# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Keywords to manipulate NAT configuration using Honeycomb REST API.""" from resources.libraries.python.HTTPRequest import HTTPCodes from resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.HoneycombSetup import HoneycombError from resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.HoneycombUtil \ import DataRepresentation from resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.HoneycombUtil \ import HoneycombUtil as HcUtil class DHCPRelayKeywords(object): """Keywords for NAT configuration.""" def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def _set_dhcp_relay_properties(node, path, data=None): """Set DHCP relay properties and check the return code. :param node: Honeycomb node. :param path: Path which is added to the base path to identify the data. :param data: The new data to be set. If None, the item will be removed. :type node: dict :type path: str :type data: dict :return: Content of response. :rtype: bytearray :raises HoneycombError: If the status code in response is not 200 = OK or 201 = ACCEPTED. """ if data: status_code, resp = HcUtil. \ put_honeycomb_data(node, "config_dhcp_relay", data, path, data_representation=DataRepresentation.JSON) else: status_code, resp = HcUtil. \ delete_honeycomb_data(node, "config_dhcp_relay", path) if status_code not in (HTTPCodes.OK, HTTPCodes.ACCEPTED): raise HoneycombError( "The configuration of DHCP relay was not successful. " "Status code: {0}.".format(status_code)) return resp @staticmethod def add_dhcp_relay(node, data, ip_version, entry_id): """Add a DHCP relay entry to the list on entries. :param node: Honeycomb node. :param data: Configuration for the relay entry. :param ip_version: IP protocol version, ipv4 or ipv6. :param entry_id: Numeric ID. :type node: dict :type data: dict :type ip_version: str :type entry_id: int :returns: Content of response. :rtype: bytearray """ path = "/relay/dhcp:{0}/{1}".format(ip_version, entry_id) return DHCPRelayKeywords._set_dhcp_relay_properties(node, path, data) @staticmethod def clear_dhcp_relay_configuration(node): """Remove all DHCP relay configuration from the node. :param node: Honeycomb node. :type node: dict :returns: Content of response. :rtype: bytearray """ return DHCPRelayKeywords._set_dhcp_relay_properties(node, "") @staticmethod def get_dhcp_relay_oper_data(node): """Get operational data about the DHCP relay feature. :param node: Honeycomb node. :type node: dict :returns: Content of response. :rtype: bytearray :raises HoneycombError: If the status code in response is not 200 = OK. """ status_code, resp = HcUtil. \ get_honeycomb_data(node, "config_dhcp_relay") if status_code != HTTPCodes.OK: raise HoneycombError( "Could not retrieve DHCP relay configuration. " "Status code: {0}.".format(status_code)) return resp