#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from os import walk, listdir from os.path import isfile, isdir, join, getsize # Temporary working directory. It is created and deleted by run_doc.sh WORKING_DIR = "tmp" # Directory with resources to be documented. RESOURCES_DIR = "resources" # Directory with libraries (python, robot) to be documented. LIB_DIR = "libraries" # Directory with tests (func, perf) to be documented. TESTS_DIR = "tests" PY_EXT = ".py" RF_EXT = ".robot" PATH_PY_LIBS = join(WORKING_DIR, RESOURCES_DIR, LIB_DIR, "python") PATH_RF_LIBS = join(WORKING_DIR, RESOURCES_DIR, LIB_DIR, "robot") PATH_TESTS = join(WORKING_DIR, TESTS_DIR) # Sections in rst files rst_toc = """ .. toctree:: """ rst_py_module = """ .. automodule:: {}.{} :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: """ rst_rf_keywords = """ .. robot-keywords:: :source: {} """ rst_rf_tests = """ .. robot-tests:: :source: {} """ def get_files(path, extension): """Generates the list of files to process. :param path: Path to files. :param extension: Extension of files to process. If it is the empty string, all files will be processed. :type path: str :type extension: str :returns: List of files to process. :rtype: list """ file_list = list() for root, dirs, files in walk(path): for filename in files: if extension: if filename.endswith(extension): file_list.append(join(root, filename)) else: file_list.append(join(root, filename)) return file_list def create_file_name(path, start): """Create the name of rst file. Example: resources.libraries.python.honeycomb.rst tests.perf.rst :param path: Path to a module to be documented. :param start: The first directory in path which is used in the file name. :type path: str :type start: str :returns: File name. :rtype: str """ dir_list = path.split('/') start_index = dir_list.index(start) return ".".join(dir_list[start_index:-1]) + ".rst" def create_rst_file_names_set(files, start): """Generate a set of unique rst file names. :param files: List of all files to be documented with path beginning in the working directory. :param start: The first directory in path which is used in the file name. :type files: list :type start: str :returns: Set of unique rst file names. :rtype: set """ file_names = set() for file in files: file_names.add(create_file_name(file, start)) return file_names def scan_dir(path): """Create a list of files and directories in the given directory. :param path: Path to the directory. :type path: str :returns: List of directories and list of files sorted in alphabetical order. :rtype: tuple of two lists """ files = list() dirs = list() items = listdir(path) for item in items: if isfile(join(path, item)) and "__init__" not in item: files.append(item) elif isdir(join(path, item)): dirs.append(item) return sorted(dirs), sorted(files) def write_toc(fh, path, dirs): """Write a table of contents to given rst file. :param fh: File handler of the rst file. :param path: Path to package. :param dirs: List of directories to be included in ToC. :type fh: file :type path: str :type dirs: list """ fh.write(rst_toc) for dir in dirs: fh.write(" {}.{}\n".format('.'.join(path), dir)) def write_module_title(fh, module_name): """Write the module title to the given rst file. The title will be on the second level. :param fh: File handler of the rst file. :param module_name: The name of module used for title. :type fh: file :type module_name: str """ title = "{} module".format(module_name) fh.write("\n{}\n{}\n".format(title, '-' * len(title))) def generate_py_rst_files(): """Generate all rst files for all python modules.""" dirs_ignore_list = ["__pycache__", ] py_libs = get_files(PATH_PY_LIBS, PY_EXT) file_names = create_rst_file_names_set(py_libs, RESOURCES_DIR) for file_name in file_names: path = join(WORKING_DIR, *file_name.split('.')[:-1]) dirs, files = scan_dir(path) for item in dirs_ignore_list: while True: try: dirs.remove(item) except ValueError: break full_path = join(WORKING_DIR, file_name) with open(full_path, mode='a') as fh: if getsize(full_path) == 0: package = file_name.split('.')[-2] fh.write("{} package\n".format(package)) fh.write('=' * len("{} package".format(package))) module_path = file_name.split('.')[:-1] if dirs: write_toc(fh, module_path, dirs) for file in files: module_name = file.split('.')[0] write_module_title(fh, module_name) fh.write(rst_py_module.format('.'.join(module_path), module_name)) def generate_rf_rst_files(file_names, incl_tests=True, incl_keywords=True): """Generate rst files for the given robot modules. :param file_names: List of file names to be included in the documentation (rst files). :param incl_tests: If true, tests will be included in the documentation. :param incl_keywords: If true, keywords will be included in the documentation. :type file_names: set :type incl_tests: bool :type incl_keywords: bool """ for file_name in file_names: path = join(WORKING_DIR, *file_name.split('.')[:-1]) dirs, files = scan_dir(path) full_path = join(WORKING_DIR, file_name) with open(full_path, mode='a') as fh: if getsize(full_path) == 0: package = file_name.split('.')[-2] fh.write("{} package\n".format(package)) fh.write('=' * len("{} package".format(package)) + '\n') module_path = file_name.split('.')[:-1] if dirs: write_toc(fh, module_path, dirs) for file in files: module_name = file.split('.')[0] write_module_title(fh, module_name) path = join(join(*module_path), module_name + RF_EXT) if incl_tests: fh.write(rst_rf_tests.format(path)) if incl_keywords: fh.write(rst_rf_keywords.format(path)) def generate_kw_rst_files(): """Generate all rst files for all robot modules with keywords in libraries directory (no tests).""" rf_libs = get_files(PATH_RF_LIBS, RF_EXT) file_names = create_rst_file_names_set(rf_libs, RESOURCES_DIR) generate_rf_rst_files(file_names, incl_tests=False) def generate_tests_rst_files(): """Generate all rst files for all robot modules with tests in tests directory. Include also keywords defined in these modules.""" tests = get_files(PATH_TESTS, RF_EXT) file_names = create_rst_file_names_set(tests, TESTS_DIR) generate_rf_rst_files(file_names) if __name__ == '__main__': # Generate all rst files: generate_py_rst_files() generate_kw_rst_files() generate_tests_rst_files()