## Requirements | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.5.4 | | [nomad](#requirement\_nomad) | >= 1.4.20 | ## Providers | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [nomad](#provider\_nomad) | >= 1.4.20 | ## Modules No modules. ## Resources | Name | Type | |------|------| | [nomad_job.nomad_job](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/nomad/latest/docs/resources/job) | resource | ## Inputs | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:| | [aws\_access\_key\_id](#input\_aws\_access\_key\_id) | AWS access key. | `string` | `"aws"` | no | | [aws\_default\_region](#input\_aws\_default\_region) | AWS region | `string` | `"aws"` | no | | [aws\_secret\_access\_key](#input\_aws\_secret\_access\_key) | AWS secret key | `string` | `"aws"` | no | | [cpu](#input\_cpu) | Specifies the CPU required to run this task in MHz. | `number` | `10000` | no | | [cron](#input\_cron) | Specifies a cron expression configuring the interval to launch. | `string` | `"@daily"` | no | | [datacenters](#input\_datacenters) | Specifies the list of DCs to be considered placing this task. | `list(string)` |
| no | | [envs](#input\_envs) | Specifies ETL environment variables. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | | [image](#input\_image) | Specifies the Docker image to run. | `string` | `"pmikus/docker-ubuntu-focal-aws-glue:latest"` | no | | [job\_name](#input\_job\_name) | Specifies a name for the job. | `string` | `"etl"` | no | | [memory](#input\_memory) | Specifies the memory required in MB. | `number` | `50000` | no | | [out\_aws\_access\_key\_id](#input\_out\_aws\_access\_key\_id) | AWS access key. | `string` | `"aws"` | no | | [out\_aws\_default\_region](#input\_out\_aws\_default\_region) | AWS region | `string` | `"aws"` | no | | [out\_aws\_secret\_access\_key](#input\_out\_aws\_secret\_access\_key) | AWS secret key | `string` | `"aws"` | no | | [prohibit\_overlap](#input\_prohibit\_overlap) | Specifies if this job should wait until previous completed. | `bool` | `true` | no | | [time\_zone](#input\_time\_zone) | Specifies the time zone to evaluate the next launch interval. | `string` | `"UTC"` | no | | [type](#input\_type) | Specifies the Nomad scheduler to use. | `string` | `"batch"` | no | | [vault\_secret](#input\_vault\_secret) | Set of properties to be able to fetch secret from vault. |
use_vault_provider = bool,
vault_kv_policy_name = string,
vault_kv_path = string,
vault_kv_field_access_key = string,
vault_kv_field_secret_key = string
"use_vault_provider": false,
"vault_kv_field_access_key": "access_key",
"vault_kv_field_secret_key": "secret_key",
"vault_kv_path": "secret/data/etl",
"vault_kv_policy_name": "kv"
| no | ## Outputs No outputs.