# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Algorithms to generate tables. """ import logging import csv import prettytable from string import replace from errors import PresentationError from utils import mean, stdev, relative_change def generate_tables(spec, data): """Generate all tables specified in the specification file. :param spec: Specification read from the specification file. :param data: Data to process. :type spec: Specification :type data: InputData """ logging.info("Generating the tables ...") for table in spec.tables: try: eval(table["algorithm"])(table, data) except NameError: logging.error("The algorithm '{0}' is not defined.". format(table["algorithm"])) logging.info("Done.") def table_details(table, input_data): """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_detailed_test_results specified in the specification file. :param table: Table to generate. :param input_data: Data to process. :type table: pandas.Series :type input_data: InputData """ logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...". format(table.get("title", ""))) # Transform the data data = input_data.filter_data(table) # Prepare the header of the tables header = list() for column in table["columns"]: header.append('"{0}"'.format(str(column["title"]).replace('"', '""'))) # Generate the data for the table according to the model in the table # specification job = table["data"].keys()[0] build = str(table["data"][job][0]) try: suites = input_data.suites(job, build) except KeyError: logging.error(" No data available. The table will not be generated.") return for suite_longname, suite in suites.iteritems(): # Generate data suite_name = suite["name"] table_lst = list() for test in data[job][build].keys(): if data[job][build][test]["parent"] in suite_name: row_lst = list() for column in table["columns"]: try: col_data = str(data[job][build][test][column["data"]. split(" ")[1]]).replace('"', '""') if column["data"].split(" ")[1] in ("vat-history", "show-run"): col_data = replace(col_data, " |br| ", "", maxreplace=1) col_data = " |prein| {0} |preout| ".\ format(col_data[:-5]) row_lst.append('"{0}"'.format(col_data)) except KeyError: row_lst.append("No data") table_lst.append(row_lst) # Write the data to file if table_lst: file_name = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(table["output-file"], suite_name, table["output-file-ext"]) logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(file_name)) with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler: file_handler.write(",".join(header) + "\n") for item in table_lst: file_handler.write(",".join(item) + "\n") logging.info(" Done.") def table_merged_details(table, input_data): """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_merged_details specified in the specification file. :param table: Table to generate. :param input_data: Data to process. :type table: pandas.Series :type input_data: InputData """ logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...". format(table.get("title", ""))) # Transform the data data = input_data.filter_data(table) data = input_data.merge_data(data) data.sort_index(inplace=True) suites = input_data.filter_data(table, data_set="suites") suites = input_data.merge_data(suites) # Prepare the header of the tables header = list() for column in table["columns"]: header.append('"{0}"'.format(str(column["title"]).replace('"', '""'))) for _, suite in suites.iteritems(): # Generate data suite_name = suite["name"] table_lst = list() for test in data.keys(): if data[test]["parent"] in suite_name: row_lst = list() for column in table["columns"]: try: col_data = str(data[test][column["data"]. split(" ")[1]]).replace('"', '""') if column["data"].split(" ")[1] in ("vat-history", "show-run"): col_data = replace(col_data, " |br| ", "", maxreplace=1) col_data = " |prein| {0} |preout| ".\ format(col_data[:-5]) row_lst.append('"{0}"'.format(col_data)) except KeyError: row_lst.append("No data") table_lst.append(row_lst) # Write the data to file if table_lst: file_name = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(table["output-file"], suite_name, table["output-file-ext"]) logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(file_name)) with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler: file_handler.write(",".join(header) + "\n") for item in table_lst: file_handler.write(",".join(item) + "\n") logging.info(" Done.") def table_performance_improvements(table, input_data): """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_performance_improvements specified in the specification file. :param table: Table to generate. :param input_data: Data to process. :type table: pandas.Series :type input_data: InputData """ def _write_line_to_file(file_handler, data): """Write a line to the .csv file. :param file_handler: File handler for the csv file. It must be open for writing text. :param data: Item to be written to the file. :type file_handler: BinaryIO :type data: list """ line_lst = list() for item in data: if isinstance(item["data"], str): # Remove -?drdisc from the end if item["data"].endswith("drdisc"): item["data"] = item["data"][:-8] line_lst.append(item["data"]) elif isinstance(item["data"], float): line_lst.append("{:.1f}".format(item["data"])) elif item["data"] is None: line_lst.append("") file_handler.write(",".join(line_lst) + "\n") logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...". format(table.get("title", ""))) # Read the template file_name = table.get("template", None) if file_name: try: tmpl = _read_csv_template(file_name) except PresentationError: logging.error(" The template '{0}' does not exist. Skipping the " "table.".format(file_name)) return None else: logging.error("The template is not defined. Skipping the table.") return None # Transform the data data = input_data.filter_data(table) # Prepare the header of the tables header = list() for column in table["columns"]: header.append(column["title"]) # Generate the data for the table according to the model in the table # specification tbl_lst = list() for tmpl_item in tmpl: tbl_item = list() for column in table["columns"]: cmd = column["data"].split(" ")[0] args = column["data"].split(" ")[1:] if cmd == "template": try: val = float(tmpl_item[int(args[0])]) except ValueError: val = tmpl_item[int(args[0])] tbl_item.append({"data": val}) elif cmd == "data": jobs = args[0:-1] operation = args[-1] data_lst = list() for job in jobs: for build in data[job]: try: data_lst.append(float(build[tmpl_item[0]] ["throughput"]["value"])) except (KeyError, TypeError): # No data, ignore continue if data_lst: tbl_item.append({"data": (eval(operation)(data_lst)) / 1000000}) else: tbl_item.append({"data": None}) elif cmd == "operation": operation = args[0] try: nr1 = float(tbl_item[int(args[1])]["data"]) nr2 = float(tbl_item[int(args[2])]["data"]) if nr1 and nr2: tbl_item.append({"data": eval(operation)(nr1, nr2)}) else: tbl_item.append({"data": None}) except (IndexError, ValueError, TypeError): logging.error("No data for {0}".format(tbl_item[0]["data"])) tbl_item.append({"data": None}) continue else: logging.error("Not supported command {0}. Skipping the table.". format(cmd)) return None tbl_lst.append(tbl_item) # Sort the table according to the relative change tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1]["data"], reverse=True) # Create the tables and write them to the files file_names = [ "{0}_ndr_top{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}_pdr_top{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}_ndr_low{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}_pdr_low{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) ] for file_name in file_names: logging.info(" Writing the file '{0}'".format(file_name)) with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler: file_handler.write(",".join(header) + "\n") for item in tbl_lst: if isinstance(item[-1]["data"], float): rel_change = round(item[-1]["data"], 1) else: rel_change = item[-1]["data"] if "ndr_top" in file_name \ and "ndr" in item[0]["data"] \ and rel_change >= 10.0: _write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) elif "pdr_top" in file_name \ and "pdr" in item[0]["data"] \ and rel_change >= 10.0: _write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) elif "ndr_low" in file_name \ and "ndr" in item[0]["data"] \ and rel_change < 10.0: _write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) elif "pdr_low" in file_name \ and "pdr" in item[0]["data"] \ and rel_change < 10.0: _write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) logging.info(" Done.") def _read_csv_template(file_name): """Read the template from a .csv file. :param file_name: Name / full path / relative path of the file to read. :type file_name: str :returns: Data from the template as list (lines) of lists (items on line). :rtype: list :raises: PresentationError if it is not possible to read the file. """ try: with open(file_name, 'r') as csv_file: tmpl_data = list() for line in csv_file: tmpl_data.append(line[:-1].split(",")) return tmpl_data except IOError as err: raise PresentationError(str(err), level="ERROR") def table_performance_comparison(table, input_data): """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_performance_comparison specified in the specification file. :param table: Table to generate. :param input_data: Data to process. :type table: pandas.Series :type input_data: InputData """ logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...". format(table.get("title", ""))) # Transform the data data = input_data.filter_data(table) # Prepare the header of the tables try: header = ["Test case", "{0} Throughput [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"]), "{0} stdev [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"]), "{0} Throughput [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"]), "{0} stdev [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"]), "Change [%]"] header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n" except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err: logging.error("The model is invalid, missing parameter: {0}". format(err)) return # Prepare data to the table: tbl_dict = dict() for job, builds in table["reference"]["data"].items(): for build in builds: for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems(): if tbl_dict.get(tst_name, None) is None: name = "{0}-{1}".format(tst_data["parent"].split("-")[0], "-".join(tst_data["name"]. split("-")[1:])) tbl_dict[tst_name] = {"name": name, "ref-data": list(), "cmp-data": list()} try: tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"].\ append(tst_data["throughput"]["value"]) except TypeError: pass # No data in output.xml for this test for job, builds in table["compare"]["data"].items(): for build in builds: for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems(): try: tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"].\ append(tst_data["throughput"]["value"]) except KeyError: pass except TypeError: tbl_dict.pop(tst_name, None) tbl_lst = list() for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys(): item = [tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"], ] if tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"]: item.append(round(mean(remove_outliers( tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"], table["outlier-const"])) / 1000000, 2)) item.append(round(stdev(remove_outliers( tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"], table["outlier-const"])) / 1000000, 2)) else: item.extend([None, None]) if tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"]: item.append(round(mean(remove_outliers( tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"], table["outlier-const"])) / 1000000, 2)) item.append(round(stdev(remove_outliers( tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"], table["outlier-const"])) / 1000000, 2)) else: item.extend([None, None]) if item[1] is not None and item[3] is not None: item.append(int(relative_change(float(item[1]), float(item[3])))) if len(item) == 6: tbl_lst.append(item) # Sort the table according to the relative change tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1], reverse=True) # Generate tables: # All tests in csv: tbl_names = ["{0}-ndr-1t1c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}-ndr-2t2c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}-ndr-4t4c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}-pdr-1t1c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}-pdr-2t2c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]), "{0}-pdr-4t4c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) ] for file_name in tbl_names: logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(file_name)) with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler: file_handler.write(header_str) for test in tbl_lst: if (file_name.split("-")[-3] in test[0] and # NDR vs PDR file_name.split("-")[-2] in test[0]): # cores test[0] = "-".join(test[0].split("-")[:-1]) file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + "\n") # All tests in txt: tbl_names_txt = ["{0}-ndr-1t1c-full.txt".format(table["output-file"]), "{0}-ndr-2t2c-full.txt".format(table["output-file"]), "{0}-ndr-4t4c-full.txt".format(table["output-file"]), "{0}-pdr-1t1c-full.txt".format(table["output-file"]), "{0}-pdr-2t2c-full.txt".format(table["output-file"]), "{0}-pdr-4t4c-full.txt".format(table["output-file"]) ] for i, txt_name in enumerate(tbl_names_txt): txt_table = None logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(txt_name)) with open(tbl_names[i], 'rb') as csv_file: csv_content = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in csv_content: if txt_table is None: txt_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(row) else: txt_table.add_row(row) txt_table.align["Test case"] = "l" with open(txt_name, "w") as txt_file: txt_file.write(str(txt_table)) # Selected tests in csv: input_file = "{0}-ndr-1t1c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) with open(input_file, "r") as in_file: lines = list() for line in in_file: lines.append(line) output_file = "{0}-ndr-1t1c-top{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(output_file)) with open(output_file, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(header_str) for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): if i == table["nr-of-tests-shown"]: break out_file.write(line) output_file = "{0}-ndr-1t1c-bottom{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(output_file)) with open(output_file, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(header_str) for i, line in enumerate(lines[-1:0:-1]): if i == table["nr-of-tests-shown"]: break out_file.write(line) input_file = "{0}-pdr-1t1c-full{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) with open(input_file, "r") as in_file: lines = list() for line in in_file: lines.append(line) output_file = "{0}-pdr-1t1c-top{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(output_file)) with open(output_file, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(header_str) for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): if i == table["nr-of-tests-shown"]: break out_file.write(line) output_file = "{0}-pdr-1t1c-bottom{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"]) logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(output_file)) with open(output_file, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(header_str) for i, line in enumerate(lines[-1:0:-1]): if i == table["nr-of-tests-shown"]: break out_file.write(line)