.. raw:: latex \clearpage HTTP/TCP Performance ==================== Performance graphs are generated by multiple executions of the same performance tests across physical testbeds hosted LF FD.io labs: 3n-hsw. Box-and-Whisker plots are used to display variations in measured throughput values, without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution. For each test case, Box-and-Whisker plots show the quartiles (Min, 1st quartile / 25th percentile, 2nd quartile / 50th percentile / mean, 3rd quartile / 75th percentile, Max) across collected data set. Outliers are plotted as individual points. .. note:: Data sources for reported test results: i) `FD.io test executor vpp performance job 3n-hsw`_, ii) archived FD.io jobs test result `output files <../../_static/archive/>`_. CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in `CSIT git repository `_. .. raw:: latex \clearpage Connections per second ---------------------- .. raw:: html .. raw:: latex \begin{figure}[H] \centering \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}} \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{http-server-performance-cps} \label{fig:http-server-performance-cps} \end{figure} .. raw:: latex \clearpage Requests per second ------------------- .. raw:: html .. raw:: latex \begin{figure}[H] \centering \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}} \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{http-server-performance-rps} \label{fig:http-server-performance-rps} \end{figure}