%{ /* * gram.y - message definition language * * Copyright (c) 2009 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ extern void yyerror (char *s); extern int yylex (void); #define YYSTYPE void * void generate (YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_slist(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_define(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE suppress_version(void); YYSTYPE add_defbody(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_primtype(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_complex(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_union(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_scalar_vbl(YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_vector_vbl(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE add_variable_length_vector_vbl(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); YYSTYPE set_flags(YYSTYPE, YYSTYPE); %} %token NAME RPAR LPAR SEMI LBRACK RBRACK NUMBER PRIMTYPE BARF %token TPACKED DEFINE LCURLY RCURLY STRING UNION %token HELPER_STRING COMMA %token NOVERSION MANUAL_PRINT MANUAL_ENDIAN MANUAL_JAVA TYPEONLY DONT_TRACE %% pgm: slist {generate ($1);} ; slist: slist stmt {$$ = add_slist ($1, $2);} | stmt {$$ = $1;} ; stmt: flist defn {$$ = set_flags($1, $2);} | defn {$$ = $1;} ; flist: flist flag {$$ = (YYSTYPE)(unsigned long long) ((unsigned long long) $1 | (unsigned long long) $2);} | flag {$$ = $1;} ; flag: MANUAL_PRINT {$$ = $1;} | MANUAL_ENDIAN {$$ = $1;} | MANUAL_JAVA {$$ = $1;} | DONT_TRACE {$$ = $1;} | TYPEONLY {$$ = $1;} ; defn: DEFINE NAME LCURLY defbody RCURLY SEMI {$$ = add_define($2, $4);} | NOVERSION SEMI {$$ = suppress_version();} ; defbody: defbody onedef {$$ = add_defbody($1, $2);} | onedef {$$ = $1;} ; onedef: PRIMTYPE vbl SEMI {$$ = add_primtype($1, $2, 0);} | TPACKED PRIMTYPE vbl SEMI {$$ = add_primtype($1, $2, $3);} | NAME vbl SEMI {$$ = add_complex($1, $2);} | UNION NAME LCURLY defbody RCURLY SEMI {$$ = add_union($2, $4);} ; vbl: NAME {$$ = add_scalar_vbl($1);} | NAME LBRACK NUMBER RBRACK {$$ = add_vector_vbl($1, $3);} | NAME LBRACK NAME RBRACK {$$ = add_variable_length_vector_vbl($1, $3);} ;