#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This script is handling starting of VIRL simulations.""" __author__ = 'ckoester@cisco.com' import sys import re import os import argparse import tempfile import shutil import time import paramiko import netifaces import requests def indent(lines, amount, fillchar=' '): """Indent the string by amount of fill chars. :param lines: String to indent. :param amount: Number of fill chars. :param fillchar: Filling character. :type lines: str :type amount: int :type fillchar: str :returns: Indented string. :rtype: str """ padding = amount * fillchar return padding + ('\n'+padding).join(lines.split('\n')) def print_to_stderr(msg, end='\n'): """Writes any text to stderr. :param msg: Message to print. :param end: By default print new line at the end. :type msg: str :type end: str """ try: sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + end) except ValueError: pass # # FIXME: Right now, this is really coded like a shell script, as one big # function executed in sequence. This should be broken down into multiple # functions. # def main(): """ Main function.""" # # Get our default interface IP address. This will become the default # value for the "NFS Server IP" option. # gws = netifaces.gateways() addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(gws['default'][netifaces.AF_INET][1]) default_addr = addrs[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr'] # # Verify CLI parameters and try to download our VPP image into a temporary # file first # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("topology", help="the base topology to be started") parser.add_argument("packages", help="Path to the VPP .deb(s) or .rpm(s) " + "that is/are to be installed", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("-c", "--copy", help="Copy the VPP packages, " + "leaving the originals in place. Default is to " + "move them.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-k", "--keep", help="Keep (do not delete) the " + "simulation in case of error", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", default=0) parser.add_argument("-nip", "--nfs-server-ip", help="NFS server (our) IP " + "default is derived from routing table: " + "{}".format(default_addr), default=default_addr) parser.add_argument("-ns", "--nfs-scratch-directory", help="Server location for NFS scratch directory", default="/nfs/scratch") parser.add_argument("-nc", "--nfs-common-directory", help="Server location for NFS common (read-only) " + "directory", default="/nfs/common") parser.add_argument("-wc", "--wait-count", help="number of intervals to wait for simulation to " + "be ready", type=int, default=48) parser.add_argument("-wt", "--wait-time", help="length of a single interval to wait for " + "simulation to be ready", type=int, default=5) parser.add_argument("-vip", "--virl-ip", help="VIRL IP and Port (e.g.", default="") parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", help="VIRL username", default="tb4-virl") parser.add_argument("-au", "--admin-username", help="VIRL admin username", default="uwmadmin") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="VIRL password", default="Cisco1234") parser.add_argument("-su", "--ssh-user", help="SSH username", default="cisco") parser.add_argument("-e", "--expiry", help="Simulation expiry", default="120") parser.add_argument("-spr", "--ssh-privkey", help="SSH private keyfile", default="/home/jenkins-in/.ssh/id_rsa_virl") parser.add_argument("-spu", "--ssh-pubkey", help="SSH public keyfile", default="/home/jenkins-in/.ssh/id_rsa_virl.pub") parser.add_argument("-r", "--release", help="VM disk image/release " + "(ex. \"csit-ubuntu-16.04.1_2016-12-19_1.6\")", default="csit-ubuntu-16.04.1_2016-12-19_1.6") parser.add_argument("--topology-directory", help="Topology directory", default="/home/jenkins-in/testcase-infra/topologies") args = parser.parse_args() # # Check if topology and template exist # if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Running with topology {}" .format(args.topology)) topology_virl_filename = os.path.join(args.topology_directory, args.topology + ".virl") topology_yaml_filename = os.path.join(args.topology_directory, args.topology + ".yaml") if not os.path.isfile(topology_virl_filename): print_to_stderr("ERROR: Topology VIRL file {} does not exist" .format(topology_virl_filename)) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(topology_yaml_filename): print_to_stderr("ERROR: Topology YAML file {} does not exist" .format(topology_yaml_filename)) sys.exit(1) # # Check if VPP package exists # for package in args.packages: if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Checking if file {} exists" .format(package)) if not os.path.isfile(package): print_to_stderr("ERROR: Debian package {} does not exist" .format(package)) sys.exit(1) # # Start VIRL topology # if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Starting VIRL topology") temp_handle, temp_topology = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(args.ssh_pubkey, 'r') as pubkey_file: pub_key = pubkey_file.read().replace('\n', '') with open(temp_topology, 'w') as new_file, \ open(topology_virl_filename, 'r') as old_file: for line in old_file: line = line.replace(" - VIRL-USER-SSH-PUBLIC-KEY", " - "+pub_key) line = line.replace("$$NFS_SERVER_SCRATCH$$", args.nfs_server_ip+":"+args.nfs_scratch_directory) line = line.replace("$$NFS_SERVER_COMMON$$", args.nfs_server_ip+":"+args.nfs_common_directory) line = line.replace("$$VM_IMAGE$$", "server-"+args.release) new_file.write(line) os.close(temp_handle) try: data = open(temp_topology, 'rb') req = requests.post('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/launch', auth=(args.username, args.password), data=data) if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Request URL {}" .format(req.url)) print_to_stderr("{}" .format(req.text)) print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Response Code {}" .format(req.status_code)) new_file.close() if req.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Launching VIRL simulation - " "Status other than 200 HTTP OK:\n{}" .format(req.content)) except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, RuntimeError) as ex_error: print_to_stderr(ex_error) os.remove(temp_topology) sys.exit(1) # If we got here, we had a good response. The response content is the # session ID. session_id = req.content if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: VIRL simulation session-id: {}" .format(session_id)) # Set session expiry to autokill sessions if not done from jenkins if not args.keep: if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Setting expire for session-id: {}" .format(session_id)) try: req = requests.put('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/admin-update/' + session_id + '/expiry', auth=(args.admin_username, args.password), params={'user': args.username, 'expires': args.expiry}) if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Request URL {}" .format(req.url)) print_to_stderr("{}" .format(req.text)) print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Response Code {}" .format(req.status_code)) if req.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Setting expiry to simulation - " "Status other than 200 HTTP OK:\n{}" .format(req.content)) except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, RuntimeError) as ex_error: print_to_stderr(ex_error) req = requests.get('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/stop/' + session_id, auth=(args.username, args.password)) os.remove(temp_topology) print "{}".format(session_id) sys.exit(1) # # Create simulation scratch directory. Move topology file into that # directory. Copy or move debian packages into that directory. # scratch_directory = os.path.join(args.nfs_scratch_directory, session_id) os.mkdir(scratch_directory) shutil.move(temp_topology, os.path.join(scratch_directory, "virl_topology.virl")) os.mkdir(os.path.join(scratch_directory, "vpp")) for package in args.packages: if args.copy: shutil.copy(package, os.path.join(scratch_directory, "vpp", os.path.basename(package))) else: shutil.move(package, os.path.join(scratch_directory, "vpp", os.path.basename(package))) # # Wait for simulation to become active # if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Waiting for simulation to become active") sim_is_started = False nodelist = [] count = args.wait_count while (count > 0) and not sim_is_started: time.sleep(args.wait_time) count -= 1 req = requests.get('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/nodes/' + session_id, auth=(args.username, args.password)) data = req.json() active = 0 total = 0 # Flush the node list every time, keep the last one nodelist = [] # Hosts are the keys of the inner dictionary for key in data[session_id].keys(): if data[session_id][key]['management-proxy'] == "self": continue nodelist.append(key) total += 1 if data[session_id][key]['state'] == "ACTIVE": active += 1 if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Attempt {} out of {}, total {} hosts, " "{} active".format(args.wait_count-count, args.wait_count, total, active)) if active == total: sim_is_started = True if not sim_is_started: print_to_stderr("ERROR: Simulation nodes never changed to ACTIVE state") print_to_stderr("Last VIRL response:") print_to_stderr(data) if not args.keep: req = requests.get('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/stop/' + session_id, auth=(args.username, args.password)) try: shutil.rmtree(scratch_directory) except shutil.Error: print_to_stderr("ERROR: Removing scratch directory") print "{}".format(session_id) sys.exit(1) if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Nodes: {}" .format(", ".join(nodelist))) # # Fetch simulation's IPs and create files # (ansible hosts file, topology YAML file) # try: req = requests.get('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/interfaces/' + session_id, auth=(args.username, args.password), params={'fetch-state': '1'}) if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Request URL {}" .format(req.url)) print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Request Text") print_to_stderr("{}".format(req.text)) print_to_stderr("DEBUG: - Response Code {}" .format(req.status_code)) if req.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError("ERROR:Fetching IP's of simulation - " "Status other than 200 HTTP OK:\n{}" .format(req.content)) except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, RuntimeError) as ex_error: print_to_stderr(ex_error) if not args.keep: req = requests.get('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/stop/' + session_id, auth=(args.username, args.password)) try: shutil.rmtree(scratch_directory) except shutil.Error: print_to_stderr("ERROR: Removing scratch directory") print "{}".format(session_id) sys.exit(1) data = req.json() # Populate node addresses nodeaddrs = {} topology = {} for key in nodelist: nodetype = re.split('[0-9]', key)[0] if not nodetype in nodeaddrs: nodeaddrs[nodetype] = {} nodeaddrs[nodetype][key] = re.split('\\/', \ data[session_id][key]['management']['ip-address'])[0] if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Node {} is of type {} and has mgmt IP {}" .format(key, nodetype, nodeaddrs[nodetype][key])) topology[key] = {} for key2 in data[session_id][key]: topology[key]["nic-"+key2] = data[session_id][key][key2] if 'ip-address' in topology[key]["nic-"+key2]: if topology[key]["nic-"+key2]['ip-address'] is not None: topology[key]["nic-"+key2]['ip-addr'] = re.split('\\/', \ topology[key]["nic-"+key2]['ip-address'])[0] # Write ansible file ansiblehosts = open(os.path.join(scratch_directory, 'ansible-hosts'), 'w') for key1 in nodeaddrs: ansiblehosts.write("[{}]\n".format(key1)) for key2 in nodeaddrs[key1]: ansiblehosts.write("{} hostname={}\n".format(nodeaddrs[key1][key2], key2)) ansiblehosts.close() # Process topology YAML template with open(args.ssh_privkey, 'r') as privkey_file: priv_key = indent(privkey_file.read(), 6) with open(os.path.join(scratch_directory, "topology.yaml"), 'w') as \ new_file, open(topology_yaml_filename, 'r') as old_file: for line in old_file: new_file.write(line.format(priv_key=priv_key, topology=topology)) # # Wait for hosts to become reachable over SSH # if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Waiting for hosts to become reachable over SSH") missing = -1 count = args.wait_count while (count > 0) and missing != 0: time.sleep(args.wait_time) count -= 1 missing = 0 for key in nodelist: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(scratch_directory, key)): missing += 1 if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Attempt {} out of {}, waiting for {} hosts" .format(args.wait_count-count, args.wait_count, missing)) if missing != 0: print_to_stderr("ERROR: Simulation started OK but {} hosts never " "mounted their NFS directory".format(missing)) if not args.keep: req = requests.get('http://' + args.virl_ip + '/simengine/rest/stop/' + session_id, auth=(args.username, args.password)) try: shutil.rmtree(scratch_directory) except shutil.Error: print_to_stderr("ERROR: Removing scratch directory") print "{}".format(session_id) sys.exit(1) # # Upgrade VPP # if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Uprading VPP") for key1 in nodeaddrs: if not key1 == 'tg': for key2 in nodeaddrs[key1]: ipaddr = nodeaddrs[key1][key2] if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Upgrading VPP on node {}" .format(ipaddr)) paramiko.util.log_to_file(os.path.join(scratch_directory, "ssh.log")) client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.load_host_keys("/dev/null") client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(ipaddr, username=args.ssh_user, key_filename=args.ssh_privkey) if 'centos' in args.topology: if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Installing RPM packages") vpp_install_command = 'sudo rpm -ivh /scratch/vpp/*.rpm' elif 'trusty' in args.topology or 'xenial' in args.topology: if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Installing DEB packages") vpp_install_command = 'sudo dpkg -i --force-all ' \ '/scratch/vpp/*.deb' else: print_to_stderr("ERROR: Unsupported OS requested: {}" .format(args.topology)) vpp_install_command = '' _, stdout, stderr = \ client.exec_command(vpp_install_command) c_stdout = stdout.read() c_stderr = stderr.read() if args.verbosity >= 2: print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Command output was:") print_to_stderr(c_stdout) print_to_stderr("DEBUG: Command stderr was:") print_to_stderr(c_stderr) # # Write a file with timestamp to scratch directory. We can use this to track # how long a simulation has been running. # with open(os.path.join(scratch_directory, 'start_time'), 'a') as \ timestampfile: timestampfile.write('{}\n'.format(int(time.time()))) # # Declare victory # if args.verbosity >= 1: print_to_stderr("SESSION ID: {}".format(session_id)) print "{}".format(session_id) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())