2016-12-09 Jasvinder SinghDPDK HQoS: enable vpp control plane thread connection... 79/4179/2
2016-12-09 Klement SekeraBFD: fix timing in the main loop 81/4181/2
2016-12-09 John LoAdd extra validation for VXLAN packets and tunnels 85/4185/3
2016-12-09 Vengada GovindanVPP-470: Introduce VxLAN-GPE as transport for iOAM. 79/3379/11
2016-12-08 Andrew Yourtchenkoacl: make MACIP ACL apply/unapply/delete logic more... 82/4182/2
2016-12-08 Gabriel Gannevpp-python-api packaging - use easy_install to install... 31/4131/4
2016-12-08 Andrew YourtchenkoAdapt LuaJIT VPP library and a few examples to API... 74/4174/3
2016-12-08 Andrew YourtchenkoFix incorrect creation of classifier entries for macip ACL 80/4180/2
2016-12-08 Klement SekeraBFD: improve ip header handling, fix assert 73/4173/4
2016-12-08 Juraj SlobodaFix bug in code for setting dpdk interface descriptors... 72/4172/1
2016-12-08 Sagar Srivastavioam: pot plugin - generate java bindings for ioam... 84/3884/7
2016-12-08 Damjan Mariondpdk: don't drop packets if l4 checksum is flagged... 64/4164/2
2016-12-08 Damjan Marionl2fwd: fix isssue with setting mac age from api 63/4163/2
2016-12-08 Pierre Pfistervhost: fix coverity warning 62/4162/1
2016-12-07 Jan SrnicekAcl JVpp api generation (HONEYCOMB-305) 24/4124/6
2016-12-07 Klement SekeraBFD: basic asynchronous session up/down 57/4157/4
2016-12-07 Damjan Marionl2fib: add mac aging support 08/4108/9
2016-12-07 Marek GradzkiMake jvpp connection fail if control ping fails 36/4136/2
2016-12-07 Neale RannsPrevent re-entrant walks on an adjacency. 54/4154/3
2016-12-07 Filip TehlarLISP mapping timers 28/4028/6
2016-12-07 Dave BarachRefactor tap binary APIs, VPP-550 52/4152/2
2016-12-07 Damjan Marionepoll_input: don't sleep if we expect event in less... 50/4150/2
2016-12-07 Matus Fabianmake test: add S-NAT plugin tests 47/4147/2
2016-12-07 Andrew YourtchenkoFix coverity CIDs 157344, 157343, 157341, 157340, 15733... 49/4149/1
2016-12-07 Juraj SlobodaMake table chain deletion optional in classifier API... 32/4132/3
2016-12-07 Jan SrnicekEnable Span Jvpp api generation 34/4134/1
2016-12-06 Ole TroanSPAN API: Fix various errors making SPAN break make... 33/4133/2
2016-12-06 Ole TroanAPI: Adapt make test to Python API changes. 94/4094/7
2016-12-06 Dave BarachRefactor binary APIs for IP, VPP-549 30/4130/3
2016-12-06 Juraj SlobodaAdd binary API for reading interface/vrf assignment... 28/4128/3
2016-12-06 Pavel Kotucekspan: add tx functionality and support for multiple... 49/4049/11
2016-12-06 Damjan Mariondpdk: fix rte_delay_us callback issue 29/4129/2
2016-12-06 Pierre Pfistervhost: Improve data path 26/4026/8
2016-12-06 Filip TehlarFix length in LCAF header 01/4101/2
2016-12-06 Gabriel Gannesnat: remove duplicate makefile var definition 16/4116/3
2016-12-06 Ole TroanMAP: Split MAP API out of vpe.api. 23/4123/3
2016-12-06 Pierre Pfistervhost: Code cleaning 16/3916/4
2016-12-06 Andrew YourtchenkoAdd "vpp-api-install" to plugins_configure_depend in... 64/3964/2
2016-12-06 Jantest: l2xc instances multi-context test (CSIT-491) 11/4111/2
2016-12-06 Pavel Kotucekdpdk: add rte_delay_us_callback 71/3971/5
2016-12-06 Gabriel Ganneadd missing import to mpls test 20/4120/2
2016-12-06 Marek Gradzkiapi: set jvpp version to 17.01 21/4121/2
2016-12-06 Pavel Kotucekapi: missing support for dumping of neighbours (VPP... 90/4090/3
2016-12-06 Filip TehlarImplement LISP control plane messages 44/3744/11
2016-12-06 Andrew Yourtchenkoacl: The ACL plugin. 23/3423/3
2016-12-05 Jantest: l2bd instance multi-context correction 12/4112/1
2016-12-05 JanUpdate CSIT tests 161128 -> 161204 07/4107/2
2016-12-05 Klement Sekeramake test: fix missing log/packet messages 71/3871/5
2016-12-05 Neale RannsAll mcast and All class E have /4 not /8 subnet masks 54/4054/2
2016-12-05 Dave BarachMove interface APIs to vnet/vnet/{interface.api,interfa... 03/4103/2
2016-12-05 Marek GradzkiFix l2.api patch in jvpp Makefile 02/4102/2
2016-12-05 Matus Fabianapi: set interface MTU API (VPP-442) 93/4093/3
2016-12-05 jerryianFix crash in debug mode when call ethernet_register_l3_... 91/4091/3
2016-12-05 Marek Gradzkiapi: enable Java API generation for l2.api (VPP-438) 95/4095/3
2016-12-05 Neale RannsLocally generated packet go through lookup/load-balance... 89/3989/6
2016-12-05 Dave BarachVariable-message-length tracing support, VPP-370 82/4082/3
2016-12-05 Juraj SlobodaFix vpp crash when generating jumbo packets 75/4075/3
2016-12-05 Alexander PopovskyFix ICMP echo reply punt path 86/4086/2
2016-12-05 Alexander PopovskyFix crash whith bonded ethernet / DPDK 16.11 89/4089/2
2016-12-02 Jantest: l2bd instances multi-context test (CSIT-479) 79/4079/3
2016-12-02 Neale RannsCoverity errors in MPLS code 77/4077/2
2016-12-02 Neale Rannsremove CLIB_DEBUG conditional in fib_protocol_t 81/4081/2
2016-12-02 Matus Fabianapi: L2 XConnect API (VPP-438) 76/4076/2
2016-12-02 Damjan Marioninterfaces: make no_flatten variant of inteface_ouptut... 74/4074/2
2016-12-02 Dave BarachCoverity warning be gone, VPP-486 73/4073/2
2016-12-02 Matus Fabiansnat: fix 1:1 NAT with multiple workers 46/4046/3
2016-12-02 Dave BarachInitialize the UDP checksum, or no supper 71/4071/2
2016-12-02 Klement Sekeramake test: handle exceptions from VppPapiProvider.__init__ 72/4072/2
2016-12-02 Hongjun NiAugment Vxlan to support NSH-Proxy 44/3944/15
2016-12-02 Damjan Marionbuffers: fix vlib_buffer_copy 48/4048/2
2016-12-02 Damjan Marionfeature: add interface-output arc 22/4022/5
2016-12-02 Ole TroanPython API: Support for per message CRC and API split. 69/4069/2
2016-12-02 Pierre PfisterFix dpdk_validate_rte-mbuf for chained buffers 68/4068/2
2016-12-02 Pavel Kotucekapi: fix inconsistent behaviour when adding l2fib filte... 66/4066/3
2016-12-02 Damjan Marionfeature: introduce feature arc end nodes 81/3981/6
2016-12-02 Neale RannsMPLS infrastructure improvments 69/3669/14
2016-12-02 Andrew LiFix wrong indentation in vppctl script 45/4045/3
2016-12-02 Ole TroanAPI: Packaging of JSON files. 57/4057/4
2016-12-01 Dave BarachAdd a 64-byte interface "tag" for vhost and tap interfaces 80/3980/7
2016-12-01 Peter Mikus"Update CSIT tests 161120 -> 161128"" 60/4060/2
2016-12-01 John LoAdd vxlan-bypass feature to IP4 forwarding path 33/4033/8
2016-12-01 Neale RannsARP un-unmbered called when no interfaces are unnumbered 31/4031/3
2016-12-01 Dave BarachAdd rx interface, ip4 src+dst to the flow-per-packet... 34/4034/4
2016-12-01 Ed WarnickeAdd banner for building deb and rpm packages to verify 40/4040/2
2016-12-01 Padraig Connollyvppctl: clean exit cli when ctrl-d or ctrl-c entered 73/3973/4
2016-12-01 Billy McFalldoc: doxygen documentation for vhost-user CLI Commmands... 77/3977/4
2016-12-01 Ed WarnickeRevert "Update CSIT tests 161120 -> 161128" 39/4039/2
2016-11-30 Ed WarnickeTemporarily remove make test 38/4038/1
2016-11-30 Pierre Pfisterdpdk patch: virtio: tx with can_push when VERSION_1... 27/4027/2
2016-11-30 Radu NicolauEnabling AES-GCM-128 with 16B ICV support 90/3990/2
2016-11-30 Marek GradzkiVPP-530: adapt jvpp generation for VPP API splitting 63/3963/8
2016-11-30 Eyal BariVXLAN multicast dst (remote) address support 51/3951/5
2016-11-30 Dave BarachStart spliting vpe.api into logically related pieces 39/3639/9
2016-11-30 Florin CorasImprove test for unlocking LISP src FIB 23/4023/1
2016-11-29 Pavel Kotucekspan: fix wrong next1 feature index in dual loop 86/3986/3
2016-11-29 Ed WarnickeHave make verify check deb and rpm builds 26/3926/8
2016-11-29 Ed WarnickeAdded make test to make verify 25/3925/8
2016-11-29 Ed WarnickeFix "TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType... 82/3982/2
2016-11-29 JanUpdate CSIT tests 161120 -> 161128 85/3985/1
2016-11-28 Chris LukeAdd support for using documentation siphons in multiple... 83/3283/5