#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Generate csv files for the chapter "CSIT Release Notes" from json files generated by Jenkins' jobs. """ from sys import exit as sys_exit from os import walk from os.path import join from math import sqrt from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter from json import load EXT_JSON = ".json" EXT_TMPL = ".template" EXT_CSV = ".csv" def get_files(path, extension): """Generates the list of files to process. :param path: Path to files. :param extension: Extension of files to process. If it is the empty string, all files will be processed. :type path: str :type extension: str :returns: List of files to process. :rtype: list """ file_list = list() for root, _, files in walk(path): for filename in files: if extension: if filename.endswith(extension): file_list.append(join(root, filename)) else: file_list.append(join(root, filename)) return file_list def parse_args(): """Parse arguments from cmd line. :returns: Parsed arguments. :rtype ArgumentParser """ parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", required=True, help="Input folder with data files.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=True, help="Output folder with csv files and templates for " "csv files.") return parser.parse_args() def calculate_stats(data): """Calculate statistics: - average, - standard deviation. :param data: Data to process. :type data: list :returns: Average and standard deviation. :rtype: tuple """ if len(data) == 0: return None, None def average(items): """Calculate average from the items. :param items: Average is calculated from these items. :type items: list :returns: Average. :rtype: float """ return float(sum(items)) / len(items) avg = average(data) variance = [(x - avg) ** 2 for x in data] stdev = sqrt(average(variance)) return avg, stdev def write_line_to_file(file_handler, item): """Write a line to the csv file. :param file_handler: File handler for the csv file. It must be open for writing text. :param item: Item to be written to the file. :type file_handler: BinaryIO :type item: dict """ mean = "" if item["mean"] is None else "{:.1f}".format(item["mean"]) stdev = "" if item["stdev"] is None else "{:.1f}".format(item["stdev"]) change = "" if item["change"] is None else "{:.1f}%".format(item["change"]) file_handler.write("{},{},{},{}\n".format(item["old"], mean, stdev, change)) def main(): """Main function to generate csv files for the chapter "CSIT Release Notes" from json files generated by Jenkins' jobs. """ args = parse_args() json_files = get_files(args.input, EXT_JSON) tmpl_files = get_files(args.output, EXT_TMPL) if len(json_files) == 0: print("No json data to process.") exit(1) if len(tmpl_files) == 0: print("No template files to process.") exit(1) # Get information from template files csv_data = list() for tmpl_file in tmpl_files: with open(tmpl_file, mode='r') as file_handler: for line in file_handler: line_list = line.split(',') try: csv_data.append({ "ID": line_list[0], "type": line_list[0].rsplit("-", 1)[-1], "old": ",".join(line_list[1:])[:-1], "last_old": line_list[-1][:-1], "rates": list(), "mean": None, "stdev": None, "change": None}) except IndexError: pass # Update existing data with the new information from json files for json_file in json_files: with open(json_file) as file_handler: tests_data = load(file_handler) for item in csv_data: try: rate = tests_data["data"][item["ID"]]["throughput"]["value"] item["rates"].append(rate) except KeyError: pass # Add statistics for item in csv_data: mean, stdev = calculate_stats(item["rates"]) if mean is not None: mean = float(mean) / 1000000 old = float(item["last_old"]) item["mean"] = mean item["change"] = ((mean - old) / old) * 100 item["stdev"] = stdev / 1000000 # Sort the list, key = change csv_data.sort(key=lambda data: data["change"], reverse=True) # Write csv files for tmpl_file in tmpl_files: csv_file = tmpl_file.replace(EXT_TMPL, EXT_CSV) with open(csv_file, "w") as file_handler: for item in csv_data: if "pdr_" in csv_file \ and "_others" not in csv_file \ and item["type"] == "pdrdisc" \ and item["change"] >= 9.5: write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) elif "pdr_" in csv_file \ and "_others" in csv_file \ and item["type"] == "pdrdisc" \ and item["change"] < 9.5: write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) elif "ndr_" in csv_file \ and "_others" not in csv_file \ and item["type"] == "ndrdisc" \ and item["change"] >= 9.5: write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) elif "ndr_" in csv_file \ and "_others" in csv_file \ and item["type"] == "ndrdisc" \ and item["change"] < 9.5: write_line_to_file(file_handler, item) if __name__ == "__main__": sys_exit(main())