# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Plotly Dash HTML layout override. """ import logging import pandas as pd import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from flask import Flask from dash import dcc from dash import html from dash import callback_context, no_update, ALL from dash import Input, Output, State from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from yaml import load, FullLoader, YAMLError from ast import literal_eval from ..utils.constants import Constants as C from ..utils.control_panel import ControlPanel from ..utils.trigger import Trigger from ..utils.utils import show_tooltip, label, sync_checklists, gen_new_url, \ generate_options, get_list_group_items from ..utils.url_processing import url_decode from ..data.data import Data from .graphs import graph_trending, graph_hdrh_latency, select_trending_data # Control panel partameters and their default values. CP_PARAMS = { "dd-dut-val": str(), "dd-phy-opt": list(), "dd-phy-dis": True, "dd-phy-val": str(), "dd-area-opt": list(), "dd-area-dis": True, "dd-area-val": str(), "dd-test-opt": list(), "dd-test-dis": True, "dd-test-val": str(), "cl-core-opt": list(), "cl-core-val": list(), "cl-core-all-val": list(), "cl-core-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-frmsize-opt": list(), "cl-frmsize-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-tsttype-opt": list(), "cl-tsttype-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "btn-add-dis": True, "cl-normalize-val": list() } class Layout: """The layout of the dash app and the callbacks. """ def __init__(self, app: Flask, html_layout_file: str, graph_layout_file: str, data_spec_file: str, tooltip_file: str, time_period: str=None) -> None: """Initialization: - save the input parameters, - read and pre-process the data, - prepare data for the control panel, - read HTML layout file, - read tooltips from the tooltip file. :param app: Flask application running the dash application. :param html_layout_file: Path and name of the file specifying the HTML layout of the dash application. :param graph_layout_file: Path and name of the file with layout of plot.ly graphs. :param data_spec_file: Path and name of the file specifying the data to be read from parquets for this application. :param tooltip_file: Path and name of the yaml file specifying the tooltips. :param time_period: It defines the time period for data read from the parquets in days from now back to the past. :type app: Flask :type html_layout_file: str :type graph_layout_file: str :type data_spec_file: str :type tooltip_file: str :type time_period: int """ # Inputs self._app = app self._html_layout_file = html_layout_file self._graph_layout_file = graph_layout_file self._data_spec_file = data_spec_file self._tooltip_file = tooltip_file self._time_period = time_period # Read the data: data_mrr = Data( data_spec_file=self._data_spec_file, debug=True ).read_trending_mrr(days=self._time_period) data_ndrpdr = Data( data_spec_file=self._data_spec_file, debug=True ).read_trending_ndrpdr(days=self._time_period) self._data = pd.concat([data_mrr, data_ndrpdr], ignore_index=True) # Get structure of tests: tbs = dict() for _, row in self._data[["job", "test_id"]].drop_duplicates().\ iterrows(): lst_job = row["job"].split("-") dut = lst_job[1] ttype = lst_job[3] tbed = "-".join(lst_job[-2:]) lst_test = row["test_id"].split(".") if dut == "dpdk": area = "dpdk" else: area = "-".join(lst_test[3:-2]) suite = lst_test[-2].replace("2n1l-", "").replace("1n1l-", "").\ replace("2n-", "") test = lst_test[-1] nic = suite.split("-")[0] for drv in C.DRIVERS: if drv in test: if drv == "af-xdp": driver = "af_xdp" else: driver = drv test = test.replace(f"{drv}-", "") break else: driver = "dpdk" infra = "-".join((tbed, nic, driver)) lst_test = test.split("-") framesize = lst_test[0] core = lst_test[1] if lst_test[1] else "8C" test = "-".join(lst_test[2: -1]) if tbs.get(dut, None) is None: tbs[dut] = dict() if tbs[dut].get(infra, None) is None: tbs[dut][infra] = dict() if tbs[dut][infra].get(area, None) is None: tbs[dut][infra][area] = dict() if tbs[dut][infra][area].get(test, None) is None: tbs[dut][infra][area][test] = dict() tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["core"] = list() tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["frame-size"] = list() tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["test-type"] = list() if core.upper() not in tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["core"]: tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["core"].append(core.upper()) if framesize.upper() not in \ tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["frame-size"]: tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["frame-size"].append( framesize.upper() ) if ttype == "mrr": if "MRR" not in tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["test-type"]: tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["test-type"].append("MRR") elif ttype == "ndrpdr": if "NDR" not in tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["test-type"]: tbs[dut][infra][area][test]["test-type"].extend( ("NDR", "PDR") ) self._spec_tbs = tbs # Read from files: self._html_layout = str() self._graph_layout = None self._tooltips = dict() try: with open(self._html_layout_file, "r") as file_read: self._html_layout = file_read.read() except IOError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Not possible to open the file {self._html_layout_file}\n{err}" ) try: with open(self._graph_layout_file, "r") as file_read: self._graph_layout = load(file_read, Loader=FullLoader) except IOError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Not possible to open the file {self._graph_layout_file}\n" f"{err}" ) except YAMLError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"An error occurred while parsing the specification file " f"{self._graph_layout_file}\n{err}" ) try: with open(self._tooltip_file, "r") as file_read: self._tooltips = load(file_read, Loader=FullLoader) except IOError as err: logging.warning( f"Not possible to open the file {self._tooltip_file}\n{err}" ) except YAMLError as err: logging.warning( f"An error occurred while parsing the specification file " f"{self._tooltip_file}\n{err}" ) # Callbacks: if self._app is not None and hasattr(self, "callbacks"): self.callbacks(self._app) @property def html_layout(self): return self._html_layout def add_content(self): """Top level method which generated the web page. It generates: - Store for user input data, - Navigation bar, - Main area with control panel and ploting area. If no HTML layout is provided, an error message is displayed instead. :returns: The HTML div with the whole page. :rtype: html.Div """ if self.html_layout and self._spec_tbs: return html.Div( id="div-main", className="small", children=[ dbc.Row( id="row-navbar", class_name="g-0", children=[ self._add_navbar() ] ), dcc.Loading( dbc.Offcanvas( class_name="w-50", id="offcanvas-metadata", title="Throughput And Latency", placement="end", is_open=False, children=[ dbc.Row(id="metadata-tput-lat"), dbc.Row(id="metadata-hdrh-graph") ] ) ), dbc.Row( id="row-main", class_name="g-0", children=[ dcc.Store(id="store-selected-tests"), dcc.Store(id="store-control-panel"), dcc.Location(id="url", refresh=False), self._add_ctrl_col(), self._add_plotting_col() ] ) ] ) else: return html.Div( id="div-main-error", children=[ dbc.Alert( [ "An Error Occured" ], color="danger" ) ] ) def _add_navbar(self): """Add nav element with navigation panel. It is placed on the top. :returns: Navigation bar. :rtype: dbc.NavbarSimple """ return dbc.NavbarSimple( id="navbarsimple-main", children=[ dbc.NavItem( dbc.NavLink( C.TREND_TITLE, disabled=True, external_link=True, href="#" ) ) ], brand=C.BRAND, brand_href="/", brand_external_link=True, class_name="p-2", fluid=True ) def _add_ctrl_col(self) -> dbc.Col: """Add column with controls. It is placed on the left side. :returns: Column with the control panel. :rtype: dbc.Col """ return dbc.Col([ html.Div( children=self._add_ctrl_panel(), className="sticky-top" ) ]) def _add_plotting_col(self) -> dbc.Col: """Add column with plots and tables. It is placed on the right side. :returns: Column with tables. :rtype: dbc.Col """ return dbc.Col( id="col-plotting-area", children=[ dcc.Loading( children=[ dbc.Row( id="plotting-area", class_name="g-0 p-0", children=[ C.PLACEHOLDER ] ) ] ) ], width=9 ) def _add_ctrl_panel(self) -> list: """Add control panel. :returns: Control panel. :rtype: list """ return [ dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-dut", "DUT" ) ), dbc.Select( id={"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "dut"}, placeholder="Select a Device under Test...", options=sorted( [ {"label": k, "value": k} \ for k in self._spec_tbs.keys() ], key=lambda d: d["label"] ) ) ], size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-infra", "Infra" ) ), dbc.Select( id={"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "phy"}, placeholder=\ "Select a Physical Test Bed Topology..." ) ], size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-area", "Area" ) ), dbc.Select( id={"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "area"}, placeholder="Select an Area..." ) ], size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-test", "Test" ) ), dbc.Select( id={"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "test"}, placeholder="Select a Test..." ) ], size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-framesize", "Frame Size" ) ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id={ "type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "frmsize-all" }, options=C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, inline=True, class_name="ms-2" ) ], width=2 ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id={ "type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "frmsize" }, inline=True ) ] ) ], style={"align-items": "center"}, size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-cores", "Number of Cores" ) ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id={ "type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "core-all" }, options=C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, inline=True, class_name="ms-2" ) ], width=2 ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id={ "type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "core" }, inline=True ) ] ) ], style={"align-items": "center"}, size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-ttype", "Test Type" ) ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id={ "type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "tsttype-all" }, options=C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, inline=True, class_name="ms-2" ) ], width=2 ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id={ "type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "tsttype" }, inline=True ) ] ) ], style={"align-items": "center"}, size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.InputGroupText( children=show_tooltip( self._tooltips, "help-normalize", "Normalization" ) ), dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Checklist( id="normalize", options=[{ "value": "normalize", "label": ( "Normalize to CPU frequency " "2GHz" ) }], value=[], inline=True, class_name="ms-2" ) ] ) ], style={"align-items": "center"}, size="sm" ) ] ), dbc.Row( class_name="g-0 p-1", children=[ dbc.Button( id={"type": "ctrl-btn", "index": "add-test"}, children="Add Selected", color="info" ) ] ), dbc.Row( id="row-card-sel-tests", class_name="g-0 p-1", style=C.STYLE_DISABLED, children=[ dbc.ListGroup( class_name="overflow-auto p-0", id="lg-selected", children=[], style={"max-height": "14em"}, flush=True ) ] ), dbc.Row( id="row-btns-sel-tests", class_name="g-0 p-1", style=C.STYLE_DISABLED, children=[ dbc.ButtonGroup( children=[ dbc.Button( id={"type": "ctrl-btn", "index": "rm-test"}, children="Remove Selected", class_name="w-100", color="info", disabled=False ), dbc.Button( id={"type": "ctrl-btn", "index": "rm-test-all"}, children="Remove All", class_name="w-100", color="info", disabled=False ) ] ) ] ) ] def _get_plotting_area( self, tests: list, normalize: bool, url: str ) -> list: """Generate the plotting area with all its content. """ if not tests: return C.PLACEHOLDER figs = graph_trending(self._data, tests, self._graph_layout, normalize) if not figs[0]: return C.PLACEHOLDER tab_items = [ dbc.Tab( children=dcc.Graph( id={"type": "graph", "index": "tput"}, figure=figs[0] ), label="Throughput", tab_id="tab-tput" ) ] if figs[1]: tab_items.append( dbc.Tab( children=dcc.Graph( id={"type": "graph", "index": "lat"}, figure=figs[1] ), label="Latency", tab_id="tab-lat" ) ) trending = [ dbc.Row( children=dbc.Tabs( children=tab_items, id="tabs", active_tab="tab-tput", ) ), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col([html.Div( [ dbc.Button( id="plot-btn-url", children="Show URL", class_name="me-1", color="info", style={ "text-transform": "none", "padding": "0rem 1rem" } ), dbc.Modal( [ dbc.ModalHeader(dbc.ModalTitle("URL")), dbc.ModalBody(url) ], id="plot-mod-url", size="xl", is_open=False, scrollable=True ), dbc.Button( id="plot-btn-download", children="Download Data", class_name="me-1", color="info", style={ "text-transform": "none", "padding": "0rem 1rem" } ), dcc.Download(id="download-trending-data") ], className=\ "d-grid gap-0 d-md-flex justify-content-md-end" )]) ], class_name="g-0 p-0" ) ] acc_items = [ dbc.AccordionItem( title="Trending", children=trending ) ] return dbc.Col( children=[ dbc.Row( dbc.Accordion( children=acc_items, class_name="g-0 p-1", start_collapsed=False, always_open=True, active_item=[f"item-{i}" for i in range(len(acc_items))] ), class_name="g-0 p-0", ), # dbc.Row( # dbc.Col([html.Div( # [ # dbc.Button( # id="btn-add-telemetry", # children="Add Panel with Telemetry", # class_name="me-1", # color="info", # style={ # "text-transform": "none", # "padding": "0rem 1rem" # } # ) # ], # className=\ # "d-grid gap-0 d-md-flex justify-content-md-end" # )]), # class_name="g-0 p-0" # ) ] ) def callbacks(self, app): """Callbacks for the whole application. :param app: The application. :type app: Flask """ @app.callback( [ Output("store-control-panel", "data"), Output("store-selected-tests", "data"), Output("plotting-area", "children"), Output("row-card-sel-tests", "style"), Output("row-btns-sel-tests", "style"), Output("lg-selected", "children"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "dut"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "phy"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "phy"}, "disabled"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "phy"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "area"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "area"}, "disabled"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "area"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "test"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "test"}, "disabled"), Output({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": "test"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "core"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "core"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "core-all"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "core-all"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "frmsize"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "frmsize"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "frmsize-all"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "frmsize-all"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "tsttype"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "tsttype"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "tsttype-all"}, "value"), Output({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": "tsttype-all"}, "options"), Output({"type": "ctrl-btn", "index": "add-test"}, "disabled"), Output("normalize", "value") ], [ State("store-control-panel", "data"), State("store-selected-tests", "data"), State({"type": "sel-cl", "index": ALL}, "value") ], [ Input("url", "href"), Input("normalize", "value"), Input({"type": "ctrl-dd", "index": ALL}, "value"), Input({"type": "ctrl-cl", "index": ALL}, "value"), Input({"type": "ctrl-btn", "index": ALL}, "n_clicks") ] ) def _update_application( control_panel: dict, store_sel: list, lst_sel: list, href: str, normalize: list, *_ ) -> tuple: """Update the application when the event is detected. """ ctrl_panel = ControlPanel(CP_PARAMS, control_panel) on_draw = False # Parse the url: parsed_url = url_decode(href) if parsed_url: url_params = parsed_url["params"] else: url_params = None plotting_area = no_update row_card_sel_tests = no_update row_btns_sel_tests = no_update lg_selected = no_update trigger = Trigger(callback_context.triggered) if trigger.type == "url" and url_params: try: store_sel = literal_eval(url_params["store_sel"][0]) normalize = literal_eval(url_params["norm"][0]) except (KeyError, IndexError): pass if store_sel: last_test = store_sel[-1] test = self._spec_tbs[last_test["dut"]][last_test["phy"]]\ [last_test["area"]][last_test["test"]] ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-dut-val": last_test["dut"], "dd-phy-val": last_test["phy"], "dd-phy-opt": generate_options( self._spec_tbs[last_test["dut"]].keys() ), "dd-phy-dis": False, "dd-area-val": last_test["area"], "dd-area-opt": [ {"label": label(v), "value": v} for v in sorted( self._spec_tbs[last_test["dut"]]\ [last_test["phy"]].keys() ) ], "dd-area-dis": False, "dd-test-val": last_test["test"], "dd-test-opt": generate_options( self._spec_tbs[last_test["dut"]][last_test["phy"]]\ [last_test["area"]].keys() ), "dd-test-dis": False, "cl-core-opt": generate_options(test["core"]), "cl-core-val": [last_test["core"].upper(), ], "cl-core-all-val": list(), "cl-core-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "cl-frmsize-opt": generate_options(test["frame-size"]), "cl-frmsize-val": [last_test["framesize"].upper(), ], "cl-frmsize-all-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "cl-tsttype-opt": generate_options(test["test-type"]), "cl-tsttype-val": [last_test["testtype"].upper(), ], "cl-tsttype-all-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "cl-normalize-val": normalize, "btn-add-dis": False }) on_draw = True elif trigger.type == "normalize": ctrl_panel.set({"cl-normalize-val": normalize}) on_draw = True elif trigger.type == "ctrl-dd": if trigger.idx == "dut": try: options = generate_options( self._spec_tbs[trigger.value].keys() ) disabled = False except KeyError: options = list() disabled = True ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-dut-val": trigger.value, "dd-phy-val": str(), "dd-phy-opt": options, "dd-phy-dis": disabled, "dd-area-val": str(), "dd-area-opt": list(), "dd-area-dis": True, "dd-test-val": str(), "dd-test-opt": list(), "dd-test-dis": True, "cl-core-opt": list(), "cl-core-val": list(), "cl-core-all-val": list(), "cl-core-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-frmsize-opt": list(), "cl-frmsize-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-tsttype-opt": list(), "cl-tsttype-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "btn-add-dis": True }) elif trigger.idx == "phy": try: dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-val") phy = self._spec_tbs[dut][trigger.value] options = [{"label": label(v), "value": v} \ for v in sorted(phy.keys())] disabled = False except KeyError: options = list() disabled = True ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-phy-val": trigger.value, "dd-area-val": str(), "dd-area-opt": options, "dd-area-dis": disabled, "dd-test-val": str(), "dd-test-opt": list(), "dd-test-dis": True, "cl-core-opt": list(), "cl-core-val": list(), "cl-core-all-val": list(), "cl-core-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-frmsize-opt": list(), "cl-frmsize-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-tsttype-opt": list(), "cl-tsttype-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "btn-add-dis": True }) elif trigger.idx == "area": try: dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-val") phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-phy-val") area = self._spec_tbs[dut][phy][trigger.value] options = generate_options(area.keys()) disabled = False except KeyError: options = list() disabled = True ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-area-val": trigger.value, "dd-test-val": str(), "dd-test-opt": options, "dd-test-dis": disabled, "cl-core-opt": list(), "cl-core-val": list(), "cl-core-all-val": list(), "cl-core-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-frmsize-opt": list(), "cl-frmsize-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "cl-tsttype-opt": list(), "cl-tsttype-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_DISABLED, "btn-add-dis": True }) elif trigger.idx == "test": dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-val") phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-phy-val") area = ctrl_panel.get("dd-area-val") if all((dut, phy, area, trigger.value, )): test = self._spec_tbs[dut][phy][area][trigger.value] ctrl_panel.set({ "dd-test-val": trigger.value, "cl-core-opt": generate_options(test["core"]), "cl-core-val": list(), "cl-core-all-val": list(), "cl-core-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "cl-frmsize-opt": \ generate_options(test["frame-size"]), "cl-frmsize-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-val": list(), "cl-frmsize-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "cl-tsttype-opt": \ generate_options(test["test-type"]), "cl-tsttype-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-val": list(), "cl-tsttype-all-opt": C.CL_ALL_ENABLED, "btn-add-dis": True }) elif trigger.type == "ctrl-cl": param = trigger.idx.split("-")[0] if "-all" in trigger.idx: c_sel, c_all, c_id = list(), trigger.value, "all" else: c_sel, c_all, c_id = trigger.value, list(), str() val_sel, val_all = sync_checklists( options=ctrl_panel.get(f"cl-{param}-opt"), sel=c_sel, all=c_all, id=c_id ) ctrl_panel.set({ f"cl-{param}-val": val_sel, f"cl-{param}-all-val": val_all, }) if all((ctrl_panel.get("cl-core-val"), ctrl_panel.get("cl-frmsize-val"), ctrl_panel.get("cl-tsttype-val"), )): ctrl_panel.set({"btn-add-dis": False}) else: ctrl_panel.set({"btn-add-dis": True}) elif trigger.type == "ctrl-btn": on_draw = True if trigger.idx == "add-test": dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-val") phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-phy-val") area = ctrl_panel.get("dd-area-val") test = ctrl_panel.get("dd-test-val") # Add selected test(s) to the list of tests in store: if store_sel is None: store_sel = list() for core in ctrl_panel.get("cl-core-val"): for framesize in ctrl_panel.get("cl-frmsize-val"): for ttype in ctrl_panel.get("cl-tsttype-val"): if dut == "trex": core = str() tid = "-".join(( dut, phy.replace('af_xdp', 'af-xdp'), area, framesize.lower(), core.lower(), test, ttype.lower() )) if tid not in [i["id"] for i in store_sel]: store_sel.append({ "id": tid, "dut": dut, "phy": phy, "area": area, "test": test, "framesize": framesize.lower(), "core": core.lower(), "testtype": ttype.lower() }) store_sel = sorted(store_sel, key=lambda d: d["id"]) if C.CLEAR_ALL_INPUTS: ctrl_panel.set(ctrl_panel.defaults) elif trigger.idx == "rm-test" and lst_sel: new_store_sel = list() for idx, item in enumerate(store_sel): if not lst_sel[idx]: new_store_sel.append(item) store_sel = new_store_sel elif trigger.idx == "rm-test-all": store_sel = list() if on_draw: if store_sel: lg_selected = get_list_group_items(store_sel) plotting_area = self._get_plotting_area( store_sel, bool(normalize), gen_new_url( parsed_url, {"store_sel": store_sel, "norm": normalize} ) ) row_card_sel_tests = C.STYLE_ENABLED row_btns_sel_tests = C.STYLE_ENABLED else: plotting_area = C.PLACEHOLDER row_card_sel_tests = C.STYLE_DISABLED row_btns_sel_tests = C.STYLE_DISABLED store_sel = list() ret_val = [ ctrl_panel.panel, store_sel, plotting_area, row_card_sel_tests, row_btns_sel_tests, lg_selected ] ret_val.extend(ctrl_panel.values) return ret_val @app.callback( Output("plot-mod-url", "is_open"), [Input("plot-btn-url", "n_clicks")], [State("plot-mod-url", "is_open")], ) def toggle_plot_mod_url(n, is_open): """Toggle the modal window with url. """ if n: return not is_open return is_open @app.callback( Output("metadata-tput-lat", "children"), Output("metadata-hdrh-graph", "children"), Output("offcanvas-metadata", "is_open"), Input({"type": "graph", "index": ALL}, "clickData"), prevent_initial_call=True ) def _show_metadata_from_graphs(graph_data: dict) -> tuple: """Generates the data for the offcanvas displayed when a particular point in a graph is clicked on. :param graph_data: The data from the clicked point in the graph. :type graph_data: dict :returns: The data to be displayed on the offcanvas and the information to show the offcanvas. :rtype: tuple(list, list, bool) """ trigger = Trigger(callback_context.triggered) try: idx = 0 if trigger.idx == "tput" else 1 graph_data = graph_data[idx]["points"][0] except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): raise PreventUpdate metadata = no_update graph = list() children = [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [dbc.Badge(x.split(":")[0]), x.split(": ")[1]] ) for x in graph_data.get("text", "").split("
") ] if trigger.idx == "tput": title = "Throughput" elif trigger.idx == "lat": title = "Latency" hdrh_data = graph_data.get("customdata", None) if hdrh_data: graph = [dbc.Card( class_name="gy-2 p-0", children=[ dbc.CardHeader(hdrh_data.pop("name")), dbc.CardBody(children=[ dcc.Graph( id="hdrh-latency-graph", figure=graph_hdrh_latency( hdrh_data, self._graph_layout ) ) ]) ]) ] else: raise PreventUpdate metadata = [ dbc.Card( class_name="gy-2 p-0", children=[ dbc.CardHeader(children=[ dcc.Clipboard( target_id="tput-lat-metadata", title="Copy", style={"display": "inline-block"} ), title ]), dbc.CardBody( id="tput-lat-metadata", class_name="p-0", children=[dbc.ListGroup(children, flush=True), ] ) ] ) ] return metadata, graph, True @app.callback( Output("download-trending-data", "data"), State("store-selected-tests", "data"), Input("plot-btn-download", "n_clicks"), prevent_initial_call=True ) def _download_trending_data(store_sel, _): """Download the data :param store_sel: List of tests selected by user stored in the browser. :type store_sel: list :returns: dict of data frame content (base64 encoded) and meta data used by the Download component. :rtype: dict """ if not store_sel: raise PreventUpdate df = pd.DataFrame() for itm in store_sel: sel_data = select_trending_data(self._data, itm) if sel_data is None: continue df = pd.concat([df, sel_data], ignore_index=True) return dcc.send_data_frame(df.to_csv, C.TREND_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME)