# Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Inputs Download all data. """ import re import logging import gzip from os import rename, mkdir from os.path import join from http.client import responses from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile, BadZipfile import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry from requests.exceptions import RequestException from requests import codes from pal_errors import PresentationError # Chunk size used for file download CHUNK_SIZE = 512 # Separator used in file names SEPARATOR = u"__" REGEX_RELEASE = re.compile(r'(\D*)(\d{4}|master)(\D*)') def _download_file(url, file_name, arch=False): """Download a file with input data. :param url: URL to the file to download. :param file_name: Name of file to download. :param arch: If True, also .gz file is downloaded :type url: str :type file_name: str :type arch: bool :returns: True if the download was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ def requests_retry_session(retries=3, backoff_factor=0.3, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504)): """ :param retries: Total number of retries to allow. :param backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try. :param status_forcelist: A set of integer HTTP status codes that are forced to retry. :type retries: int :type backoff_factor: float :type status_forcelist: iterable :returns: Session object. :rtype: requests.Session """ retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session = requests.Session() session.mount(u"http://", adapter) session.mount(u"https://", adapter) return session success = False session = None try: logging.info(f" Connecting to {url} ...") session = requests_retry_session() response = session.get(url, stream=True, verify=False) code = response.status_code logging.info(f" {code}: {responses[code]}") if code != codes[u"OK"]: if session: session.close() url = url.replace(u"_info", u"") logging.info(f" Connecting to {url} ...") session = requests_retry_session() response = session.get(url, stream=True, verify=False) code = response.status_code logging.info(f" {code}: {responses[code]}") if code != codes[u"OK"]: return False, file_name file_name = file_name.replace(u"_info", u"") dst_file_name = file_name.replace(u".gz", u"") logging.info(f" Downloading the file {url} to {dst_file_name} ...") with open(dst_file_name, u"wb") as file_handle: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE): if chunk: file_handle.write(chunk) if arch and u".gz" in file_name: if session: session.close() logging.info(f" Downloading the file {url} to {file_name} ...") session = requests_retry_session() response = session.get(url, stream=True, verify=False) if response.status_code == codes[u"OK"]: with open(file_name, u"wb") as file_handle: file_handle.write(response.raw.read()) else: logging.error( f"Not possible to download the file {url} to {file_name}" ) success = True except RequestException as err: logging.error(f"HTTP Request exception:\n{repr(err)}") except (IOError, ValueError, KeyError) as err: logging.error(f"Download failed.\n{repr(err)}") finally: if session: session.close() logging.info(u" Download finished.") return success, file_name def _unzip_file(spec, build, pid): """Unzip downloaded source file. :param spec: Specification read form the specification file. :param build: Information about the build. :type spec: Specification :type build: dict :returns: True if the download was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ file_name = build[u"file-name"] if u".zip" in file_name: data_file = spec.input[u"zip-extract"] else: data_file = spec.input[u"extract"] directory = spec.environment[u"paths"][u"DIR[WORKING,DATA]"] tmp_dir = join(directory, str(pid)) try: mkdir(tmp_dir) except OSError: pass new_name = \ f"{file_name.rsplit(u'.')[-2]}{SEPARATOR}{data_file.split(u'/')[-1]}" logging.info(f" Unzipping: {data_file} from {file_name}.") try: with ZipFile(file_name, u'r') as zip_file: zip_file.extract(data_file, tmp_dir) logging.info( f" Renaming the file {join(tmp_dir, data_file)} to {new_name}" ) rename(join(tmp_dir, data_file), new_name) build[u"file-name"] = new_name return True except (BadZipfile, RuntimeError) as err: logging.error(f"Failed to unzip the file {file_name}: {repr(err)}.") return False except OSError as err: logging.error(f"Failed to rename the file {data_file}: {repr(err)}.") return False def download_and_unzip_data_file(spec, job, build, pid): """Download and unzip a source file. :param spec: Specification read form the specification file. :param job: Name of the Jenkins job. :param build: Information about the build. :param pid: PID of the process executing this method. :type spec: Specification :type job: str :type build: dict :type pid: int :returns: True if the download was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Try to download .gz from s3_storage file_name = spec.input[u"file-name"] url = u"{0}/{1}".format( spec.environment[u'urls'][u'URL[S3_STORAGE,LOG]'], spec.input[u'download-path'].format( job=job, build=build[u'build'], filename=file_name ) ) new_name = join( spec.environment[u"paths"][u"DIR[WORKING,DATA]"], f"{job}{SEPARATOR}{build[u'build']}{SEPARATOR}{file_name}" ) logging.info(f"Trying to download {url}") arch = bool(spec.configuration.get(u"archive-inputs", True)) success, downloaded_name = _download_file(url, new_name, arch=arch) if not success: # Try to download .gz from logs.fd.io file_name = spec.input[u"file-name"] url = u"{0}/{1}".format( spec.environment[u'urls'][u'URL[NEXUS,LOG]'], spec.input[u'download-path'].format( job=job, build=build[u'build'], filename=file_name ) ) new_name = join( spec.environment[u"paths"][u"DIR[WORKING,DATA]"], f"{job}{SEPARATOR}{build[u'build']}{SEPARATOR}{file_name}" ) logging.info(f"Trying to download {url}") arch = bool(spec.configuration.get(u"archive-inputs", True)) success, downloaded_name = _download_file(url, new_name, arch=arch) if not success: # Try to download .gz or .zip from docs.fd.io file_name = (spec.input[u"file-name"], spec.input[u"zip-file-name"]) release = re.search(REGEX_RELEASE, job).group(2) for idx, rls in enumerate((release, u"master", )): try: rls = f"rls{int(rls)}" except ValueError: # It is master pass url = ( f"{spec.environment[u'urls'][u'URL[NEXUS,DOC]']}/" f"{rls}/" f"{spec.environment[u'urls'][u'DIR[NEXUS,DOC]']}/" f"{job}{SEPARATOR}{build[u'build']}{SEPARATOR}{file_name[idx]}" ) logging.info(f"Downloading {url}") new_name = join( spec.environment[u"paths"][u"DIR[WORKING,DATA]"], f"{job}{SEPARATOR}{build[u'build']}{SEPARATOR}{file_name[idx]}" ) success, downloaded_name = _download_file(url, new_name, arch=arch) if success: file_name = file_name[idx] if file_name.endswith(u".gz"): with gzip.open(downloaded_name[:-3], u"rb") as gzip_file: file_content = gzip_file.read() with open(downloaded_name[:-3], u"wb") as xml_file: xml_file.write(file_content) break if not success: # Try to download .zip from jenkins.fd.io file_name = spec.input[u"zip-file-name"] download_path = spec.input[u"zip-download-path"] if job.startswith(u"csit-"): url = spec.environment[u"urls"][u"URL[JENKINS,CSIT]"] else: raise PresentationError(f"No url defined for the job {job}.") full_name = download_path.format( job=job, build=build[u"build"], filename=file_name ) url = u"{0}/{1}".format(url, full_name) new_name = join( spec.environment[u"paths"][u"DIR[WORKING,DATA]"], f"{job}{SEPARATOR}{build[u'build']}{SEPARATOR}{file_name}" ) logging.info(f"Downloading {url}") success, downloaded_name = _download_file(url, new_name) if success and downloaded_name.endswith(u".zip"): if not is_zipfile(downloaded_name): logging.error(f"Zip file {new_name} is corrupted.") success = False if success: build[u"file-name"] = downloaded_name if file_name.endswith(u".gz"): build[u"file-name"] = downloaded_name[:-3] if downloaded_name.endswith(u".zip"): success = _unzip_file(spec, build, pid) return success