.. raw:: latex \clearpage .. raw:: html .. _vnf_service_chains: VNF Service Chains ================== Throughput graphs for VNF service chains are generated by multiple executions of tests covering a range of VNF service densities defined as [Number of Service Chains] x [Number of VNFs per Service Chain]. The results are presented in the service density graph. Additional information about graph data: #. **Graph Title**: describes tested packet path including VNF workload running in each VM. #. **X-axis Labels**: VNFs per service chain. #. **Y-axis Labels**: number of service chains. #. **Z-axis Color Scale**: lists 64B Packet Throughput (mean MRR value) in Mpps. #. **Hover Information**: specific test substring listing vhost-chain-vm combinations, number of runs executed, mean MRR throughput in Mpps, standard deviation. .. note:: Test results have been generated by `FD.io test executor vpp performance job 2n-skx`_ with RF result files csit-vpp-perf-|srelease|-\*.zip `archived here <../../_static/archive/>`_. .. raw:: latex \clearpage 2n-skx-x710 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 64b-2t1c-eth-l2bd ----------------- .. raw:: html
:index:`VNF Service Chains: 64b-1c-eth-l2bd-{2*X*Y}vhost-{Y}chain-{X*Y}vm-l3fwdip4-mrr` .. raw:: html

.. raw:: latex \begin{figure}[H] \centering \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}} \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 0cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2bd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-vsc-mrr} \label{fig:l2bd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-vsc-mrr} \end{figure} .. raw:: html
.. raw:: latex \clearpage 64b-4t2c-eth-l2bd ----------------- .. raw:: html
:index:`VNF Service Chains: 64b-2c-eth-l2bd-{2*X*Y}vhost-{Y}chain-{X*Y}vm-l3fwdip4-mrr` .. raw:: html

.. raw:: latex \begin{figure}[H] \centering \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}} \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 0cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2bd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-vsc-mrr} \label{fig:l2bd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-vsc-mrr} \end{figure}