#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from __future__ import print_function import argparse, sys, os, importlib, pprint parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='VPP Python API generator') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', action="store", dest="inputfile", type=argparse.FileType('r')) parser.add_argument('-c', '--cfile', action="store") args = parser.parse_args() # # Read API definitions file into vppapidefs # exec(args.inputfile.read()) # https://docs.python.org/3/library/struct.html format_struct = {'u8': 'B', 'u16' : 'H', 'u32' : 'I', 'i32' : 'i', 'u64' : 'Q', 'f64' : 'd', 'vl_api_ip4_fib_counter_t' : 'IBQQ', 'vl_api_ip6_fib_counter_t' : 'QQBQQ', }; # # NB: If new types are introduced in vpe.api, these must be updated. # type_size = {'u8': 1, 'u16' : 2, 'u32' : 4, 'i32' : 4, 'u64' : 8, 'f64' : 8, 'vl_api_ip4_fib_counter_t' : 21, 'vl_api_ip6_fib_counter_t' : 33, }; def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def get_args(t): argslist = [] for i in t: if i[1][0] == '_': argslist.append(i[1][1:]) else: argslist.append(i[1]) return argslist def get_pack(f): zeroarray = False bytecount = 0 pack = '' elements = 1 if len(f) is 3 or len(f) is 4: size = type_size[f[0]] bytecount += size * int(f[2]) # Check if we have a zero length array if f[2] == '0': # If len 3 zero array elements = 0; pack += format_struct[f[0]] bytecount = size elif size == 1: n = f[2] * size pack += str(n) + 's' else: pack += format_struct[f[0]] * int(f[2]) elements = int(f[2]) else: bytecount += type_size[f[0]] pack += format_struct[f[0]] return (pack, elements, bytecount) ''' def get_reply_func(f): if f['name']+'_reply' in func_name: return func_name[f['name']+'_reply'] if f['name'].find('_dump') > 0: r = f['name'].replace('_dump','_details') if r in func_name: return func_name[r] return None ''' def footer_print(): print(''' def msg_id_base_set(b): global base base = b import os name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] ''') print(u"plugin_register(name, api_func_table, api_name_to_id,", vl_api_version, ", msg_id_base_set)") def api_table_print(name, i): msg_id_in = 'VL_API_' + name.upper() fstr = name + '_decode' print('api_func_table.append(' + fstr + ')') print('api_name_to_id["' + msg_id_in + '"] =', i) print('') def encode_print(name, id, t): total = 0 args = get_args(t) pack = '>' for i, f in enumerate(t): p, elements, size = get_pack(f) pack += p total += size if name.find('_dump') > 0: multipart = True else: multipart = False if len(args) < 4: print(u"def", name + "(async = False):") else: print(u"def", name + "(" + ', '.join(args[3:]) + ", async = False):") print(u" global base") print(u" context = get_context(base + " + id + ")") print(''' results_prepare(context) waiting_for_reply_set() ''') if multipart == True: print(u" results_more_set(context)") pack = '>' start = 0 end = 0 offset = 0 t = list(t) i = 0 while t: t, i, pack, offset, array = get_normal_pack(t, i, pack, offset) if array: print(u" vpp_api.write(pack('" + pack + "', base + " + id + ", 0, context, " + ', '.join(args[3:-1]) + ") + " + args[-1] + ")") else: print(u" vpp_api.write(pack('" + pack + "', base + " + id + ", 0, context, " + ', '.join(args[3:]) + "))") if multipart == True: print( u" vpp_api.write(pack('>HII', VL_API_CONTROL_PING, 0, context))") print(''' if not async: results_event_wait(context, 5) return results_get(context) return context ''') def get_normal_pack(t, i, pack, offset): while t: f = t.pop(0) i += 1 if len(f) >= 3: return t, i, pack, offset, f p, elements, size = get_pack(f) pack += p offset += size return t, i, pack, offset, None def decode_print(name, t): # # Generate code for each element # print(u'def ' + name + u'_decode(msg):') total = 0 args = get_args(t) print(u" n = namedtuple('" + name + "', '" + ', '.join(args) + "')") print(u" res = []") pack = '>' start = 0 end = 0 offset = 0 t = list(t) i = 0 while t: t, i, pack, offset, array = get_normal_pack(t, i, pack, offset) if array: p, elements, size = get_pack(array) # Byte string if elements > 0 and type_size[array[0]] == 1: pack += p offset += size * elements continue # Dump current pack string if pack != '>': print(u" tr = unpack_from('" + pack + "', msg[" + str(start) + ":])") print(u" res.extend(list(tr))") start += offset pack = '>' if elements == 0: # This has to be the last element if len(array) == 3: print(u" res.append(msg[" + str(offset) + ":])") if len(t) > 0: eprint('WARNING: Variable length array must be last element in message', name, array) continue if size == 1 or len(p) == 1: # Do it as a bytestring. if p == 'B': p = 's' # XXX: Assume that length parameter is the previous field. Add validation. print(u" c = res[" + str(i - 2) + "]") print(u" tr = unpack_from('>' + str(c) + '" + p + "', msg[" + str(start) + ":])") print(u" res.append(tr)") continue print(u" tr2 = []") print(u" offset = " + str(total)) print(u" for j in range(res[" + str(i - 2) + "]):") print(u" tr2.append(unpack_from('>" + p + "', msg[" + str(start) + ":], offset))") print(u" offset += " + str(size)) print(u" res.append(tr2)") continue # Missing something!! print(u" tr = unpack_from('>" + p + "', msg[" + str(start) + ":])") start += size print(u" res.append(tr)") if pack != '>': print(u" tr = unpack_from('" + pack + "', msg[" + str(start) + ":])") print(u" res.extend(list(tr))") print(u" return n._make(res)") print('') # # Generate the main Python file # def main(): print(''' # # AUTO-GENERATED FILE. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT. # from vpp_api_base import * from struct import * from collections import namedtuple import vpp_api api_func_table = [] api_name_to_id = {} ''') for i, a in enumerate(vppapidef): name = a[0] encode_print(name, str(i), a[1:]) decode_print(name, a[1:]) api_table_print(name, i) footer_print() if __name__ == "__main__": main()