2022-09-28 Alexander Chernavintests: stabilize wireguard ratelimiting test 47/37247/6
2022-09-28 Chen Yahuiaf_xdp: change RLIMIT_MEMLOCK before load bpf program 38/37138/6
2022-09-27 Dave Wallacetests: enable ipsec-esp 'make test' testcases on ubuntu... 66/37266/1
2022-09-27 Alexander Chernavinwireguard: stop sending handshakes when wg intf is... 61/37061/12
2022-09-27 Vladimir Ratnikovcrypto-openssl: use no padding for encrypt/decrypt 15/37215/5
2022-09-27 Chen Yahuiaf_xdp: compile error undeclared identifier 'SOL_XDP' 37/37137/4
2022-09-27 Dmitry Valtervnet: fix ip4 version and IHL check 35/37135/6
2022-09-27 Alexander Chernavinwireguard: fix re-handshake timer when response sent 57/37257/3
2022-09-27 Yacan Liuvcl: repatch "align the RST behaviour with kernel" 52/37252/3
2022-09-27 Dave Wallacetests: disable failing tests on ubuntu-22.04 debian-11 98/37198/11
2022-09-26 Damjan Marionapi: replace print functions wth format 87/36187/10
2022-09-26 Damjan Marionapi: keep api common code in vlibapi 83/36183/10
2022-09-23 Klement Sekerabfd: add tracing support to bfd-process 67/37167/4
2022-09-21 Piotr Bronowskiipsec: introduce fast path ipv6 inbound matching 96/37196/4
2022-09-21 Andrew Yourtchenkomisc: Initial 23.02-rc0 commit 04/37204/1 v23.02-rc0
2022-09-21 fateleidocs: enhance install vpp docs 44/36344/4
2022-09-20 Filip Varganat: adding docs for nat44-ed sub plugin 41/36241/6
2022-09-20 Benoît Gannefib: add cli support for explicit link type 96/37096/3
2022-09-20 Benoît Gannearp: check for manually added proxy-arp entries 02/37102/5
2022-09-20 Andrew Yourtchenkomisc: experimental script to get the list of the review... 39/33139/4
2022-09-20 Ting Xupacketforge: add packetforge for generic flow to extras 49/36149/21
2022-09-20 Yacan Liuvcl: align the RST behaviour with kernel 64/37164/3
2022-09-20 Naveen Joytests: run tests against a running VPP 64/37064/5
2022-09-19 Filip Tehlarmisc: add test framework for host stack 29/36829/7
2022-09-19 Nathan Skrzypczakcnat: coverity fix 34/37134/2
2022-09-19 Dave Wallacetests: skip tests failing on ubuntu 22.04 44/37144/2
2022-09-19 Vladislav Grishenkoigmp: validate ip router alert option length 36/37136/5
2022-09-19 Jon Loeligerabf: add API parameter n_paths range checks 07/37107/2
2022-09-19 Benoît Gannebuild: install missing headers 49/37049/2
2022-09-19 Matthew Smithteib: fix segv during failed deletion of entry 94/37094/2
2022-09-19 Benoît Gannearp: update error reason when checking for proxy-arp 06/37106/2
2022-09-19 Matthew Smithlinux-cp: fix some CLI error messages 09/37109/2
2022-09-18 Andrew Yourtchenkolisp: fix coverity 277315 30/37130/4
2022-09-16 Mohsin Kazmivirtio: add support for per queue packet counter 23/37123/3
2022-09-15 Junfeng Wangvcl: add hugepage for vcl configure and svm 48/36948/14
2022-09-15 Marvin Liusession: support dma option 49/36949/24
2022-09-15 Andrew Yourtchenkoprom: fix coverity 277312, 277317 28/37128/1
2022-09-15 Vladislav Grishenkonat: fix nat44-ed port range with multiple workers 62/36962/2
2022-09-15 luoyaozuip-neighbor: fix debug log format output 74/37074/3
2022-09-14 Damjan Marionip: show fib index in ip4 reassembly trace 22/37122/2
2022-09-14 Vladimir Ratnikovipsec: make chacha20-poly1305 available via API 16/37116/6
2022-09-12 Damjan Marionvlib: add vlib_frame_bitmap_is_bit_set 98/37098/2
2022-09-12 Piotr Bronowskiipsec: introduce fast path ipv4 inbound matching 52/37052/3
2022-09-09 Damjan Marionfib: fix path copy function to deal with provided DPO... 86/37086/2
2022-09-09 Dmitry Valtervlib: don't leak node frames on refork 75/37075/5
2022-09-09 Damjan Marionvppinfra: add clib_array_mask_set_u32() 97/37097/1
2022-09-09 Jing Pengnat: fix nat44-ed-in2out fast path next node 43/36643/4
2022-09-09 Damjan Marionfib: missing headers 87/37087/2
2022-09-08 Matthew Smithwireguard: eliminate some calls to main thread 81/37081/2
2022-09-08 Mohammed Hawariavf: check for VLAN_TOGGLE capability 79/37079/2
2022-09-07 Gabriel Oginskidpdk-cryptodev: reduce request to enable async 82/37082/2
2022-09-07 Laszlo Kiralybuild: Cleanup python2 from suse build and uplift opens... 67/37067/5
2022-09-06 luoyaozuvrrp: fix cli functions according to short_help 69/37069/3
2022-09-05 Benoît Ganneip: fix punt socket overflow 46/34046/6
2022-09-01 Benoît Gannebuild: set OS_ID_LIKE only if unset 50/37050/2
2022-08-31 Andrew Yourtchenkoipsec: fix coverity 249212 56/37056/3
2022-08-31 Dave Wallacebuild: remove lto flags in dpdk build 36/37036/3
2022-08-31 Steven Luongudp: store mss and sw_if_index to udp_connection_t 30/36730/4
2022-08-31 Andrew Yourtchenkonat: fix coverity 249194 53/37053/2
2022-08-31 Andrew Yourtchenkonat: fix coverity 249178 54/37054/2
2022-08-31 Andrew Yourtchenkopppoe: fix coverity 218437, 218401 55/37055/3
2022-08-31 Vladislav Grishenkogso: zero-initialize gho struct 24/35724/4
2022-08-31 Mohsin Kazmidevices: fix coverity warning 47/37047/1
2022-08-31 Mohsin Kazmidevices: add support for polling mode 40/37040/2
2022-08-30 Tianyu Lidpdk: fix arm iavf rx vector path on 22.03 64/36964/2
2022-08-30 Stanislav Zaikinl2: skip arp term for locally originated packets 17/36117/4
2022-08-30 Florin Corastcp: do not overcount ooo bytes 34/37034/2
2022-08-30 Haiyue Wangdma_intel: fix the wrong unformat type 37/37037/2
2022-08-30 Steven Luongmemif: Process bad descriptors correctly in memif_proce... 31/37031/3
2022-08-30 Andrew Yourtchenkoethernet: fix coverity 214973 99/36999/3
2022-08-30 Andrew Yourtchenkovlib: fix coverity 274750, part 2 25/37025/2
2022-08-30 Andrew Yourtchenkovlib: fix coverity 277203 24/37024/2
2022-08-30 Fan Zhangdpdk: bump to 22.07 85/36785/3
2022-08-30 Andrew Yourtchenkoethernet: refactor the redundant code 39/37039/2
2022-08-29 Arthur de Kerhorvlib: use error description when dropping packets 23/37023/2
2022-08-29 Jieqiang Wangethernet: fix mac address increment error 28/37028/2
2022-08-29 Andrew Yourtchenkofib: fix coverity 249175 05/37005/2
2022-08-29 Andrew Yourtchenkofib: fix coverity 253539 04/37004/3
2022-08-29 Andrew Yourtchenkoethernet: fix coverity 218549 98/36998/4
2022-08-29 Benoît Gannenat: fix coverity 249202 30/37030/1
2022-08-29 Mohsin Kazmilibmemif: fix the buffer size 64/36764/2
2022-08-29 Mohsin Kazmilibmemif: add support for custom buffer-size and headro... 67/36767/2
2022-08-26 Andrew Yourtchenkolinux-cp: fix coverity 216937 26/37026/3
2022-08-26 Andrew Yourtchenkonsh: fix coverity 249201 02/37002/3
2022-08-25 Dave Wallacebuild: disable gcc warning stringop-overflow for gcc... 22/37022/2
2022-08-25 Marvin Liuvlib: introduce DMA infrastructure 14/36914/5
2022-08-25 Aloys Augustinwireguard: fix ipv6 payload_length computation 18/37018/1
2022-08-24 Matthew Smithvlib: allow longer version string 06/37006/2
2022-08-24 Andrew Yourtchenkoipsec: fix coverity 249204 03/37003/2
2022-08-23 Matthew Smithlinux-cp: handle AF_BRIDGE neighbors 61/36961/2
2022-08-23 Andrew Yourtchenkolisp: address the issues raised by coverity 249165 01/37001/2
2022-08-23 Benoît Gannerdma: fix coverity 249197 97/36997/2
2022-08-23 Andrew Yourtchenkovppinfra: fix coverity 249217 27/36927/2
2022-08-23 Andrew Yourtchenkoclassify: fix coverity 249223 42/36942/2
2022-08-19 Jon Loeligernat: simplify per-protocol code by using an array 46/36946/5
2022-08-19 Steven Luongvlib: memory leak in vlib_register_errors on create... 47/36947/2
2022-08-19 Matthew Smithipsec: enable UDP encap for IPv6 ESP tun protect 75/36875/3
2022-08-18 Andrew Yourtchenkounittest: fix coverity 274736 40/36940/2
2022-08-18 Benoît Gannewireguard: fix error type for crypto backend 43/36943/2
2022-08-18 Benoît Gannewireguard: fix ipv6 handshake packet 45/36945/2