors() else: self.pg1.configure_ipv4_neighbors() # create a peer if is_ip6: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_hosts[0].ip6, port + 1, ["1::3:0/112"] ).add_vpp_config() else: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_hosts[0].ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertTrue(peer_1.query_vpp_config()) # create a route to rewrite traffic into the wg interface if is_ip6: r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "1::3:0", 112, [VppRoutePath("1::3:1", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() else: r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # prepare and send a handshake response # expect a keepalive message resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) # verify the keepalive message b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rxs[0], is_ip6=is_ip6) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # change endpoint if is_ip6: peer_1.change_endpoint(self.pg1.remote_hosts[1].ip6, port + 100) else: peer_1.change_endpoint(self.pg1.remote_hosts[1].ip4, port + 100) # prepare and send a data packet # expect endpoint change if is_ip6: ip_header = IPv6(src="1::3:1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6, hlim=20) else: ip_header = IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) data = ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ip_header / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ), ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [data], self.pg0) if is_ip6: self.assertEqual(rxs[0][IPv6].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip6) self.assertEqual(rxs[0][IPv6].hlim, 19) else: self.assertEqual(rxs[0][IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rxs[0][IP].ttl, 19) self.assertTrue(peer_1.query_vpp_config()) # prepare and send a packet that will be rewritten into the wg interface # expect a data packet sent to the new endpoint if is_ip6: ip_header = IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") else: ip_header = IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / ip_header / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p], self.pg1) # verify the data packet peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, p, is_tunnel_ip6=is_ip6, is_transport_ip6=is_ip6) # remove configs r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_v4_sync(self): """Peer roaming on data packet (v4, sync)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_tmpl(is_async=False, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_v6_sync(self): """Peer roaming on data packet (v6, sync)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_tmpl(is_async=False, is_ip6=True) def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_v4_async(self): """Peer roaming on data packet (v4, async)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_tmpl(is_async=True, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_v6_async(self): """Peer roaming on data packet (v6, async)""" self._test_wg_peer_roaming_on_data_tmpl(is_async=True, is_ip6=True) def test_wg_peer_resp(self): """Send handshake response IPv4 tunnel""" port = 12323 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # wait for the peer to send a handshake rx = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # consume the handshake in the noise protocol and # generate the response resp = peer_1.consume_init(rx[0], self.pg1) # send the response, get keepalive rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) for rx in rxs: b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rx) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p * 255, self.pg1) peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, p) # send packets into the tunnel, expect to receive them on # the other side p = [ ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=ii, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(255) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_peer_resp_ipv6(self): """Send handshake response IPv6 tunnel""" port = 12323 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # wait for the peer to send a handshake rx = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # consume the handshake in the noise protocol and # generate the response resp = peer_1.consume_init(rx[0], self.pg1, is_ip6=True) # send the response, get keepalive rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) for rx in rxs: b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rx, True) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p * 2, self.pg1) peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, p, True) # send packets into the tunnel, expect to receive them on # the other side p = [ ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1, True) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=ii, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(255) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_peer_v4o4(self): """Test v4o4""" port = 12333 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() r2 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # route a packet into the wg interface # use the allowed-ip prefix # this is dropped because the peer is not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp4_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp4_error) ) # route a packet into the wg interface # use a not allowed-ip prefix # this is dropped because there is no matching peer p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_peer4_out_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer4_out_err), ) # send a handsake from the peer with an invalid MAC p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) p[WireguardInitiation].mac1 = b"foobar" self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_mac4_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.mac4_error) ) # send a handsake from the peer but signed by the wrong key. p = peer_1.mk_handshake( self.pg1, False, X25519PrivateKey.generate().public_key() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_peer4_in_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer4_in_err), ) # send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg1) peer_1.consume_response(rx[0]) # route a packet into the wg interface # this is dropped because the peer is still not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp4_err + 2, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp4_error) ) # send a data packet from the peer through the tunnel # this completes the handshake p = ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) d = peer_1.encrypt_transport(p) p = peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=d ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p * 255, self.pg1) for rx in rxs: rx = IP(peer_1.decrypt_transport(rx)) # check the original packet is present self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, p[IP].dst) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, p[IP].ttl - 1) # send packets into the tunnel, expect to receive them on # the other side p = [ ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=ii + 1, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(255) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) r1.remove_vpp_config() r2.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_peer_v6o6(self): """Test v6o6""" port = 12343 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, ["1::3:0/112"] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "1::3:0", 112, [VppRoutePath("1::3:1", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() r2 = VppIpRoute( self, "22::3:0", 112, [VppRoutePath("22::3:1", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # route a packet into the wg interface # use the allowed-ip prefix # this is dropped because the peer is not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp6_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp6_error) ) # route a packet into the wg interface # use a not allowed-ip prefix # this is dropped because there is no matching peer p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="22::3:2") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_peer6_out_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer6_out_err), ) # send a handsake from the peer with an invalid MAC p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, True) p[WireguardInitiation].mac1 = b"foobar" self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_mac6_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.mac6_error) ) # send a handsake from the peer but signed by the wrong key. p = peer_1.mk_handshake( self.pg1, True, X25519PrivateKey.generate().public_key() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_peer6_in_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer6_in_err), ) # send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, True) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg1) peer_1.consume_response(rx[0], True) # route a packet into the wg interface # this is dropped because the peer is still not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp6_err + 2, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp6_error) ) # send a data packet from the peer through the tunnel # this completes the handshake p = ( IPv6(src="1::3:1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6, hlim=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) d = peer_1.encrypt_transport(p) p = peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1, True) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=d ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip6) self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].hlim, 19) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p * 255, self.pg1) for rx in rxs: rx = IPv6(peer_1.decrypt_transport(rx, True)) # check the original packet is present self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].dst, p[IPv6].dst) self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].hlim, p[IPv6].hlim - 1) # send packets into the tunnel, expect to receive them on # the other side p = [ ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1, True) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=ii + 1, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ( IPv6(src="1::3:1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6, hlim=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(255) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip6) self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].hlim, 19) r1.remove_vpp_config() r2.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_peer_v6o4(self): """Test v6o4""" port = 12353 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, ["1::3:0/112"] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "1::3:0", 112, [VppRoutePath("1::3:1", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # route a packet into the wg interface # use the allowed-ip prefix # this is dropped because the peer is not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp6_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp6_error) ) # send a handsake from the peer with an invalid MAC p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) p[WireguardInitiation].mac1 = b"foobar" self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_mac4_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.mac4_error) ) # send a handsake from the peer but signed by the wrong key. p = peer_1.mk_handshake( self.pg1, False, X25519PrivateKey.generate().public_key() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_peer4_in_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer4_in_err), ) # send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg1) peer_1.consume_response(rx[0]) # route a packet into the wg interface # this is dropped because the peer is still not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp6_err + 2, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp6_error) ) # send a data packet from the peer through the tunnel # this completes the handshake p = ( IPv6(src="1::3:1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6, hlim=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) d = peer_1.encrypt_transport(p) p = peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=d ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip6) self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].hlim, 19) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p * 255, self.pg1) for rx in rxs: rx = IPv6(peer_1.decrypt_transport(rx)) # check the original packet is present self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].dst, p[IPv6].dst) self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].hlim, p[IPv6].hlim - 1) # send packets into the tunnel, expect to receive them on # the other side p = [ ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=ii + 1, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ( IPv6(src="1::3:1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6, hlim=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(255) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip6) self.assertEqual(rx[IPv6].hlim, 19) r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_peer_v4o6(self): """Test v4o6""" port = 12363 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # route a packet into the wg interface # use the allowed-ip prefix # this is dropped because the peer is not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp4_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp4_error) ) # send a handsake from the peer with an invalid MAC p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, True) p[WireguardInitiation].mac1 = b"foobar" self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_mac6_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.mac6_error) ) # send a handsake from the peer but signed by the wrong key. p = peer_1.mk_handshake( self.pg1, True, X25519PrivateKey.generate().public_key() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg1, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_peer6_in_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.peer6_in_err), ) # send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1, True) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg1) peer_1.consume_response(rx[0], True) # route a packet into the wg interface # this is dropped because the peer is still not initiated p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies_ignoring_init(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp4_err + 2, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp4_error) ) # send a data packet from the peer through the tunnel # this completes the handshake p = ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) d = peer_1.encrypt_transport(p) p = peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1, True) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=d ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p * 255, self.pg1) for rx in rxs: rx = IP(peer_1.decrypt_transport(rx, True)) # check the original packet is present self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, p[IP].dst) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, p[IP].ttl - 1) # send packets into the tunnel, expect to receive them on # the other side p = [ ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1, True) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=ii + 1, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(255) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_multi_peer(self): """multiple peer setup""" port = 12373 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg1 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg2.local_ip4, port + 1).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg1.admin_up() # Check peer counter self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 0) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # Create many peers on sencond interface NUM_PEERS = 16 self.pg2.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_PEERS) self.pg2.configure_ipv4_neighbors() self.pg1.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_PEERS) self.pg1.configure_ipv4_neighbors() peers_1 = [] peers_2 = [] routes_1 = [] routes_2 = [] for i in range(NUM_PEERS): peers_1.append( VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_hosts[i].ip4, port + 1 + i, ["10.0.%d.4/32" % i], ).add_vpp_config() ) routes_1.append( VppIpRoute( self, "10.0.%d.4" % i, 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_hosts[i].ip4, wg0.sw_if_index)], ).add_vpp_config() ) peers_2.append( VppWgPeer( self, wg1, self.pg2.remote_hosts[i].ip4, port + 100 + i, ["10.100.%d.4/32" % i], ).add_vpp_config() ) routes_2.append( VppIpRoute( self, "10.100.%d.4" % i, 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg2.remote_hosts[i].ip4, wg1.sw_if_index)], ).add_vpp_config() ) self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), NUM_PEERS * 2) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show wireguard peer")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show wireguard interface")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show adj 37")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh ip fib")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh ip fib")) # remove routes for r in routes_1: r.remove_vpp_config() for r in routes_2: r.remove_vpp_config() # remove peers for p in peers_1: self.assertTrue(p.query_vpp_config()) p.remove_vpp_config() for p in peers_2: self.assertTrue(p.query_vpp_config()) p.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() wg1.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_multi_interface(self): """Multi-tunnel on the same port""" port = 12500 # Create many wireguard interfaces NUM_IFS = 4 self.pg1.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_IFS) self.pg1.configure_ipv4_neighbors() self.pg0.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_IFS) self.pg0.configure_ipv4_neighbors() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # Create interfaces with a peer on each peers = [] routes = [] wg_ifs = [] for i in range(NUM_IFS): # Use the same port for each interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() wg_ifs.append(wg0) peers.append( VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_hosts[i].ip4, port + 1 + i, ["10.0.%d.0/24" % i], ).add_vpp_config() ) routes.append( VppIpRoute( self, "10.0.%d.0" % i, 24, [VppRoutePath("10.0.%d.4" % i, wg0.sw_if_index)], ).add_vpp_config() ) self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), NUM_IFS) # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(NUM_IFS, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) for i in range(NUM_IFS): # send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peers[i].mk_handshake(self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg1) peers[i].consume_response(rx[0]) # send a data packet from the peer through the tunnel # this completes the handshake p = ( IP(src="10.0.%d.4" % i, dst=self.pg0.remote_hosts[i].ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) d = peers[i].encrypt_transport(p) p = peers[i].mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peers[i].sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=d, ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_hosts[i].ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel for i in range(NUM_IFS): p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_hosts[i].ip4, dst="10.0.%d.4" % i) / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p * 64, self.pg1) for rx in rxs: rx = IP(peers[i].decrypt_transport(rx)) # check the oringial packet is present self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, p[IP].dst) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, p[IP].ttl - 1) # send packets into the tunnel for i in range(NUM_IFS): p = [ ( peers[i].mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peers[i].sender, counter=ii + 1, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peers[i].encrypt_transport( ( IP( src="10.0.%d.4" % i, dst=self.pg0.remote_hosts[i].ip4, ttl=20, ) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(64) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_hosts[i].ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) for r in routes: r.remove_vpp_config() for p in peers: p.remove_vpp_config() for i in wg_ifs: i.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_event(self): """Test events""" port = 12600 ESTABLISHED_FLAG = ( VppEnum.vl_api_wireguard_peer_flags_t.WIREGUARD_PEER_ESTABLISHED ) DEAD_FLAG = VppEnum.vl_api_wireguard_peer_flags_t.WIREGUARD_PEER_STATUS_DEAD # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg1 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg2.local_ip4, port + 1).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg1.admin_up() # Check peer counter self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 0) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # Create peers NUM_PEERS = 2 self.pg2.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_PEERS) self.pg2.configure_ipv4_neighbors() self.pg1.generate_remote_hosts(NUM_PEERS) self.pg1.configure_ipv4_neighbors() peers_0 = [] peers_1 = [] routes_0 = [] routes_1 = [] for i in range(NUM_PEERS): peers_0.append( VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_hosts[i].ip4, port + 1 + i, ["10.0.%d.4/32" % i], ).add_vpp_config() ) routes_0.append( VppIpRoute( self, "10.0.%d.4" % i, 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_hosts[i].ip4, wg0.sw_if_index)], ).add_vpp_config() ) peers_1.append( VppWgPeer( self, wg1, self.pg2.remote_hosts[i].ip4, port + 100 + i, ["10.100.%d.4/32" % i], ).add_vpp_config() ) routes_1.append( VppIpRoute( self, "10.100.%d.4" % i, 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg2.remote_hosts[i].ip4, wg1.sw_if_index)], ).add_vpp_config() ) self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), NUM_PEERS * 2) # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(NUM_PEERS, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) self.pg2.get_capture(NUM_PEERS, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) # Want events from the first perr of wg0 # and from all wg1 peers peers_0[0].want_events() wg1.want_events() for i in range(NUM_PEERS): # wg0 peers: send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peers_0[i].mk_handshake(self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg1) peers_0[i].consume_response(rx[0]) # wg0 peers: send empty packet, it means successful connection (WIREGUARD_PEER_ESTABLISHED) keepalive = peers_0[i].encrypt_transport(0) p = peers_0[i].mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peers_0[i].sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=keepalive, ) ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, [p]) # wg0 peers: wait for established flag if i == 0: peers_0[0].wait_event(ESTABLISHED_FLAG) # wg1 peers: send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peers_1[i].mk_handshake(self.pg2) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg2, [p], self.pg2) peers_1[i].consume_response(rx[0]) # wg1 peers: send empty packet, it means successful connection (WIREGUARD_PEER_ESTABLISHED) keepalive = peers_1[i].encrypt_transport(0) p = peers_1[i].mk_tunnel_header(self.pg2) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peers_1[i].sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=keepalive, ) ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg2, [p]) # wg1 peers: wait for established flag wg1.wait_events(ESTABLISHED_FLAG, [peers_1[0].index, peers_1[1].index]) # remove routes for r in routes_0: r.remove_vpp_config() for r in routes_1: r.remove_vpp_config() # remove peers for i in range(NUM_PEERS): self.assertTrue(peers_0[i].query_vpp_config()) peers_0[i].remove_vpp_config() if i == 0: peers_0[i].wait_event(0) peers_0[i].wait_event(DEAD_FLAG) for p in peers_1: self.assertTrue(p.query_vpp_config()) p.remove_vpp_config() p.wait_event(0) p.wait_event(DEAD_FLAG) wg0.remove_vpp_config() wg1.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_sending_handshake_when_admin_down(self): """Sending handshake when admin down""" port = 12323 # create wg interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.config_ip4() # create a peer peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation # expect no handshakes for i in range(2): self.pg1.assert_nothing_captured(remark="handshake packet(s) sent") self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # administratively enable the wg interface # expect the peer to send a handshake initiation wg0.admin_up() rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # administratively disable the wg interface # expect no handshakes wg0.admin_down() for i in range(6): self.pg1.assert_nothing_captured(remark="handshake packet(s) sent") # remove configs peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_sending_data_when_admin_down(self): """Sending data when admin down""" port = 12323 # create wg interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) # create a route to rewrite traffic into the wg interface r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # prepare and send a handshake response # expect a keepalive message resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) # verify the keepalive message b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rxs[0]) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # prepare and send a packet that will be rewritten into the wg interface # expect a data packet sent p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p], self.pg1) # verify the data packet peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, p) # administratively disable the wg interface wg0.admin_down() # send a packet that will be rewritten into the wg interface # expect no data packets sent self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, [p]) # administratively enable the wg interface # expect the peer to send a handshake initiation wg0.admin_up() peer_1.noise_reset() rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1) # send a packet that will be rewritten into the wg interface # expect no data packets sent because the peer is not initiated self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, [p]) self.assertEqual( self.base_kp4_err + 1, self.statistics.get_err_counter(self.kp4_error) ) # send a handshake response and expect a keepalive message rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) # verify the keepalive message b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rxs[0]) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # send a packet that will be rewritten into the wg interface # expect a data packet sent rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p], self.pg1) # verify the data packet peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, p) # remove configs r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def _test_wg_large_packet_tmpl(self, is_async, is_ip6): self.vapi.wg_set_async_mode(is_async) port = 12323 # create wg interface if is_ip6: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() else: wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer if is_ip6: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, ["1::3:0/112"] ).add_vpp_config() else: peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) # create a route to rewrite traffic into the wg interface if is_ip6: r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "1::3:0", 112, [VppRoutePath("1::3:1", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() else: r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # prepare and send a handshake response # expect a keepalive message resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) # verify the keepalive message b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rxs[0], is_ip6=is_ip6) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # prepare and send data packets # expect to receive them decrypted if is_ip6: ip_header = IPv6(src="1::3:1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6, hlim=20) else: ip_header = IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) packet_len_opts = ( 2500, # two buffers 1500, # one buffer 4500, # three buffers 1910 if is_ip6 else 1950, # auth tag is not contiguous ) txs = [] for l in packet_len_opts: txs.append( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1, is_ip6=is_ip6) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=len(txs), encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ip_header / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw(b"\xfe" * l) ), ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, txs, self.pg0) # verify decrypted packets for i, l in enumerate(packet_len_opts): if is_ip6: self.assertEqual(rxs[i][IPv6].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip6) self.assertEqual(rxs[i][IPv6].hlim, ip_header.hlim - 1) else: self.assertEqual(rxs[i][IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rxs[i][IP].ttl, ip_header.ttl - 1) self.assertEqual(len(rxs[i][Raw]), l) self.assertEqual(bytes(rxs[i][Raw]), b"\xfe" * l) # prepare and send packets that will be rewritten into the wg interface # expect data packets sent if is_ip6: ip_header = IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst="1::3:2") else: ip_header = IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") packet_len_opts = ( 2500, # two buffers 1500, # one buffer 4500, # three buffers 1980 if is_ip6 else 2000, # no free space to write auth tag ) txs = [] for l in packet_len_opts: txs.append( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / ip_header / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\xfe" * l) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, txs, self.pg1) # verify the data packets rxs_decrypted = peer_1.validate_encapped( rxs, ip_header, is_tunnel_ip6=is_ip6, is_transport_ip6=is_ip6 ) for i, l in enumerate(packet_len_opts): self.assertEqual(len(rxs_decrypted[i][Raw]), l) self.assertEqual(bytes(rxs_decrypted[i][Raw]), b"\xfe" * l) # remove configs r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() def test_wg_large_packet_v4_sync(self): """Large packet (v4, sync)""" self._test_wg_large_packet_tmpl(is_async=False, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_large_packet_v6_sync(self): """Large packet (v6, sync)""" self._test_wg_large_packet_tmpl(is_async=False, is_ip6=True) def test_wg_large_packet_v4_async(self): """Large packet (v4, async)""" self._test_wg_large_packet_tmpl(is_async=True, is_ip6=False) def test_wg_large_packet_v6_async(self): """Large packet (v6, async)""" self._test_wg_large_packet_tmpl(is_async=True, is_ip6=True) def test_wg_lack_of_buf_headroom(self): """Lack of buffer's headroom (v6 vxlan over v6 wg)""" port = 12323 # create wg interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip6, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip6() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip6, port + 1, ["::/0"] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) # create a route to enable communication between wg interface addresses r1 = VppIpRoute( self, wg0.remote_ip6, 128, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=2) # prepare and send a handshake response # expect a keepalive message resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[0], self.pg1, is_ip6=True) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) # verify the keepalive message b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rxs[0], is_ip6=True) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # create vxlan interface over the wg interface vxlan0 = VppVxlanTunnel(self, src=wg0.local_ip6, dst=wg0.remote_ip6, vni=1111) vxlan0.add_vpp_config() # create bridge domain bd1 = VppBridgeDomain(self, bd_id=1) bd1.add_vpp_config() # add the vxlan interface and pg0 to the bridge domain bd1_ports = ( VppBridgeDomainPort(self, bd1, vxlan0).add_vpp_config(), VppBridgeDomainPort(self, bd1, self.pg0).add_vpp_config(), ) # prepare and send packets that will be rewritten into the vxlan interface # expect they to be rewritten into the wg interface then and data packets sent tx = ( Ether(dst="00:00:00:00:00:01", src="00:00:00:00:00:02") / IPv6(src="::1", dst="::2", hlim=20) / UDP(sport=1111, dport=1112) / Raw(b"\xfe" * 1900) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [tx] * 5, self.pg1) # verify the data packet for rx in rxs: rx_decrypted = IPv6(peer_1.decrypt_transport(rx, is_ip6=True)) self.assertEqual(rx_decrypted[VXLAN].vni, vxlan0.vni) inner = rx_decrypted[VXLAN].payload # check the original packet is present self.assertEqual(inner[IPv6].dst, tx[IPv6].dst) self.assertEqual(inner[IPv6].hlim, tx[IPv6].hlim) self.assertEqual(len(inner[Raw]), len(tx[Raw])) self.assertEqual(bytes(inner[Raw]), bytes(tx[Raw])) # remove configs for bdp in bd1_ports: bdp.remove_vpp_config() bd1.remove_vpp_config() vxlan0.remove_vpp_config() r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() @tag_fixme_vpp_debug class WireguardHandoffTests(TestWg): """Wireguard Tests in multi worker setup""" vpp_worker_count = 2 def test_wg_peer_init(self): """Handoff""" port = 12383 # Create interfaces wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, ["", ""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # skip the first automatic handshake self.pg1.get_capture(1, timeout=HANDSHAKE_JITTER) # send a valid handsake init for which we expect a response p = peer_1.mk_handshake(self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg1) peer_1.consume_response(rx[0]) # send a data packet from the peer through the tunnel # this completes the handshake and pins the peer to worker 0 p = ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) d = peer_1.encrypt_transport(p) p = peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / ( Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=0, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=d ) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [p], self.pg0, worker=0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel # and pins the peer tp worker 1 pe = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw(b"\x00" * 80) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, pe * 255, self.pg1, worker=1) peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, pe) # send packets into the tunnel, from the other worker p = [ ( peer_1.mk_tunnel_header(self.pg1) / Wireguard(message_type=4, reserved_zero=0) / WireguardTransport( receiver_index=peer_1.sender, counter=ii + 1, encrypted_encapsulated_packet=peer_1.encrypt_transport( ( IP(src="", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4, ttl=20) / UDP(sport=222, dport=223) / Raw() ) ), ) ) for ii in range(255) ] rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p, self.pg0, worker=1) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].ttl, 19) # send a packets that are routed into the tunnel # from worker 0 rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, pe * 255, self.pg1, worker=0) peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, pe) r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config() @unittest.skip("test disabled") def test_wg_multi_interface(self): """Multi-tunnel on the same port""" class TestWgFIB(VppTestCase): """Wireguard FIB Test Case""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestWgFIB, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestWgFIB, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestWgFIB, self).setUp() self.create_pg_interfaces(range(2)) for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.admin_up() i.config_ip4() def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.admin_down() super(TestWgFIB, self).tearDown() def test_wg_fib_tracking(self): """FIB tracking""" port = 12323 # create wg interface wg0 = VppWgInterface(self, self.pg1.local_ip4, port).add_vpp_config() wg0.admin_up() wg0.config_ip4() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # create a peer peer_1 = VppWgPeer( self, wg0, self.pg1.remote_ip4, port + 1, [""] ).add_vpp_config() self.assertEqual(len(self.vapi.wireguard_peers_dump()), 1) # create a route to rewrite traffic into the wg interface r1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 24, [VppRoutePath("", wg0.sw_if_index)] ).add_vpp_config() # resolve ARP and expect the adjacency to update self.pg1.resolve_arp() # wait for the peer to send a handshake initiation rxs = self.pg1.get_capture(2, timeout=6) # prepare and send a handshake response # expect a keepalive message resp = peer_1.consume_init(rxs[1], self.pg1) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [resp], self.pg1) # verify the keepalive message b = peer_1.decrypt_transport(rxs[0]) self.assertEqual(0, len(b)) # prepare and send a packet that will be rewritten into the wg interface # expect a data packet sent p = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst="") / UDP(sport=555, dport=556) / Raw() ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p], self.pg1) # verify the data packet peer_1.validate_encapped(rxs, p) # remove configs r1.remove_vpp_config() peer_1.remove_vpp_config() wg0.remove_vpp_config()