.. raw:: latex \clearpage Packet Latency ============== .. todo:: Introduction .. note:: Test results have been generated by `FD.io test executor dpdk performance job 2n-skx`_, `FD.io test executor dpdk performance job 3n-skx`_, `FD.io test executor dpdk performance job 2n-clx`_, and `FD.io test executor dpdk performance job 3n-hsw`_ with RF result files csit-dpdk-perf-|srelease|-\*.zip `archived here <../../_static/archive/>`_. Required per test case data set size is **10** and for DPDK tests this is the actual size, as all scheduled test executions completed successfully. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 3n-hsw-xl710 .. 2n-skx-xxv710 3n-skx-xxv710 2n-clx-xxv710