.. raw:: latex \clearpage .. raw:: html .. _soak_tests: Soak Tests ========== Long duration soak tests are executed using `PLRsearch algorithm`_. As soak tests are new, and take long time to run, only 6 tests were executed. From those, 4 tests encountered some caveat, making their results unreliable. Additional information about graph data: #. **Graph Title**: describes type of tests and soak test duration. #. **X-axis Labels**: indices of test suites. #. **Y-axis Labels**: estimated intervals for packet throughput value in [Mpps]. #. **Graph Legend**: list of X-axis indices with CSIT test suites. #. **Hover Information**: lists the lower and upper bounds for the estimated throughput value. .. note:: Test results have been generated by `FD.io test executor vpp performance job 2n-skx`_ with RF result files csit-vpp-perf-|srelease|-\*.zip `archived here <../../_static/archive/>`_. .. raw:: latex \clearpage .. raw:: html

.. raw:: latex \begin{figure}[H] \centering \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}} \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 0cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{soak-test-1} \label{fig:soak-test-1} \end{figure} .. raw:: latex \clearpage .. raw:: html

.. raw:: latex \begin{figure}[H] \centering \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}} \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 0cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{soak-test-2} \label{fig:soak-test-2} \end{figure}