2024-05-22 Guillaume Solignacvlib: prevent some signals from being executed on workers 12/40912/3
2024-05-22 Andrew Yourtchenkomisc: Initial 24.10-rc0 commit 33/40733/1 v24.10-rc0
2024-05-21 Brian Morrissession: remove ipv6 lookup threading assert 09/40909/1
2024-05-20 Matus Fabianbuiltinurl: mark api as deprecated 03/40903/1
2024-05-17 Adrian Villinhs-test: fixed timed out tests passing in the CI 29/40729/10
2024-05-17 Matus Fabianhttp: ignore http_proxy env in tests 96/40896/1
2024-05-17 Adrian Villinhs-test: updated api calls 31/40731/5
2024-05-15 Maxime Peimip-neighbor: show age instead of time in cli 89/40889/3
2024-05-14 Matus Fabianhttp: fix unsupported client app method 87/40887/2
2024-05-14 Matus Fabianhttp: notify client when connection failed 83/40883/2
2024-05-14 Matus Fabianhttp: fix server sending all status codes 81/40881/3
2024-05-14 Scott Huttonsr: move srmpls to a plugin 66/40866/10
2024-05-14 lajoskatonamarvell: remove uses of uint 72/40772/3
2024-05-14 Tom Jonesvppinfra: Add platform cpu and domain get for FreeBSD 68/40468/13
2024-05-14 Vladislav Grishenkovppinfra: fix mhash oob after unset and add tests 38/40438/3
2024-05-14 Tom Jonesdpdk: Only prealloc huge pages on Linux 73/40873/2
2024-05-14 Tom Jonesnetmap: Reinstate and update netmap plugin 75/40875/2
2024-05-13 Matus Fabianhttp: fix user agent in request 84/40884/2
2024-05-13 Vladimir Zhigulinvlib: avoid pci scan without registrations 52/40752/2
2024-05-13 Alok Mishradev: fix mac address dump in trace output 29/40829/3
2024-05-13 Guillaume Solignacwireguard: use clib helpers for endianness 64/40764/9
2024-05-13 Guillaume Solignacnat: fix unitialized variable 61/40761/7
2024-05-13 Alok Mishraocteon: add support for mac address update 69/40669/6
2024-05-10 Elod Illesdocs: Use newer Ubuntu LTS in tutorial 71/40571/7
2024-05-10 Adrian Villinhs-test: logging improvements 25/40725/6
2024-05-09 Matus Fabianhttp: fix client parse error handling 77/40877/2
2024-05-09 Matus Fabianhs-test: add make test-debug target 78/40878/1
2024-05-08 Steven Luongethernet: check destination mac for L3 in ethernet... 56/40756/4
2024-05-07 Matus Fabianhttp: fix client send another request 74/40874/2
2024-05-07 Matus Fabianhttp: notify client on request error 64/40864/4
2024-05-07 Ole Troanapi: add to_net parameter to endian messages 25/40825/7
2024-05-07 Ole Troanapi: upgrade cjson and fix realloc 69/40869/3
2024-05-06 Eric Sunvlib: fix use of RTLD_DEEPBIND for musl 59/40759/5
2024-05-06 Eric Suntests: remove uses of uint 62/40762/4
2024-05-06 Guillaume Solignacvlib: fix missing integer init 66/40766/4
2024-05-06 Hadi Rayan... vlib: revert automatic core pinning changes 03/40803/5
2024-05-06 Mohsin Kazmiiavf: disable VLAN stripping when VLAN offload is set... 24/40724/4
2024-05-06 Tom Jonesdpdk: Only use --file-prefix flag on Linux 53/40853/2
2024-05-06 Tom Jonesvlib: Add FreeBSD specific platform files 17/40817/2
2024-05-06 Tom Jonesdpdk: Only reconfigure max pipe size on linux 52/40852/2
2024-05-06 Tom Jonesvppinfra: Include param.h on FreeBSD 18/40818/2
2024-05-06 Tom Jonesdpdk: Don't depend on rdma-core on FreeBSD 51/40851/2
2024-05-06 Tom Jonesdpdk: Use gnu sed on FreeBSD for header fix ups 49/40849/2
2024-05-06 Monendra Singh... octeon: fix rvu vf device id 70/40870/2
2024-05-06 Monendra Singh... octeon: add max packet length check 53/40753/4
2024-05-06 Monendra Singh... octeon: fix buffer free for more than 6 segment 92/40792/3
2024-05-03 Florin Corasvcl: allow more rx events on peek 68/40868/2
2024-05-03 Stanislav Zaikininterface: fix check in set_interface_name api 05/39305/5
2024-05-03 Matus Fabianhttp: fix http server in response 58/40858/2
2024-05-02 Mohsin Kazmigso: use the header offsets from buffer metadata 02/36302/11
2024-05-02 Eric Sunacl: add missing byteswap header for musl 63/40763/4
2024-05-01 Filip Tehlarhttp: fix client receiving large data 08/40008/8
2024-05-01 Damjan Marionocteon: fix roc_nix_npc_mac_addr_get() return value... 88/40788/2
2024-05-01 Klement Sekeratests: remove duplicate SVR test case 35/40835/2
2024-05-01 Adrian Villinhs-test: disable color output 23/40723/2
2024-04-30 Damjan Marioncrypto-native: add SHA2-HMAC 45/40545/8
2024-04-29 Matus Fabianhs-test: fix cpu allocator 40/40840/2
2024-04-29 Guillaume Solignacpci: fix missing limits.h 65/40765/3
2024-04-26 Dave Wallacehs-test: clean up Makefile for compatibility with ci... 21/40821/2
2024-04-25 Tom Jonesvcl: Only exclude vcl ldpreload on FreeBSD 16/40816/2
2024-04-25 Tom Joneshsa: Link against libepoll-shim 95/40795/1
2024-04-24 Dave Wallacedpdk: bump rdma-core to 51.0 87/40787/3
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesvlib: Add FreeBSD thread specific header and calls 41/40341/10
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesvppinfra: Link against lib execinfo on FreeBSD 70/40270/4
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesvppinfra: Add FreeBSD method for updating pmalloc looku... 39/40639/3
2024-04-24 Kai Jidpdk: bump to DPDK 24.03 79/40779/2
2024-04-24 Matus Fabianhsa: fix http client error handling 81/40781/2
2024-04-24 Damjan Marionmisc: fix int/enum mismatch errors reported by gcc-14 82/40782/2
2024-04-24 Damjan Mariondpdk: remove unnecessary includes 83/40783/2
2024-04-24 Damjan Mariondpdk: remove dead code 84/40784/2
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesvlib: Add a skeleton pci interface for FreeBSD 73/40473/5
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesfateshare: Add FreeBSD specific API for controlling... 11/40611/2
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesapi: Add FreeBSD specific mechanisms for unix sockets 37/40637/4
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesdpdk: Use FreeBSD specific values for network interface... 46/40646/2
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesdpdk: Only use vmbus on Linux 45/40645/2
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesdpdk: Disable building FreeBSD kernel modules 44/40644/2
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesdpdk: Only use vmbus on Linux 42/40642/2
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesdpdk: Only require libnuma on Linux 43/40643/2
2024-04-24 Tom Jonesvppinfra: Add method for getting current executable... 94/40394/6
2024-04-23 Brian Morristls: don't upper-case cipher string 80/40780/1
2024-04-23 Gabriel Oginskiipsec: fix CLI for create ipsec itf 68/40768/3
2024-04-23 Guillaume Solignacocteon: add promisc support 62/40662/4
2024-04-23 Maxime Peimtests: allow ip table name 49/40649/7
2024-04-23 Denys Haryachyyikev2: uptime 70/40570/5
2024-04-23 Matus Fabianhs-test: add tests repeat option 74/40774/2
2024-04-22 Matus Fabianhs-test: fix TCP with loss test 69/40769/2
2024-04-22 Monendra Singh... octeon: add support for SDP device 08/40708/2
2024-04-22 Tom Jonesvlib: Place linux pci headers in a linux include block 36/40636/2
2024-04-22 lijh_7nat: add saddr info to nat44-ed o2i flow's rewrite 89/39989/6
2024-04-19 Anton Nikolaevipip: specify af for a tunnel ip addresses 55/40755/2
2024-04-19 Adrian Villinhs-test: transition to ginkgo test framework 17/40517/13
2024-04-18 Vratko Polaksr: use correct reply to sr_policy_add_v2 99/40699/2
2024-04-17 Florin Corassession: force session cleanups on app detach 37/40737/6
2024-04-15 lijinhuiip: fix comments for icmp4 16/40716/2
2024-04-15 Niyaz Murshedcrypto-sw-scheduler: crypto-dispatch improvement 73/40373/2
2024-04-15 Anton Nikolaevlinux-cp: fix seg fault in get_v2 methods 74/40674/3
2024-04-11 Florin Corasg2: fix gpointer cast complaints 96/40696/2
2024-04-11 Benoît Gannestn: fix non-NULL terminated string overflow 61/40661/2
2024-04-11 Benoît Gannetcp: check for header truncation 64/40664/3
2024-04-10 Florin Corassession: add api to detach session from app 68/40668/5