VPP Performance Dashboard ========================= Description ----------- Dashboard tables list a summary of latest per test-case VPP Maximum Receive Rate (MRR) performance trend, trend compliance metrics and detected number of anomalies. Data samples come from the CSIT VPP performance trending jobs executed twice a day, every 12 hrs (02:00, 14:00 UTC). All trend and anomaly evaluation is based on a rolling window of data samples, covering last 7 days. Legend to table: - **Test Case** : name of CSIT test case, naming convention in `CSIT wiki `_. - **Trend [Mpps]** : last value of trend. - **Short-Term Change [%]** : Relative change of last trend value vs. last week trend value. - **Long-Term Change [%]** : Relative change of last trend value vs. maximum of trend values over the last quarter except last week. - **Regressions [#]** : Number of regressions detected. - **Progressions [#]** : Number of progressions detected. - **Outliers [#]** : Number of outliers detected. MRR tests measure the packet forwarding rate under the maximum load offered by traffic generator over a set trial duration, regardless of packet loss. For more detail about MRR tests, trend and anomaly calculations please refer to :ref:`trending_methodology` section. Tested VPP worker-thread-core combinations (1t1c, 2t2c, 4t4c) are listed in separate tables in section 1.x. Followed by trending methodology in section 2. and daily trending graphs in sections 3.x. Daily trending data used is provided in sections 4.x. VPP worker on 1t1c ------------------ .. include:: ../../../_build/_static/vpp/performance-trending-dashboard-1t1c.rst VPP worker on 2t2c ------------------ .. include:: ../../../_build/_static/vpp/performance-trending-dashboard-2t2c.rst VPP worker on 4t4c ------------------ .. include:: ../../../_build/_static/vpp/performance-trending-dashboard-4t4c.rst