content := "<html><body><p>Hello</p></body></html>"
content2 := "<html><body><p>Page</p></body></html>"
+ currentDate := time.Now().In(time.FixedZone("GMT", 0)).Format(http.TimeFormat)[:17]
vpp := s.GetContainerByName("vpp").VppInstance
vpp.Container.Exec("mkdir -p " + wwwRootPath)
err := vpp.Container.CreateFile(wwwRootPath+"/index.html", content)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err))
defer resp.Body.Close()
s.Log(DumpHttpResp(resp, true))
s.AssertEqual(200, resp.StatusCode)
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "html")
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Cache-Control"), "max-age="+max_age)
+ // only checking date
+ s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"), currentDate)
+ s.AssertEqual(len(resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified")), 29)
s.AssertEqual(int64(len([]rune(content))), resp.ContentLength)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err))
s.AssertEqual(string(body), content)
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "html")
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Cache-Control"), "max-age="+max_age)
s.AssertEqual(int64(len([]rune(content))), resp.ContentLength)
body, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err))
s.AssertEqual(string(body), content)
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "html")
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Cache-Control"), "max-age="+max_age)
s.AssertEqual(int64(len([]rune(content2))), resp.ContentLength)
body, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err))
s.AssertEqual(string(body), content2)
func HttpStaticMacTimeTest(s *NoTopoSuite) {
- currentDate := time.Now().In(time.FixedZone("GMT", 0)).Format(http.TimeFormat)
+ currentDate := time.Now().In(time.FixedZone("GMT", 0)).Format(http.TimeFormat)[:17]
vpp := s.GetContainerByName("vpp").VppInstance
serverAddress := s.GetInterfaceByName(TapInterfaceName).Peer.Ip4AddressString()
s.Log(vpp.Vppctl("http static server uri tcp://" + serverAddress + "/80 url-handlers debug"))
s.AssertContains(string(data), s.GetInterfaceByName(TapInterfaceName).Ip4AddressString())
s.AssertContains(string(data), s.GetInterfaceByName(TapInterfaceName).HwAddress.String())
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "json")
+ s.AssertEqual(len(resp.Header.Get("Date")), 29)
+ // only checking date
s.AssertContains(resp.Header.Get("Date"), currentDate)
#include <vppinfra/bihash_template.c>
#include <vppinfra/unix.h>
#include <vlib/vlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <vppinfra/time_range.h>
static void
hss_cache_lock (hss_cache_t *hc)
static void
hss_cache_attach_entry (hss_cache_t *hc, u32 ce_index, u8 **data,
- u64 *data_len)
+ u64 *data_len, u8 **last_modified)
hss_cache_entry_t *ce;
*data = ce->data;
*data_len = vec_len (ce->data);
+ *last_modified = ce->last_modified;
/* Update the cache entry, mark it in-use */
lru_update (hc, ce, vlib_time_now (vlib_get_main ()));
hss_cache_lookup_and_attach (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path, u8 **data,
- u64 *data_len)
+ u64 *data_len, u8 **last_modified)
u32 ce_index;
/* Make sure nobody removes the entry while we look it up */
hss_cache_lock (hc);
ce_index = hss_cache_lookup (hc, path);
if (ce_index != ~0)
- hss_cache_attach_entry (hc, ce_index, data, data_len);
+ hss_cache_attach_entry (hc, ce_index, data, data_len, last_modified);
hss_cache_unlock (hc);
vec_free (ce->filename);
vec_free (ce->data);
+ vec_free (ce->last_modified);
if (hc->debug_level > 1)
clib_warning ("pool put index %d", ce - hc->cache_pool);
-hss_cache_add_and_attach (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path, u8 **data, u64 *data_len)
+hss_cache_add_and_attach (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path, u8 **data, u64 *data_len,
+ u8 **last_modified)
BVT (clib_bihash_kv) kv;
hss_cache_entry_t *ce;
clib_error_t *error;
u8 *file_data;
u32 ce_index;
+ struct stat dm;
hss_cache_lock (hc);
pool_get_zero (hc->cache_pool, ce);
ce->filename = vec_dup (path);
ce->data = file_data;
+ if (stat ((char *) path, &dm) == 0)
+ {
+ ce->last_modified =
+ format (0, "%U GMT", format_clib_timebase_time, (f64) dm.st_mtime);
+ }
/* Attach cache entry without additional lock */
*data = file_data;
*data_len = vec_len (file_data);
+ *last_modified = ce->last_modified;
lru_add (hc, ce, vlib_time_now (vlib_get_main ()));
hc->cache_size += vec_len (ce->data);
vec_free (ce->filename);
vec_free (ce->data);
+ vec_free (ce->last_modified);
if (hc->debug_level > 1)
clib_warning ("pool put index %d", ce - hc->cache_pool);
pool_put (hc->cache_pool, ce);
/** Name of the file */
u8 *filename;
+ /** Last modified date, format:
+ * <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> GMT */
+ u8 *last_modified;
/** Contents of the file, as a u8 * vector */
u8 *data;
/** Last time the cache entry was used */
} hss_cache_t;
u32 hss_cache_lookup_and_attach (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path, u8 **data,
- u64 *data_len);
+ u64 *data_len, u8 **last_modified);
u32 hss_cache_add_and_attach (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path, u8 **data,
- u64 *data_len);
+ u64 *data_len, u8 **last_modified);
void hss_cache_detach_entry (hss_cache_t *hc, u32 ce_index);
u32 hss_cache_clear (hss_cache_t *hc);
void hss_cache_init (hss_cache_t *hc, uword cache_size, u8 debug_level);
u8 *path, *sanitized_path;
u32 ce_index;
http_content_type_t type;
+ u8 *last_modified;
/* Feature not enabled */
if (!hsm->www_root)
hs->data_offset = 0;
- ce_index =
- hss_cache_lookup_and_attach (&hsm->cache, path, &hs->data, &hs->data_len);
+ ce_index = hss_cache_lookup_and_attach (&hsm->cache, path, &hs->data,
+ &hs->data_len, &last_modified);
if (ce_index == ~0)
if (!file_path_is_valid (path))
sc = try_index_file (hsm, hs, path);
goto done;
- ce_index =
- hss_cache_add_and_attach (&hsm->cache, path, &hs->data, &hs->data_len);
+ ce_index = hss_cache_add_and_attach (&hsm->cache, path, &hs->data,
+ &hs->data_len, &last_modified);
if (ce_index == ~0)
http_add_header (
&hs->resp_headers, http_header_name_token (HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL),
(const char *) hsm->max_age_formatted, vec_len (hsm->max_age_formatted));
+ http_add_header (&hs->resp_headers,
+ http_header_name_token (HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED),
+ (const char *) last_modified, vec_len (last_modified));
vec_free (sanitized_path);