# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """BPF performance bundle.""" from logging import getLogger import sys from bcc import BPF class BundleBpf: """ Creates a BPF object. This is the main object for defining a BPF program, and interacting with its output. Syntax: BPF({text=BPF_program | src_file=filename} [, usdt_contexts=[USDT_object, ...]] [, cflags=[arg1, ...]] [, debug=int] ) Exactly one of text or src_file must be supplied (not both). """ def __init__(self, program, serializer, hook): """Initialize Bundle BPF Perf event class. :param program: BPF C code. :param serializer: Metric serializer. :param hook: Process ID. :type program: dict :type serializer: Serializer :type hook: int """ self.obj = None self.code = program[u"code"] self.metrics = program[u"metrics"] self.events = program[u"events"] self.api_replies_list = list() self.serializer = serializer self.hook = hook self.obj = BPF(text=self.code) def attach(self, duration): """ Attach events to BPF. :param duration: Trial duration. :type duration: int """ try: for event in self.events: self.obj.attach_perf_event( ev_type=event[u"type"], ev_config=event[u"name"], fn_name=event[u"target"], sample_period=duration ) except AttributeError: getLogger(__name__).error(u"Cannot attach BPF events!") sys.exit(1) def detach(self): """ Dettach events from BPF. """ try: for event in self.events: self.obj.detach_perf_event( ev_type=event[u"type"], ev_config=event[u"name"] ) except AttributeError: getLogger(__name__).error(u"Cannot dettach BPF events!") sys.exit(1) def fetch_data(self): """ Fetch data by invoking API calls to BPF. """ self.serializer.create(metrics=self.metrics) for _, metric_list in self.metrics.items(): for metric in metric_list: for (key, val) in self.obj.get_table(metric[u"name"]).items(): item = dict() labels = dict() item[u"name"] = metric[u"name"] item[u"value"] = val.value for label in metric[u"labelnames"]: labels[label] = getattr(key, label) item[u"labels"] = labels self.api_replies_list.append(item) getLogger(__name__).info(item) def process_data(self): """ Post process API replies. """ for item in self.api_replies_list: self.serializer.serialize( metric=item[u"name"], labels=item[u"labels"], item=item )