# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """VPP util library.""" import binascii from robot.api import logger from resources.libraries.python.Constants import Constants from resources.libraries.python.DUTSetup import DUTSetup from resources.libraries.python.PapiExecutor import PapiExecutor from resources.libraries.python.ssh import exec_cmd_no_error from resources.libraries.python.topology import NodeType class VPPUtil(object): """General class for any VPP related methods/functions.""" @staticmethod def show_vpp_settings(node, *additional_cmds): """Print default VPP settings. In case others are needed, can be accepted as next parameters (each setting one parameter), preferably in form of a string. :param node: VPP node. :param additional_cmds: Additional commands that the vpp should print settings for. :type node: dict :type additional_cmds: tuple """ def_setting_tb_displayed = { 'IPv6 FIB': 'ip6 fib', 'IPv4 FIB': 'ip fib', 'Interface IP': 'int addr', 'Interfaces': 'int', 'ARP': 'ip arp', 'Errors': 'err' } if additional_cmds: for cmd in additional_cmds: def_setting_tb_displayed['Custom Setting: {}'.format(cmd)] = cmd for _, cmd in def_setting_tb_displayed.items(): command = 'vppctl sh {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd) exec_cmd_no_error(node, command, timeout=30, sudo=True) @staticmethod def restart_vpp_service(node): """Restart VPP service on the specified topology node. :param node: Topology node. :type node: dict """ DUTSetup.restart_service(node, Constants.VPP_UNIT) @staticmethod def restart_vpp_service_on_all_duts(nodes): """Restart VPP service on all DUT nodes. :param nodes: Topology nodes. :type nodes: dict """ for node in nodes.values(): if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT: VPPUtil.restart_vpp_service(node) @staticmethod def stop_vpp_service(node): """Stop VPP service on the specified topology node. :param node: Topology node. :type node: dict """ DUTSetup.stop_service(node, Constants.VPP_UNIT) @staticmethod def stop_vpp_service_on_all_duts(nodes): """Stop VPP service on all DUT nodes. :param nodes: Topology nodes. :type nodes: dict """ for node in nodes.values(): if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT: VPPUtil.stop_vpp_service(node) @staticmethod def verify_vpp_installed(node): """Verify that VPP is installed on the specified topology node. :param node: Topology node. :type node: dict """ cmd = 'command -v vpp' exec_cmd_no_error( node, cmd, message='VPP is not installed!') @staticmethod def verify_vpp_started(node): """Verify that VPP is started on the specified topology node. :param node: Topology node. :type node: dict """ cmd = ('vppctl show pci 2>&1 | ' 'fgrep -v "Connection refused" | ' 'fgrep -v "No such file or directory"') exec_cmd_no_error( node, cmd, sudo=True, message='VPP failed to start!', retries=120) @staticmethod def verify_vpp(node): """Verify that VPP is installed and started on the specified topology node. :param node: Topology node. :type node: dict :raises RuntimeError: If VPP service fails to start. """ VPPUtil.verify_vpp_installed(node) try: # Verify responsivness of vppctl. VPPUtil.verify_vpp_started(node) # Verify responsivness of PAPI. VPPUtil.show_log(node) finally: DUTSetup.get_service_logs(node, Constants.VPP_UNIT) @staticmethod def verify_vpp_on_all_duts(nodes): """Verify that VPP is installed and started on all DUT nodes. :param nodes: Nodes in the topology. :type nodes: dict """ for node in nodes.values(): if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT: VPPUtil.verify_vpp(node) @staticmethod def vpp_show_version(node, verbose=True): """Run "show_version" PAPI command. :param node: Node to run command on. :param verbose: Show version, compile date and compile location if True otherwise show only version. :type node: dict :type verbose: bool :returns: VPP version. :rtype: str """ with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add('show_version').get_replies().verify_reply() version = ('VPP version: {ver}\n'. format(ver=data['version'].rstrip('\0x00'))) if verbose: version += ('Compile date: {date}\n' 'Compile location: {cl}\n '. format(date=data['build_date'].rstrip('\0x00'), cl=data['build_directory'].rstrip('\0x00'))) logger.info(version) return data['version'].rstrip('\0x00') @staticmethod def show_vpp_version_on_all_duts(nodes): """Show VPP version verbose on all DUTs. :param nodes: Nodes in the topology. :type nodes: dict """ for node in nodes.values(): if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT: VPPUtil.vpp_show_version(node) @staticmethod def vpp_show_interfaces(node): """Run "show interface" CLI command. :param node: Node to run command on. :type node: dict """ cmd = 'sw_interface_dump' cmd_reply = 'sw_interface_details' args = dict(name_filter_valid=0, name_filter='') err_msg = 'Failed to get interface dump on host {host}'.format( host=node['host']) with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: papi_resp = papi_exec.add(cmd, **args).get_replies(err_msg) papi_if_dump = papi_resp.reply[0]['api_reply'] if_data = list() for item in papi_if_dump: data = item[cmd_reply] data['interface_name'] = data['interface_name'].rstrip('\x00') data['tag'] = data['tag'].rstrip('\x00') data['l2_address'] = str(':'.join(binascii.hexlify( data['l2_address'])[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)). decode('ascii')) if_data.append(data) # TODO: return only base data logger.trace('Interface data of host {host}:\n{if_data}'.format( host=node['host'], if_data=if_data)) @staticmethod def vpp_enable_traces_on_dut(node, fail_on_error=False): """Enable vpp packet traces on the DUT node. :param node: DUT node to set up. :param fail_on_error: If True, keyword fails if an error occurs, otherwise passes. :type node: dict :type fail_on_error: bool """ cmds = [ "trace add dpdk-input 50", "trace add vhost-user-input 50", "trace add memif-input 50" ] for cmd in cmds: try: PapiExecutor.run_cli_cmd(node, cmd) except AssertionError: if fail_on_error: raise @staticmethod def vpp_enable_traces_on_all_duts(nodes, fail_on_error=False): """Enable vpp packet traces on all DUTs in the given topology. :param nodes: Nodes in the topology. :param fail_on_error: If True, keyword fails if an error occurs, otherwise passes. :type nodes: dict :type fail_on_error: bool """ for node in nodes.values(): if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT: VPPUtil.vpp_enable_traces_on_dut(node, fail_on_error) @staticmethod def vpp_enable_elog_traces_on_dut(node): """Enable API/CLI/Barrier traces on the DUT node. :param node: DUT node to set up. :type node: dict """ PapiExecutor.run_cli_cmd(node, "elog trace api cli barrier") @staticmethod def vpp_enable_elog_traces_on_all_duts(nodes): """Enable API/CLI/Barrier traces on all DUTs in the given topology. :param nodes: Nodes in the topology. :type nodes: dict """ for node in nodes.values(): if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT: VPPUtil.vpp_enable_elog_traces_on_dut(node) @staticmethod def show_event_logger_on_dut(node): """Show event logger on the DUT node. :param node: DUT node to show traces on. :type node: dict """ PapiExecutor.run_cli_cmd(node, "show event-logger") @staticmethod def show_event_logger_on_all_duts(nodes): """Show event logger on all DUTs in the given topology. :param nodes: Nodes in the topology. :type nodes: dict """ for node in nodes.values(): if node['type'] == NodeType.DUT: VPPUtil.show_event_logger_on_dut(node) @staticmethod def show_log(node): """Show log on the specified topology node. :param node: Topology node. :type node: dict :returns: VPP log data. :rtype: list """ return PapiExecutor.run_cli_cmd(node, "show log")["reply"] @staticmethod def vpp_show_threads(node): """Show VPP threads on node. :param node: Node to run command on. :type node: dict :returns: VPP thread data. :rtype: list """ with PapiExecutor(node) as papi_exec: data = papi_exec.add('show_threads').get_replies().\ verify_reply()["thread_data"] threads_data = list() for thread in data: thread_data = list() for item in thread: if isinstance(item, unicode): item = item.rstrip('\x00') thread_data.append(item) threads_data.append(thread_data) logger.info("show threads:\n{threads}".format(threads=threads_data)) return threads_data