# Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utilities to work with JSON data format from VAT.""" from robot.api import logger from resources.libraries.python.parsers.JsonParser import JsonParser class VatJsonUtil: """Utilities to work with JSON data format from VAT.""" @staticmethod def _convert_mac_to_number_list(mac_address): """Convert MAC address string to list of decimal numbers. Converts a ":" separated MAC address to decimal number list as used in JSON interface dump. :param mac_address: MAC address. :type mac_address: str :returns: List representation of MAC address. :rtype: list """ list_mac = list() for num in mac_address.split(u":"): list_mac.append(int(num, 16)) return list_mac @staticmethod def get_vpp_interface_by_mac(interfaces_list, mac_address): """Return interface dictionary from interface_list by MAC address. Extracts interface dictionary from all of the interfaces in interfaces list parsed from JSON according to mac_address of the interface. :param interfaces_list: Interfaces parsed from JSON. :param mac_address: MAC address of interface we are looking for. :type interfaces_list: dict :type mac_address: str :returns: Interface from JSON. :rtype: dict """ interface_dict = dict() list_mac_address = VatJsonUtil._convert_mac_to_number_list(mac_address) logger.trace( f"MAC address {mac_address} converted to list {list_mac_address}." ) for interface in interfaces_list: # TODO: create vat json integrity checking and move there if u"l2_address" not in interface: raise KeyError( u"key l2_address not found in interface dict." u"Probably input list is not parsed from correct VAT " u"json output." ) if u"l2_address_length" not in interface: raise KeyError( u"key l2_address_length not found in interface " u"dict. Probably input list is not parsed from correct " u"VAT json output." ) mac_from_json = interface[u"l2_address"][:6] if mac_from_json == list_mac_address: if interface[u"l2_address_length"] != 6: raise ValueError(u"l2_address_length value is not 6.") interface_dict = interface break return interface_dict @staticmethod def update_vpp_interface_data_from_json(node, interface_dump_json): """Update vpp node data in node__DICT from JSON interface dump. This method updates vpp interface names and sw if indexes according to interface MAC addresses found in interface_dump_json. :param node: Node dictionary. :param interface_dump_json: JSON output from dump_interface_list VAT command. :type node: dict :type interface_dump_json: str """ interface_list = JsonParser().parse_data(interface_dump_json) for ifc in node[u"interfaces"].values(): if_mac = ifc[u"mac_address"] interface_dict = VatJsonUtil.get_vpp_interface_by_mac( interface_list, if_mac ) if not interface_dict: logger.trace(f"Interface {ifc} not found by MAC {if_mac}") ifc[u"vpp_sw_index"] = None continue ifc[u"name"] = interface_dict[u"interface_name"] ifc[u"vpp_sw_index"] = interface_dict[u"sw_if_index"] ifc[u"mtu"] = interface_dict[u"mtu"] @staticmethod def get_interface_sw_index_from_json(interface_dump_json, interface_name): """Get sw_if_index from given JSON output by interface name. :param interface_dump_json: JSON output from dump_interface_list VAT command. :param interface_name: Interface name. :type interface_dump_json: str :type interface_name: str :returns: SW interface index. :rtype: int :raises ValueError: If interface not found in interface_dump_json. """ logger.trace(interface_dump_json) interface_list = JsonParser().parse_data(interface_dump_json) for interface in interface_list: try: if interface[u"interface_name"] == interface_name: index = interface[u"sw_if_index"] logger.debug( f"Interface with name {interface_name} " f"has sw_if_index {index}." ) return index except KeyError: pass raise ValueError(f"Interface with name {interface_name} not found.") @staticmethod def get_interface_name_from_json(interface_dump_json, sw_if_index): """Get interface name from given JSON output by sw_if_index. :param interface_dump_json: JSON output from dump_interface_list VAT command. :param sw_if_index: SW interface index. :type interface_dump_json: str :type sw_if_index: int :returns: Interface name. :rtype: str :raises ValueError: If interface not found in interface_dump_json. """ logger.trace(interface_dump_json) interface_list = JsonParser().parse_data(interface_dump_json) for interface in interface_list: try: if interface[u"sw_if_index"] == sw_if_index: interface_name = interface[u"interface_name"] logger.debug( f"Interface with sw_if_index {sw_if_index} " f"has name {interface_name}." ) return interface_name except KeyError: pass raise ValueError(f"Interface with sw_if_index {sw_if_index} not found.") @staticmethod def get_interface_mac_from_json(interface_dump_json, sw_if_index): """Get interface MAC address from given JSON output by sw_if_index. :param interface_dump_json: JSON output from dump_interface_list VAT command. :param sw_if_index: SW interface index. :type interface_dump_json: str :type sw_if_index: int :returns: Interface MAC address. :rtype: str :raises ValueError: If interface not found in interface_dump_json. """ logger.trace(interface_dump_json) interface_list = JsonParser().parse_data(interface_dump_json) for interface in interface_list: try: if interface[u"sw_if_index"] == sw_if_index: mac_from_json = interface[u"l2_address"][:6] \ if u"l2_address" in list(interface.keys()) else u"" mac_address = u":".join( f"{item:02x}" for item in mac_from_json ) logger.debug( f"Interface with sw_if_index {sw_if_index} " f"has MAC address {mac_address}." ) return mac_address except KeyError: pass raise ValueError(f"Interface with sw_if_index {sw_if_index} not found.") @staticmethod def verify_vat_retval(vat_out, exp_retval=0, err_msg=u"VAT cmd failed"): """Verify return value of VAT command. VAT command JSON output should be object (dict in python) or array. We are looking for something like this: { "retval": 0 }. Verification is skipped if VAT output does not contain return value element or root elemet is array. :param vat_out: VAT command output in python representation of JSON. :param exp_retval: Expected return value (default 0). :err_msg: Message to be displayed in case of error (optional). :type vat_out: dict or list :type exp_retval: int :type err_msg: str :raises RuntimeError: If VAT command return value is incorrect. """ if isinstance(vat_out, dict): retval = vat_out.get(u"retval") if retval is not None: if retval != exp_retval: raise RuntimeError(err_msg)