# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Interface setup library.""" from ssh import SSH from robot.api.deco import keyword from resources.libraries.python.VatExecutor import VatExecutor class InterfaceSetup(object): """Interface setup utilities.""" __UDEV_IF_RULES_FILE = '/etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules' @staticmethod def tg_set_interface_driver(node, pci_addr, driver): """Set interface driver on the TG node. :param node: Node to set interface driver on (must be TG node). :param pci_addr: PCI address of the interface. :param driver: Driver name. :type node: dict :type pci_addr: str :type driver: str """ old_driver = InterfaceSetup.tg_get_interface_driver(node, pci_addr) if old_driver == driver: return ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) # Unbind from current driver if old_driver is not None: cmd = 'sh -c "echo {0} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/{1}/unbind"'.format( pci_addr, old_driver) (ret_code, _, _) = ssh.exec_command_sudo(cmd) if int(ret_code) != 0: raise Exception("'{0}' failed on '{1}'".format(cmd, node['host'])) # Bind to the new driver cmd = 'sh -c "echo {0} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/{1}/bind"'.format( pci_addr, driver) (ret_code, _, _) = ssh.exec_command_sudo(cmd) if int(ret_code) != 0: raise Exception("'{0}' failed on '{1}'".format(cmd, node['host'])) @staticmethod def tg_get_interface_driver(node, pci_addr): """Get interface driver from the TG node. :param node: Node to get interface driver on (must be TG node). :param pci_addr: PCI address of the interface. :type node: dict :type pci_addr: str :return: Interface driver or None if not found. :rtype: str .. note:: # lspci -vmmks 0000:00:05.0 Slot: 00:05.0 Class: Ethernet controller Vendor: Red Hat, Inc Device: Virtio network device SVendor: Red Hat, Inc SDevice: Device 0001 PhySlot: 5 Driver: virtio-pci """ ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) cmd = 'lspci -vmmks {0}'.format(pci_addr) (ret_code, stdout, _) = ssh.exec_command(cmd) if int(ret_code) != 0: raise Exception("'{0}' failed on '{1}'".format(cmd, node['host'])) for line in stdout.splitlines(): if len(line) == 0: continue (name, value) = line.split("\t", 1) if name == 'Driver:': return value return None @staticmethod def tg_set_interfaces_udev_rules(node): """Set udev rules for interfaces. Create udev rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d where are rules for each interface used by TG node, based on MAC interface has specific name. So after unbind and bind again to kernel driver interface has same name as before. This must be called after TG has set name for each port in topology dictionary. udev rule example SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="52:54:00:e1:8a:0f", NAME="eth1" :param node: Node to set udev rules on (must be TG node). :type node: dict """ ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) cmd = 'rm -f {0}'.format(InterfaceSetup.__UDEV_IF_RULES_FILE) (ret_code, _, _) = ssh.exec_command_sudo(cmd) if int(ret_code) != 0: raise Exception("'{0}' failed on '{1}'".format(cmd, node['host'])) for if_k, if_v in node['interfaces'].items(): if if_k == 'mgmt': continue rule = 'SUBSYSTEM==\\"net\\", ACTION==\\"add\\", ATTR{address}' + \ '==\\"' + if_v['mac_address'] + '\\", NAME=\\"' + \ if_v['name'] + '\\"' cmd = 'sh -c "echo \'{0}\' >> {1}"'.format( rule, InterfaceSetup.__UDEV_IF_RULES_FILE) (ret_code, _, _) = ssh.exec_command_sudo(cmd) if int(ret_code) != 0: raise Exception("'{0}' failed on '{1}'".format(cmd, node['host'])) cmd = '/etc/init.d/udev restart' ssh.exec_command_sudo(cmd) @staticmethod def tg_set_interfaces_default_driver(node): """Set interfaces default driver specified in topology yaml file. :param node: Node to setup interfaces driver on (must be TG node). :type node: dict """ for if_k, if_v in node['interfaces'].items(): if if_k == 'mgmt': continue InterfaceSetup.tg_set_interface_driver(node, if_v['pci_address'], if_v['driver']) @staticmethod def create_vxlan_interface(node, vni, source_ip, destination_ip): """Create VXLAN interface and return index of created interface Executes "vxlan_add_del_tunnel src {src} dst {dst} vni {vni}" VAT command on the node. :param node: Node where to create VXLAN interface :param vni: VXLAN Network Identifier :param source_ip: Source IP of a VXLAN Tunnel End Point :param destination_ip: Destination IP of a VXLAN Tunnel End Point :type node: dict :type vni: int :type source_ip: str :type destination_ip: str :return: SW IF INDEX of created interface :rtype: int """ output = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(node, "vxlan_create.vat", src=source_ip, dst=destination_ip, vni=vni) output = output[0] if output["retval"] == 0: return output["sw_if_index"] else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to create VXLAN interface on node {}'.\ format(node))