# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Python API executor library. """ import binascii import json from robot.api import logger from resources.libraries.python.Constants import Constants from resources.libraries.python.ssh import SSH, SSHTimeout from resources.libraries.python.PapiHistory import PapiHistory __all__ = ["PapiExecutor", "PapiResponse"] class PapiResponse(object): """Class for metadata specifying the Papi reply, stdout, stderr and return code. """ def __init__(self, papi_reply=None, stdout="", stderr="", ret_code=None, requests=None): """Construct the Papi response by setting the values needed. TODO: Implement 'dump' analogue of verify_replies that would concatenate the values, so that call sites do not have to do that themselves. :param papi_reply: API reply from last executed PAPI command(s). :param stdout: stdout from last executed PAPI command(s). :param stderr: stderr from last executed PAPI command(s). :param ret_code: ret_code from last executed PAPI command(s). :param requests: List of used PAPI requests. It is used while verifying replies. If None, expected replies must be provided for verify_reply and verify_replies methods. :type papi_reply: list or None :type stdout: str :type stderr: str :type ret_code: int :type requests: list """ # API reply from last executed PAPI command(s). self.reply = papi_reply # stdout from last executed PAPI command(s). self.stdout = stdout # stderr from last executed PAPI command(s). self.stderr = stderr # return code from last executed PAPI command(s). self.ret_code = ret_code # List of used PAPI requests. self.requests = requests # List of expected PAPI replies. It is used while verifying replies. if self.requests: self.expected_replies = \ ["{rqst}_reply".format(rqst=rqst) for rqst in self.requests] def __str__(self): """Return string with human readable description of the PapiResponse. :returns: Readable description. :rtype: str """ return ("papi_reply={papi_reply}," "stdout={stdout}," "stderr={stderr}," "ret_code={ret_code}," "requests={requests}". format(papi_reply=self.reply, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, ret_code=self.ret_code, requests=self.requests)) def __repr__(self): """Return string executable as Python constructor call. :returns: Executable constructor call. :rtype: str """ return "PapiResponse({str})".format(str=str(self)) def verify_reply(self, cmd_reply=None, idx=0, err_msg="Failed to verify PAPI reply."): """Verify and return data from the PAPI response. Note: Use only with a simple request / reply command. In this case the PAPI reply includes 'retval' which is checked in this method. Do not use with 'dump' and 'vpp-stats' methods. Use if PAPI response includes only one command reply. Use it this way (preferred): with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add('show_version').get_replies().verify_reply() or if you must provide the expected reply (not recommended): with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add('show_version').get_replies().\ verify_reply('show_version_reply') :param cmd_reply: PAPI reply. If None, list of 'requests' should have been provided to the __init__ method as pre-generated list of replies is used in this method in this case. The PapiExecutor._execute() method provides the requests automatically. :param idx: Index to PapiResponse.reply list. :param err_msg: The message used if the verification fails. :type cmd_reply: str :type idx: int :type err_msg: str or None :returns: Verified data from PAPI response. :rtype: dict :raises AssertionError: If the PAPI return value is not 0, so the reply is not valid. :raises KeyError, IndexError: If the reply does not have expected structure. """ cmd_rpl = self.expected_replies[idx] if cmd_reply is None else cmd_reply data = self.reply[idx]['api_reply'][cmd_rpl] if data['retval'] != 0: raise AssertionError("{msg}\nidx={idx}, cmd_reply={reply}". format(msg=err_msg, idx=idx, reply=cmd_rpl)) return data def verify_replies(self, cmd_replies=None, err_msg="Failed to verify PAPI reply."): """Verify and return data from the PAPI response. Note: Use only with request / reply commands. In this case each PAPI reply includes 'retval' which is checked. Do not use with 'dump' and 'vpp-stats' methods. Use if PAPI response includes more than one command reply. Use it this way: with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: papi_exec.add(cmd1, **args1).add(cmd2, **args2).add(cmd2, **args3).\ get_replies(err_msg).verify_replies() or if you need the data from the PAPI response: with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add(cmd1, **args1).add(cmd2, **args2).\ add(cmd2, **args3).get_replies(err_msg).verify_replies() or if you must provide the list of expected replies (not recommended): with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add(cmd1, **args1).add(cmd2, **args2).\ add(cmd2, **args3).get_replies(err_msg).\ verify_replies(cmd_replies=cmd_replies) :param cmd_replies: List of PAPI command replies. If None, list of 'requests' should have been provided to the __init__ method as pre-generated list of replies is used in this method in this case. The PapiExecutor._execute() method provides the requests automatically. :param err_msg: The message used if the verification fails. :type cmd_replies: list of str or None :type err_msg: str :returns: List of verified data from PAPI response. :rtype list :raises AssertionError: If the PAPI response does not include at least one of specified command replies. """ data = list() cmd_rpls = self.expected_replies if cmd_replies is None else cmd_replies if len(self.reply) != len(cmd_rpls): raise AssertionError(err_msg) for idx, cmd_reply in enumerate(cmd_rpls): data.append(self.verify_reply(cmd_reply, idx, err_msg)) return data class PapiExecutor(object): """Contains methods for executing VPP Python API commands on DUTs. Note: Use only with "with" statement, e.g.: with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: papi_resp = papi_exec.add('show_version').get_replies(err_msg) This class processes three classes of VPP PAPI methods: 1. simple request / reply: method='request', 2. dump functions: method='dump', 3. vpp-stats: method='stats'. The recommended ways of use are (examples): 1. Simple request / reply a. One request with no arguments: with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add('show_version').get_replies().\ verify_reply() b. Three requests with arguments, the second and the third ones are the same but with different arguments. with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add(cmd1, **args1).add(cmd2, **args2).\ add(cmd2, **args3).get_replies(err_msg).verify_replies() 2. Dump functions cmd = 'sw_interface_rx_placement_dump' with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: papi_resp = papi_exec.add(cmd, sw_if_index=ifc['vpp_sw_index']).\ get_dump(err_msg) 3. vpp-stats path = ['^/if', '/err/ip4-input', '/sys/node/ip4-input'] with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add(api_name='vpp-stats', path=path).get_stats() print('RX interface core 0, sw_if_index 0:\n{0}'.\ format(data[0]['/if/rx'][0][0])) or path_1 = ['^/if', ] path_2 = ['^/if', '/err/ip4-input', '/sys/node/ip4-input'] with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add('vpp-stats', path=path_1).\ add('vpp-stats', path=path_2).get_stats() print('RX interface core 0, sw_if_index 0:\n{0}'.\ format(data[1]['/if/rx'][0][0])) Note: In this case, when PapiExecutor method 'add' is used: - its parameter 'csit_papi_command' is used only to keep information that vpp-stats are requested. It is not further processed but it is included in the PAPI history this way: vpp-stats(path=['^/if', '/err/ip4-input', '/sys/node/ip4-input']) Always use csit_papi_command="vpp-stats" if the VPP PAPI method is "stats". - the second parameter must be 'path' as it is used by PapiExecutor method 'add'. """ def __init__(self, node): """Initialization. :param node: Node to run command(s) on. :type node: dict """ # Node to run command(s) on. self._node = node # The list of PAPI commands to be executed on the node. self._api_command_list = list() self._ssh = SSH() def __enter__(self): try: self._ssh.connect(self._node) except IOError: raise RuntimeError("Cannot open SSH connection to host {host} to " "execute PAPI command(s)". format(host=self._node["host"])) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._ssh.disconnect(self._node) def add(self, csit_papi_command="vpp-stats", **kwargs): """Add next command to internal command list; return self. The argument name 'csit_papi_command' must be unique enough as it cannot be repeated in kwargs. :param csit_papi_command: VPP API command. :param kwargs: Optional key-value arguments. :type csit_papi_command: str :type kwargs: dict :returns: self, so that method chaining is possible. :rtype: PapiExecutor """ PapiHistory.add_to_papi_history(self._node, csit_papi_command, **kwargs) self._api_command_list.append(dict(api_name=csit_papi_command, api_args=kwargs)) return self def get_stats(self, err_msg="Failed to get statistics.", timeout=120): """Get VPP Stats from VPP Python API. :param err_msg: The message used if the PAPI command(s) execution fails. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. :type err_msg: str :type timeout: int :returns: Requested VPP statistics. :rtype: list """ paths = [cmd['api_args']['path'] for cmd in self._api_command_list] self._api_command_list = list() ret_code, stdout, _ = self._execute_papi(paths, method='stats', err_msg=err_msg, timeout=timeout) return json.loads(stdout) def get_replies(self, err_msg="Failed to get replies.", process_reply=True, ignore_errors=False, timeout=120): """Get reply/replies from VPP Python API. :param err_msg: The message used if the PAPI command(s) execution fails. :param process_reply: Process PAPI reply if True. :param ignore_errors: If true, the errors in the reply are ignored. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. :type err_msg: str :type process_reply: bool :type ignore_errors: bool :type timeout: int :returns: Papi response including: papi reply, stdout, stderr and return code. :rtype: PapiResponse """ response = self._execute(method='request', process_reply=process_reply, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, err_msg=err_msg, timeout=timeout) return response def get_dump(self, err_msg="Failed to get dump.", process_reply=True, ignore_errors=False, timeout=120): """Get dump from VPP Python API. :param err_msg: The message used if the PAPI command(s) execution fails. :param process_reply: Process PAPI reply if True. :param ignore_errors: If true, the errors in the reply are ignored. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. :type err_msg: str :type process_reply: bool :type ignore_errors: bool :type timeout: int :returns: Papi response including: papi reply, stdout, stderr and return code. :rtype: PapiResponse """ response = self._execute(method='dump', process_reply=process_reply, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, err_msg=err_msg, timeout=timeout) return response def execute_should_pass(self, err_msg="Failed to execute PAPI command.", process_reply=True, ignore_errors=False, timeout=120): """Execute the PAPI commands and check the return code. Raise exception if the PAPI command(s) failed. IMPORTANT! Do not use this method in L1 keywords. Use: - get_replies() - get_dump() This method will be removed soon. :param err_msg: The message used if the PAPI command(s) execution fails. :param process_reply: Indicate whether or not to process PAPI reply. :param ignore_errors: If true, the errors in the reply are ignored. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. :type err_msg: str :type process_reply: bool :type ignore_errors: bool :type timeout: int :returns: Papi response including: papi reply, stdout, stderr and return code. :rtype: PapiResponse :raises AssertionError: If PAPI command(s) execution failed. """ response = self.get_replies(process_reply=process_reply, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, err_msg=err_msg, timeout=timeout) return response @staticmethod def _process_api_data(api_d): """Process API data for smooth converting to JSON string. Apply binascii.hexlify() method for string values. :param api_d: List of APIs with their arguments. :type api_d: list :returns: List of APIs with arguments pre-processed for JSON. :rtype: list """ api_data_processed = list() for api in api_d: api_args_processed = dict() for a_k, a_v in api["api_args"].iteritems(): value = binascii.hexlify(a_v) if isinstance(a_v, str) else a_v api_args_processed[str(a_k)] = value api_data_processed.append(dict(api_name=api["api_name"], api_args=api_args_processed)) return api_data_processed @staticmethod def _revert_api_reply(api_r): """Process API reply / a part of API reply. Apply binascii.unhexlify() method for unicode values. TODO: Implement complex solution to process of replies. :param api_r: API reply. :type api_r: dict :returns: Processed API reply / a part of API reply. :rtype: dict """ reply_dict = dict() reply_value = dict() for reply_key, reply_v in api_r.iteritems(): for a_k, a_v in reply_v.iteritems(): reply_value[a_k] = a_v reply_dict[reply_key] = reply_value return reply_dict def _process_reply(self, api_reply): """Process API reply. :param api_reply: API reply. :type api_reply: dict or list of dict :returns: Processed API reply. :rtype: list or dict """ if isinstance(api_reply, list): reverted_reply = [self._revert_api_reply(a_r) for a_r in api_reply] else: reverted_reply = self._revert_api_reply(api_reply) return reverted_reply def _execute_papi(self, api_data, method='request', err_msg="", timeout=120): """Execute PAPI command(s) on remote node and store the result. :param api_data: List of APIs with their arguments. :param method: VPP Python API method. Supported methods are: 'request', 'dump' and 'stats'. :param err_msg: The message used if the PAPI command(s) execution fails. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. :type api_data: list :type method: str :type err_msg: str :type timeout: int :raises SSHTimeout: If PAPI command(s) execution has timed out. :raises RuntimeError: If PAPI executor failed due to another reason. :raises AssertionError: If PAPI command(s) execution has failed. """ if not api_data: RuntimeError("No API data provided.") json_data = json.dumps(api_data) if method == "stats" \ else json.dumps(self._process_api_data(api_data)) cmd = "{fw_dir}/{papi_provider} --method {method} --data '{json}'".\ format(fw_dir=Constants.REMOTE_FW_DIR, papi_provider=Constants.RESOURCES_PAPI_PROVIDER, method=method, json=json_data) try: ret_code, stdout, stderr = self._ssh.exec_command_sudo( cmd=cmd, timeout=timeout) except SSHTimeout: logger.error("PAPI command(s) execution timeout on host {host}:" "\n{apis}".format(host=self._node["host"], apis=api_data)) raise except Exception: raise RuntimeError("PAPI command(s) execution on host {host} " "failed: {apis}".format(host=self._node["host"], apis=api_data)) if ret_code != 0: raise AssertionError(err_msg) return ret_code, stdout, stderr def _execute(self, method='request', process_reply=True, ignore_errors=False, err_msg="", timeout=120): """Turn internal command list into proper data and execute; return PAPI response. This method also clears the internal command list. IMPORTANT! Do not use this method in L1 keywords. Use: - get_stats() - get_replies() - get_dump() :param method: VPP Python API method. Supported methods are: 'request', 'dump' and 'stats'. :param process_reply: Process PAPI reply if True. :param ignore_errors: If true, the errors in the reply are ignored. :param err_msg: The message used if the PAPI command(s) execution fails. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. :type method: str :type process_reply: bool :type ignore_errors: bool :type err_msg: str :type timeout: int :returns: Papi response including: papi reply, stdout, stderr and return code. :rtype: PapiResponse :raises KeyError: If the reply is not correct. """ local_list = self._api_command_list # Clear first as execution may fail. self._api_command_list = list() ret_code, stdout, stderr = self._execute_papi(local_list, method=method, err_msg=err_msg, timeout=timeout) papi_reply = list() if process_reply: try: json_data = json.loads(stdout) except ValueError: logger.error("An error occured while processing the PAPI " "request:\n{rqst}".format(rqst=local_list)) raise for data in json_data: try: api_reply_processed = dict( api_name=data["api_name"], api_reply=self._process_reply(data["api_reply"])) except KeyError: if ignore_errors: continue else: raise papi_reply.append(api_reply_processed) return PapiResponse(papi_reply=papi_reply, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, ret_code=ret_code, requests=[rqst["api_name"] for rqst in local_list])