2024-12-16 fengleipolicer: fix policer_input coredump 23/42023/2
2024-12-16 Ole Troanpapi: vpp_papi asyncio support 72/41972/3
2024-12-16 Ole Troannat: add clear session for nat44-ed 17/41717/3
2024-12-16 Ole Troanmap: map_domain_dump fails for empty tag 71/41971/3
2024-12-13 Adrian Villinhs-test: always build when running 'make build' 11/41911/3
2024-12-12 Adrian Villinhs-test: skip building images if no new changes 10/41910/2
2024-12-12 Adrian Villinhs-test: update docs, makefile, maintainers 09/41909/4
2024-12-12 Adrian Villinhs-test: added a test counter and time elapsed 06/41906/2
2024-12-12 Oleksandr Hnatiukvapi: remove directory name from include guards 99/41499/3
2024-12-12 Adrian Villinhs-test: fix a runtime error 08/41908/2
2024-12-12 Oleksandr Hnatiukbuild: use VPP_BUILD_TOPDIR from environment if set 01/41501/2
2024-12-12 Guillaume Solignacarmada: fix feature arc for secondary interfaces 39/41839/2
2024-12-12 Benoît Gannepg: misc improvements and fixes 46/41246/5
2024-12-12 Florin Corassession: disable fifo tuning on app close 82/41982/4
2024-12-11 Adrian Villinhs-test: fix nginx http3 dockerfile 07/41907/2
2024-12-11 Adrian Villinhs-test: replaced container/interface getter func 04/41904/4
2024-12-11 Hadi Rayan... bpf_trace_filter: allow pcap filtering without classifier 33/41933/5
2024-12-10 Adrian Villinhs-test: added multi-threaded proxy tests 99/41899/14
2024-12-10 Adrian Villinhs-test: skip vppctl assert on teardown 05/41905/2
2024-12-10 Matus Fabianhttp: fix http_free_header_table 84/41984/2
2024-12-10 Ole Troanip: add enable ip4 api 69/41869/6
2024-12-10 Matus Fabianhttp: connection upgrade mechanism 18/41918/8
2024-12-10 Matus Fabianhs-test: arm support 77/41977/2
2024-12-10 Adrian Villinhs-test: improved iperf testing 03/41903/5
2024-12-10 Adrian Villinhs-test: remove client app retries 02/41902/4
2024-12-09 Mohsin Kazmicnat: add support for icmp traceroute 54/41654/5
2024-12-08 Steven Luongsession: add ip4-fib-id and ip6-fib-id to app ns CLI 15/41815/4
2024-12-08 Steven Luongsession: enhance display for show app 67/41967/4
2024-12-08 Matus Fabianhttp: http_decap_udp_payload_datagram fix 73/41973/2
2024-12-08 Florin Corasvcl: fix ldp getsockopt tcp_info length check 76/41976/3
2024-12-07 Florin Corasvcl: improve handling of thread cancelation in vls 75/41975/3
2024-12-07 Varun Rapellytls: add async processing support 91/41591/11
2024-12-07 Florin Corasvcl: fix epoll wait assert 74/41974/2
2024-12-06 Joel Ahnmisc: move ppp to a plugin 56/41956/7
2024-12-06 Steven Luongsession: clean up session table when re-adding an exist... 37/41837/2
2024-12-06 Dau Domemif: add num pkts received/sent per queue 47/41947/8
2024-12-06 Dave Wallacebuild: upgrade to openssl 3.4.0 in vpp-opts-deps package 68/41968/1
2024-12-05 Adrian Villinhsa: fix proxy udp issue 01/41901/2
2024-12-05 Adrian Villintap: update tap_flags 00/41900/2
2024-12-05 Dau Docrypto: add config option to adjust crypto sw scheduler... 48/41948/4
2024-12-04 Andrew Yourtchenkomisc: VPP 24.10 Release Notes 84/41784/2
2024-12-04 Renato Botelho... dev: include limits.h for PATH_MAX 43/41943/2
2024-12-04 Hadi Rayan... docs: mention command to display nodes supporting tracing 45/41945/3
2024-12-04 Ivan Ivanetstests: remove decorator tag_fixme_ubuntu2204 53/41953/2
2024-12-03 Florin Corasvcl: fix poll support 82/40882/3
2024-11-29 Benoît Gannesvm: fix overflow when no region is big enough 57/41857/3
2024-11-29 Benoît Gannevapi: fix vapi_ctx_alloc 44/41944/1
2024-11-28 Florin Corasvcl: store libc_epfd in vls instead of vcl 27/41927/4
2024-11-27 Adrian Villinhs-test: added ldp iperf tcp test 98/41898/3
2024-11-27 Adrian Villinhs-test: don't use reserved UDP ports for binding 97/41897/3
2024-11-27 Hadi Rayan... api: fix bug in pcap capture api 36/41936/3
2024-11-27 Dave Wallacetests: remove use of python 2.7 compatibility module... 57/41457/5
2024-11-27 Dave Wallacetests: use v3 version of session sdl dump api in ip6... 49/41849/4
2024-11-27 Matthew Smithvapi: only wait if queue is empty 83/40983/2
2024-11-27 Stanislav Zaikinvapi: remove plugin dependency from tests 61/40861/5
2024-11-27 Tom Jonesbuild: Add FreeBSD install-dep support 55/41355/2
2024-11-27 Bence Romsicsvat2: docs 78/41378/3
2024-11-26 Andrew Yourtchenkobuild: add SHA256 checksums for downloaded dependencies 71/40971/7
2024-11-22 Adrian Villinhs-test: added multithreaded vpp proxy tests 55/41655/8
2024-11-22 Mohsin Kazmipg: fix the buffer deletion 48/41648/4
2024-11-22 Ole Troanpapi: remove deprecated pkg_resources 34/41834/3
2024-11-22 Dave Wallacebuild: separate package suffixes for vpp-ext-deps and... 67/41867/2
2024-11-21 Jay Wangfib: fix `show ip fib memory` output error 61/41861/2
2024-11-21 Adrian Villinhs-test: added tls tcp iperf test 96/41896/2
2024-11-21 Florin Corasvcl: make ldp workers thread local 98/41798/7
2024-11-21 Adrian Villinhsa: added request repeating to http client 49/41649/10
2024-11-21 Florin Corassession: fix ct get peer if peer freed 59/41859/2
2024-11-20 Dave Wallacebuild: add vpp-opt-deps package 91/40891/31
2024-11-19 Matus Fabianhttp: track requests as independent objects 47/41847/2
2024-11-19 Matus Fabianhttp: HTTP Datagrams and the Capsule Protocol 23/41823/4
2024-11-19 Ivan Ivanetstests: vpp_qemu_utils with concurrency handling 99/41799/48
2024-11-19 Dave Wallacequic: update to quicly version 0.1.5 42/41842/8
2024-11-19 Florin Corasapi: support api clients with real-time scheduling 57/41257/2
2024-11-18 Matus Fabianhs-test: udp proxy testing infra 40/41840/2
2024-11-18 Florin Corassession: track number of tries to alloc lcl port 30/41830/4
2024-11-14 Matus Fabianhs-test: reduce curl image size 35/41835/2
2024-11-14 Matus Fabianhsa: configurable connect-proxy idle timeout 33/41833/2
2024-11-14 Matus Fabianhttp: state machine improvement 28/41828/3
2024-11-14 Matus Fabianhs-test: fix memleak testing 29/41829/2
2024-11-14 Maxime Peimmss_clamp: export functions 27/41827/7
2024-11-13 Matus Fabianhttp_static: api add keepalive-timeout 24/41824/2
2024-11-13 Monendra Singh... octeon: set rss flowkey after mac update 22/41822/2
2024-11-13 Benoît Gannetracenode: fix pcap capture if packet is also traced 44/41544/3
2024-11-13 Benoît Gannevlib: add clib_stack_frame_get_raw() 91/41691/2
2024-11-13 Monendra Singh... octeon: fix compilation for octeon 21/41821/2
2024-11-12 Ahmed Abdelsalamsr : enable SRv6 uSID in the SRv6 API 25/41825/3
2024-11-11 Florin Corastcp: handle multiple syns in time-wait 16/41816/2
2024-11-11 Kishor Dhanawadeocteon: add support for hmac_md5 and chachapoly 75/41775/2
2024-11-11 Ahmed Abdelsalamsr : adding support to SRv6 uA behavior 18/41818/1
2024-11-08 Steven Luongsession: validate appns index in vnet_session_rule_add_del 13/41813/2
2024-11-07 Florin Corashsa: proxy fix assert placement 14/41814/1
2024-11-07 Damjan Marionarmada: initial DSA support 94/41694/18
2024-11-07 Damjan Mariondev: secondary interfaces support 68/41668/23
2024-11-07 Marcel Cornucrypto-ipsecmb: bump to ipsecmb v2.0 06/41806/2
2024-11-07 Mohammed Hawaridev: introduce consistent_qp feature 12/41812/5
2024-11-06 Steven Luongsession: session table holding free appns index 32/41732/10
2024-11-05 Florin Corassvm: mq use poll instead of SO_RCVTIMEO 02/41802/3
2024-11-04 Adrian Villinhsa: added GET method to client 24/41424/33
2024-11-01 Matus Fabianhttp: CONNECT method for tunnelling 88/41588/6
2024-11-01 Dave Wallacehttp: fix invalid listener handle timeout config 00/41800/4