# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ """ import plotly.graph_objects as go import pandas as pd import hdrh.histogram import hdrh.codec _COLORS = ( u"#1A1110", u"#DA2647", u"#214FC6", u"#01786F", u"#BD8260", u"#FFD12A", u"#A6E7FF", u"#738276", u"#C95A49", u"#FC5A8D", u"#CEC8EF", u"#391285", u"#6F2DA8", u"#FF878D", u"#45A27D", u"#FFD0B9", u"#FD5240", u"#DB91EF", u"#44D7A8", u"#4F86F7", u"#84DE02", u"#FFCFF1", u"#614051" ) _VALUE = { "mrr": "result_receive_rate_rate_avg", "ndr": "result_ndr_lower_rate_value", "pdr": "result_pdr_lower_rate_value", "pdr-lat": "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_avg" } _UNIT = { "mrr": "result_receive_rate_rate_unit", "ndr": "result_ndr_lower_rate_unit", "pdr": "result_pdr_lower_rate_unit", "pdr-lat": "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_unit" } _LAT_HDRH = ( # Do not change the order "result_latency_forward_pdr_0_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_0_hdrh", "result_latency_forward_pdr_10_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_10_hdrh", "result_latency_forward_pdr_50_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_50_hdrh", "result_latency_forward_pdr_90_hdrh", "result_latency_reverse_pdr_90_hdrh", ) # This value depends on latency stream rate (9001 pps) and duration (5s). # Keep it slightly higher to ensure rounding errors to not remove tick mark. PERCENTILE_MAX = 99.999501 _GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC = { u"result_latency_forward_pdr_0_hdrh": u"No-load.", u"result_latency_reverse_pdr_0_hdrh": u"No-load.", u"result_latency_forward_pdr_10_hdrh": u"Low-load, 10% PDR.", u"result_latency_reverse_pdr_10_hdrh": u"Low-load, 10% PDR.", u"result_latency_forward_pdr_50_hdrh": u"Mid-load, 50% PDR.", u"result_latency_reverse_pdr_50_hdrh": u"Mid-load, 50% PDR.", u"result_latency_forward_pdr_90_hdrh": u"High-load, 90% PDR.", u"result_latency_reverse_pdr_90_hdrh": u"High-load, 90% PDR." } def select_iterative_data(data: pd.DataFrame, itm:dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ """ phy = itm["phy"].split("-") if len(phy) == 4: topo, arch, nic, drv = phy if drv == "dpdk": drv = "" else: drv += "-" drv = drv.replace("_", "-") else: return None core = str() if itm["dut"] == "trex" else f"{itm['core']}" ttype = "ndrpdr" if itm["testtype"] in ("ndr", "pdr") else itm["testtype"] dut = "none" if itm["dut"] == "trex" else itm["dut"].upper() df = data.loc[( (data["dut_type"] == dut) & (data["test_type"] == ttype) & (data["passed"] == True) )] df = df[df.job.str.endswith(f"{topo}-{arch}")] df = df[df.test_id.str.contains( f"^.*[.|-]{nic}.*{itm['framesize']}-{core}-{drv}{itm['test']}-{ttype}$", regex=True )].sort_values(by="start_time", ignore_index=True) return df def graph_iterative(data: pd.DataFrame, sel:dict, layout: dict) -> tuple: """ """ fig_tput = go.Figure() fig_tsa = go.Figure() return fig_tput, fig_tsa def table_comparison(data: pd.DataFrame, sel:dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ """ table = pd.DataFrame( { "Test Case": [ "64b-2t1c-avf-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2memif-1dcr", "64b-2t1c-avf-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhostvr1024-1vm-vppl2xc", "64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp-ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows", "78b-2t1c-avf-ethip6-ip6scale2m-rnd "], "2106.0-8": [ "14.45 +- 0.08", "9.63 +- 0.05", "9.7 +- 0.02", "8.95 +- 0.06"], "2110.0-8": [ "14.45 +- 0.08", "9.63 +- 0.05", "9.7 +- 0.02", "8.95 +- 0.06"], "2110.0-9": [ "14.45 +- 0.08", "9.63 +- 0.05", "9.7 +- 0.02", "8.95 +- 0.06"], "2202.0-9": [ "14.45 +- 0.08", "9.63 +- 0.05", "9.7 +- 0.02", "8.95 +- 0.06"], "2110.0-9 vs 2110.0-8": [ "-0.23 +- 0.62", "-1.37 +- 1.3", "+0.08 +- 0.2", "-2.16 +- 0.83"], "2202.0-9 vs 2110.0-9": [ "+6.95 +- 0.72", "+5.35 +- 1.26", "+4.48 +- 1.48", "+4.09 +- 0.95"] } ) return table def graph_hdrh_latency(data: dict, layout: dict) -> go.Figure: """ """ fig = None traces = list() for idx, (lat_name, lat_hdrh) in enumerate(data.items()): try: decoded = hdrh.histogram.HdrHistogram.decode(lat_hdrh) except (hdrh.codec.HdrLengthException, TypeError) as err: continue previous_x = 0.0 prev_perc = 0.0 xaxis = list() yaxis = list() hovertext = list() for item in decoded.get_recorded_iterator(): # The real value is "percentile". # For 100%, we cut that down to "x_perc" to avoid # infinity. percentile = item.percentile_level_iterated_to x_perc = min(percentile, PERCENTILE_MAX) xaxis.append(previous_x) yaxis.append(item.value_iterated_to) hovertext.append( f"{_GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name]}
" f"Direction: {(u'W-E', u'E-W')[idx % 2]}
" f"Percentile: {prev_perc:.5f}-{percentile:.5f}%
" f"Latency: {item.value_iterated_to}uSec" ) next_x = 100.0 / (100.0 - x_perc) xaxis.append(next_x) yaxis.append(item.value_iterated_to) hovertext.append( f"{_GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name]}
" f"Direction: {(u'W-E', u'E-W')[idx % 2]}
" f"Percentile: {prev_perc:.5f}-{percentile:.5f}%
" f"Latency: {item.value_iterated_to}uSec" ) previous_x = next_x prev_perc = percentile traces.append( go.Scatter( x=xaxis, y=yaxis, name=_GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name], mode=u"lines", legendgroup=_GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name], showlegend=bool(idx % 2), line=dict( color=_COLORS[int(idx/2)], dash=u"solid", width=1 if idx % 2 else 2 ), hovertext=hovertext, hoverinfo=u"text" ) ) if traces: fig = go.Figure() fig.add_traces(traces) layout_hdrh = layout.get("plot-hdrh-latency", None) if lat_hdrh: fig.update_layout(layout_hdrh) return fig