session: send ctrl msg over mq
[vpp.git] / src / vnet / lisp-gpe /
2018-07-11 Damjan Marionavoid using thread local storage for thread index 20/13420/3
2018-01-30 Neale RannsAllow the provider of a midchain adjacency to pass... 10/10310/2
2018-01-23 Ole TroanVPPAPIGEN: vppapigen replacement in Python PLY. 81/8781/23
2018-01-11 Florin Corasapi: remove transport specific code from handlers 38/10038/9
2018-01-09 Florin Corasapi: refactor vlibmemory 76/9976/21
2017-12-11 Swarup NayakONE-33 "one statistics flush" throws assert when one... 00/9800/1
2017-12-09 Neale RannsBIER in non-MPLS netowrks 36/9736/7
2017-12-02 Florin Corasgpe: fix gpe enable/disable command 94/9694/2
2017-10-31 Filip TehlarLISP: add P-ITR/P-ETR/xTR API handlers, ONE-24 94/8994/4
2017-10-24 Dave WallaceAdd extern to *_main global variable declarations in... 72/8972/1
2017-10-09 Dave Barachvppapigen: support per-file (major,minor,patch) version... 89/8589/6
2017-10-04 Christophe Fontaine[aarch64] Fixes CLI crashes on dpaa2 platform. 21/8621/3
2017-09-13 Florin Corasgpe: initialize fib index for native forward entries 03/8403/2
2017-09-11 Neale RannsFIB table add/delete API 71/8371/2
2017-09-04 Filip TehlarLISP: re-fetch mapping before it expires 48/8048/4
2017-08-23 Marek GradzkiRemove unused retval from gpe_native_fwd_rpath type... 98/8098/3
2017-08-23 Florin Corasgpe: add l2 lb counters 66/8166/2
2017-08-18 Florin Corasgpe: fix sub-interface hash lookup 31/8131/2
2017-08-08 Neale RannsL2 over MPLS 61/6861/14
2017-06-16 Filip TehlarLISP-GPE: add test CLI for NSH 17/7117/4
2017-06-16 Florin CorasFix vni/dp_table endianness for gpe iface addition... 68/7168/4
2017-06-16 Florin CorasFix gpe_native_fwd_rpaths_get (VPP-883) 70/7170/2
2017-06-15 Filip TehlarAdd VAT handlers for LISP-GPE API 42/7142/4
2017-06-09 Florin CorasFix gpe coverity issue (VPP-874) 90/7090/1
2017-06-08 Filip TehlarLISP: add NSH support 58/7058/2
2017-06-08 Florin CorasAdd gpe native-forward static route support 48/7048/3
2017-06-06 Filip TehlarFix coverity issue 26/7026/1
2017-06-05 Filip TehlarLISP-GPE: return index of newly created fwd entry,... 99/6999/2
2017-06-05 Filip TehlarLISP: fix GPE entry dump, VPP-871 95/6995/1
2017-05-26 Filip TehlarLISP: do not try to delete paths when fwd entry is... 84/6884/3
2017-05-22 Filip TehlarLISP-GPE: add dump call for VNIs in use 60/6760/7
2017-05-19 John LoEnforce Bridge Domain ID range to match 24-bit VNI... 73/6773/2
2017-05-10 Damjan Marioncompletelly deprecate os_get_cpu_number, replace new... 42/6642/4
2017-05-07 Florin CorasRemove L2 GPE interface from bridge when deleting,... 04/6604/3
2017-04-25 Dave Barach"autoreply" flag: autogenerate standard xxx_reply_t... 87/6387/3
2017-04-24 Eyal BariBD:unify bridge domain creation code 98/6098/5
2017-04-13 Neale RannsRemove unsed parameter from fib_table_entry_special_add... 80/6180/2
2017-04-13 Filip TehlarLISP: make statistics thread safe 89/6089/7
2017-04-07 Neale RannsMPLS Mcast 53/5653/8
2017-04-07 Florin CorasFix gpe dp args to allow for 32 bit bridge domain ids... 77/6077/2
2017-04-06 Damjan MarionUse thread local storage for thread index 11/6011/4
2017-04-05 Filip TehlarLISP: fix crash when adding a negative forwarding entry... 23/6023/3
2017-04-03 Neale RannsAdjacency layout change and move to vnet/adj 24/5924/3
2017-03-29 Filip TehlarLISP: fix IID in decap 05/5905/3
2017-03-22 Filip TehlarLISP: improve DP speed 26/5826/2
2017-03-21 Filip TehlarLISP statistics 35/5735/6
2017-03-08 Filip TehlarLISP: fix gpe sub-interface lookup 46/5646/3
2017-03-02 Florin CorasFix LISP Coverity warning 50/5550/2
2017-03-02 Billy McFallVPP-648: CLI Memory leak with invalid parameter 81/5581/2
2017-03-01 Dave BarachVPP-598: tcp stack initial commit 61/5561/7
2017-02-27 Filip TehlarAdd GPE CLI/API for setting encap mode 66/5466/6
2017-02-26 Florin CorasAdd NSH to GPE decap path 02/5502/10
2017-02-22 Billy McFallVPP-635: CLI Memory leak with invalid parameter 48/5148/5
2017-02-21 Filip TehlarRename LISP GPE API to GPE 35/5435/3
2017-02-16 Florin CorasAdd NSH load-balance and drop DPO 27/5127/2
2017-02-16 Florin CorasFix NSH-LISP interface addition 57/5157/2
2017-02-14 Shwetha BhandariFix coverity issues: ioam 18/5118/2
2017-02-13 Florin CorasBasic support for LISP-GPE encapsulated NSH packets 31/5031/13
2017-01-30 Filip TehlarLISP: add dump calls for GPE entries API 10/4910/3
2017-01-16 Florin CorasFix LISP coverity warning 10/4710/3
2017-01-13 Filip TehlarLISP: Fix gpe API 75/4675/3
2016-12-28 Damjan MarionReorganize source tree to use single autotools instance 30/4430/19