#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from scapy.all import Ether, IP, ICMP from resources.libraries.python.PacketVerifier \ import Interface, create_gratuitous_arp_request, auto_pad from optparse import OptionParser def check_ttl(ttl_begin, ttl_end, ttl_diff): if ttl_begin != ttl_end + ttl_diff: src_if.close() if dst_if_defined: dst_if.close() raise Exception( "TTL changed from {} to {} but decrease by {} expected" .format(ttl_begin, ttl_end, hops)) def ckeck_packets_equal(pkt_send, pkt_recv): pkt_send_raw = str(pkt_send) pkt_recv_raw = str(pkt_recv) if pkt_send_raw != pkt_recv_raw: print "Sent: {}".format(pkt_send_raw.encode('hex')) print "Received: {}".format(pkt_recv_raw.encode('hex')) print "Sent:" Ether(pkt_send_raw).show2() print "Received:" Ether(pkt_recv_raw).show2() src_if.close() if dst_if_defined: dst_if.close() raise Exception("Sent packet doesn't match received packet") parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--src_if", dest="src_if") parser.add_option("--dst_if", dest="dst_if") # optional parser.add_option("--src_mac", dest="src_mac") parser.add_option("--first_hop_mac", dest="first_hop_mac") parser.add_option("--dst_mac", dest="dst_mac") # optional parser.add_option("--src_ip", dest="src_ip") parser.add_option("--dst_ip", dest="dst_ip") parser.add_option("--hops", dest="hops") # optional # If one of 'dst_if', 'dst_mac' and 'hops' is specified all must be specified. (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() src_if_name = opts.src_if dst_if_name = opts.dst_if dst_if_defined = True if dst_if_name is None: dst_if_defined = False src_mac = opts.src_mac first_hop_mac = opts.first_hop_mac dst_mac = opts.dst_mac src_ip = opts.src_ip dst_ip = opts.dst_ip hops = int(opts.hops) if dst_if_defined and (src_if_name == dst_if_name): raise Exception("Source interface name equals destination interface name") src_if = Interface(src_if_name) src_if.send_pkt(create_gratuitous_arp_request(src_mac, src_ip)) if dst_if_defined: dst_if = Interface(dst_if_name) dst_if.send_pkt(create_gratuitous_arp_request(dst_mac, dst_ip)) pkt_req_send = auto_pad(Ether(src=src_mac, dst=first_hop_mac) / IP(src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip) / ICMP()) pkt_req_send = Ether(pkt_req_send) src_if.send_pkt(pkt_req_send) if dst_if_defined: try: pkt_req_recv = dst_if.recv_pkt() except: src_if.close() if dst_if_defined: dst_if.close() raise check_ttl(pkt_req_send[IP].ttl, pkt_req_recv[IP].ttl, hops) pkt_req_send_mod = pkt_req_send.copy() pkt_req_send_mod[IP].ttl = pkt_req_recv[IP].ttl del pkt_req_send_mod[IP].chksum # update checksum ckeck_packets_equal(pkt_req_send_mod[IP], pkt_req_recv[IP]) pkt_resp_send = auto_pad(Ether(src=dst_mac, dst=pkt_req_recv.src) / IP(src=dst_ip, dst=src_ip) / ICMP(type=0)) # echo-reply pkt_resp_send = Ether(pkt_resp_send) dst_if.send_pkt(pkt_resp_send) try: pkt_resp_recv = src_if.recv_pkt() except: src_if.close() if dst_if_defined: dst_if.close() raise if dst_if_defined: check_ttl(pkt_resp_send[IP].ttl, pkt_resp_recv[IP].ttl, hops) pkt_resp_send_mod = pkt_resp_send.copy() pkt_resp_send_mod[IP].ttl = pkt_resp_recv[IP].ttl del pkt_resp_send_mod[IP].chksum # update checksum ckeck_packets_equal(pkt_resp_send_mod[IP], pkt_resp_recv[IP]) src_if.close() if dst_if_defined: dst_if.close()