feat(terraform): Remove obsolete code 36/35836/1
authorPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>
Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:30:47 +0000 (09:30 +0200)
committerPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>
Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:31:29 +0000 (09:31 +0200)
Signed-off-by: Peter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>
Change-Id: I4d3bb6f344fff75b83ab35d0732ff886e17f475b

15 files changed:
fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/.gitignore [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/main.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/providers.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/variables.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/versions.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/variables.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/.gitignore [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/main.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/providers.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/variables.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/versions.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/main.tf [deleted file]
fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/variables.tf [deleted file]

diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/.gitignore b/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 223f2ec..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Local .terraform directories
-# .tfstate files
-# Crash log files
-# Exclude all .tfvars files, which are likely to contain sentitive data, such as
-# password, private keys, and other secrets. These should not be part of version
-# control as they are data points which are potentially sensitive and subject
-# to change depending on the environment.
-# Ignore override files as they are usually used to override resources locally and so
-# are not checked in
-# Include override files you do wish to add to version control using negated pattern
-# !example_override.tf
-# Include tfplan files to ignore the plan output of command: terraform plan -out=tfplan
-# example: *tfplan*
-# Ignore CLI configuration files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/main.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/main.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 351cec6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-data "vault_aws_access_credentials" "creds" {
-  backend = "${var.vault-name}-path"
-  role    = "${var.vault-name}-role"
-resource "aws_vpc" "CSITVPC" {
-  assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block = true
-  enable_dns_hostnames             = false
-  enable_dns_support               = true
-  cidr_block                       = var.vpc_cidr_mgmt
-  instance_tenancy                 = "default"
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-vpc"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_security_group" "CSITSG" {
-  depends_on                       = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  description                      = "Allow inbound traffic"
-  name                             = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-sg"
-  revoke_rules_on_delete           = false
-  vpc_id                           = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  ingress {
-    from_port        = 22
-    to_port          = 22
-    protocol         = "tcp"
-    cidr_blocks      = [""]
-  }
-  ingress {
-    from_port        = 22
-    to_port          = 22
-    protocol         = "tcp"
-    ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
-  }
-  ingress {
-    from_port        = 0
-    to_port          = 0
-    protocol         = -1
-    self             = true
-    ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
-  }
-  egress {
-    from_port        = 0
-    to_port          = 0
-    protocol         = "-1"
-    cidr_blocks      = [""]
-  }
-  egress {
-    from_port        = 0
-    to_port          = 0
-    protocol         = "-1"
-    ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-sg"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "b" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_b
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "c" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_c
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "d" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_d
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-# Subnets
-resource "aws_subnet" "mgmt" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_mgmt
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 1)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_subnet" "b" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = true
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_b
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.b
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 2)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_subnet" "c" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = true
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_c
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.c
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 3)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_subnet" "d" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = true
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_d
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.d
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 4)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_internet_gateway" "CSITGW" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-# SSH keypair
-# Temporary key for provisioning only
-resource "tls_private_key" "CSITTLS" {
-  algorithm   = "RSA"
-  ecdsa_curve = "P521"
-  rsa_bits    = 4096
-resource "aws_key_pair" "CSITKP" {
-  key_name   = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-key"
-  public_key = "${tls_private_key.CSITTLS.public_key_openssh}"
-resource "aws_placement_group" "CSITPG" {
-  name     = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-pg"
-  strategy = "cluster"
-# NICs
-resource "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if1" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.b,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.dut1_if1_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.dut1_if1_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.b.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.dut1.id
-    device_index = 1
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if2" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.d,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.dut1_if2_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.dut1_if2_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.d.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.dut1.id
-    device_index = 2
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "tg_if1" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.b,
-    aws_instance.tg
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.tg_if1_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.tg_if1_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.b.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.tg.id
-    device_index = 1
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "tg_if2" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.d,
-    aws_instance.tg
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.tg_if2_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.tg_if2_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.d.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.tg.id
-    device_index = 2
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-data "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if1" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.dut1_if1.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if2" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.dut1_if2.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "tg_if1" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.tg_if1.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "tg_if2" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.tg_if2.id
-# Instances
-resource "aws_instance" "tg" {
-  depends_on                           = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_placement_group.CSITPG,
-    aws_security_group.CSITSG
-  ]
-  ami                                  = var.ami_image_tg
-  availability_zone                    = var.avail_zone
-  associate_public_ip_address          = true
-  instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = var.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior
-  instance_type                        = var.instance_type
-  key_name                             = aws_key_pair.CSITKP.key_name
-  placement_group                      = aws_placement_group.CSITPG.id
-  private_ip                           = var.tg_mgmt_ip
-  source_dest_check                    = false
-  subnet_id                            = aws_subnet.mgmt.id
-  vpc_security_group_ids               = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  # host_id                            = "1"
-  root_block_device {
-    delete_on_termination = true
-    volume_size           = 50
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-tg"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_instance" "dut1" {
-  depends_on                           = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_placement_group.CSITPG,
-    aws_security_group.CSITSG,
-    aws_instance.tg
-  ]
-  ami                                  = var.ami_image_sut
-  availability_zone                    = var.avail_zone
-  associate_public_ip_address          = true
-  instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = var.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior
-  instance_type                        = var.instance_type
-  key_name                             = aws_key_pair.CSITKP.key_name
-  placement_group                      = aws_placement_group.CSITPG.id
-  private_ip                           = var.dut1_mgmt_ip
-  source_dest_check                    = false
-  subnet_id                            = aws_subnet.mgmt.id
-  vpc_security_group_ids               = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  # host_id                            = "2"
-  root_block_device {
-    delete_on_termination = true
-    volume_size           = 50
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-dut1"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-# Routes
-resource "aws_route" "CSIT-igw" {
-  depends_on             = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_internet_gateway.CSITGW
-  ]
-  destination_cidr_block      = ""
-  destination_ipv6_cidr_block = "::/0"
-  gateway_id                  = aws_internet_gateway.CSITGW.id
-  route_table_id              = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.main_route_table_id
-resource "aws_route" "dummy-trex-port-0" {
-  depends_on             = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  destination_cidr_block = var.trex_dummy_cidr_port_0
-  network_interface_id   = aws_instance.tg.primary_network_interface_id
-  route_table_id         = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.main_route_table_id
-resource "aws_route" "dummy-trex-port-1" {
-  depends_on             = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  destination_cidr_block = var.trex_dummy_cidr_port_1
-  network_interface_id   = aws_instance.tg.primary_network_interface_id
-  route_table_id         = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.main_route_table_id
-# Deployment/Ansible
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_tg" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if2
-  ]
-  connection {
-    user        = "ubuntu"
-    host        = aws_instance.tg.public_ip
-    private_key = tls_private_key.CSITTLS.private_key_pem
-  }
-  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-    inline = var.first_run_commands
-  }
-#  provisioner "ansible" {
-#    plays {
-#      playbook {
-#        file_path      = var.ansible_file_path
-#        force_handlers = true
-#      }
-#      hosts = ["tg_aws"]
-#      extra_vars = {
-#        ansible_ssh_pass           = var.ansible_provision_pwd
-#        ansible_python_interpreter = var.ansible_python_executable
-#        aws                        = true
-#      }
-#    }
-#  }
-#  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-#    on_failure = continue
-#    inline     = ["sudo reboot"]
-#  }
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_dut1" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if2
-  ]
-  connection {
-    user        = "ubuntu"
-    host        = aws_instance.dut1.public_ip
-    private_key = tls_private_key.CSITTLS.private_key_pem
-  }
-  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-    inline = var.first_run_commands
-  }
-#  provisioner "ansible" {
-#    plays {
-#      playbook {
-#        file_path      = var.ansible_file_path
-#        force_handlers = true
-#      }
-#      hosts = ["sut_aws"]
-#      extra_vars = {
-#        ansible_ssh_pass           = var.ansible_provision_pwd
-#        ansible_python_interpreter = var.ansible_python_executable
-#        aws                        = true
-#      }
-#    }
-#  }
-#  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-#    on_failure = continue
-#    inline     = ["sudo reboot"]
-#  }
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_topology" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  provisioner "ansible" {
-    plays {
-      playbook {
-        file_path = var.ansible_topology_path
-      }
-      hosts = ["local"]
-      extra_vars = {
-        ansible_python_interpreter = var.ansible_python_executable
-        testbed_name               = var.testbed_name
-        cloud_topology             = var.topology_name
-        tg_if1_mac                 = data.aws_network_interface.tg_if1.mac_address
-        tg_if2_mac                 = data.aws_network_interface.tg_if2.mac_address
-        dut1_if1_mac               = data.aws_network_interface.dut1_if1.mac_address
-        dut1_if2_mac               = data.aws_network_interface.dut1_if2.mac_address
-        tg_public_ip               = aws_instance.tg.public_ip
-        dut1_public_ip             = aws_instance.dut1.public_ip
-        public_ip_list             = "${aws_instance.tg.public_ip},${aws_instance.dut1.public_ip}"
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/providers.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/providers.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 38244af..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-provider "aws" {
-  region     = var.region
-  access_key = data.vault_aws_access_credentials.creds.access_key
-  secret_key = data.vault_aws_access_credentials.creds.secret_key
-provider "vault" {
-  address         = ""
-  skip_tls_verify = true
-  token           = "s.4z5PsufFwV3sHbCzK9Y2Cojd"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/variables.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/variables.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b25add2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-variable "region" {
-  description = "AWS Region"
-  type        = string
-variable "vault-name" {
-  default = "dynamic-aws-creds-vault-fdio"
-variable "ami_image_tg" {
-  description = "AWS AMI image name for TG"
-  type        = string
-variable "ami_image_sut" {
-  description = "AWS AMI image name for SUT"
-  type        = string
-variable "testbed_name" {
-  description = "Testbed name"
-  type        = string
-variable "instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior" {
-  description = "Shutdown behavior for the instance"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "terminate"
-variable "instance_type" {
-  description = "AWS instance type"
-  type        = string
-variable "avail_zone" {
-  description = "AWS availability zone"
-  type        = string
-variable "topology_name" {
-  description = "Prefix used when creating a topology file"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "2n_aws_c5n"
-variable "environment_name" {
-  description = "Environment name - used for Environment tag"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT-AWS"
-variable "resources_name_prefix" {
-  description = "Resource prefix - used for Name tag"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT_2n_aws_c5n"
-variable "first_run_commands" {
-  description = "Commands to run after deployment via remote-exec"
-  type        = list(string)
-  default     = [""]
-variable "ansible_file_path" {
-  description = "Path to Ansible playbook"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/site.yaml"
-variable "ansible_python_executable" {
-  description = "Path to Python interpreter"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "/usr/bin/python3"
-variable "ansible_topology_path" {
-  description = "Path to Ansible playbook which creates a topology file"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/cloud_topology.yaml"
-variable "ansible_provision_pwd" {
-  description = "Password used for ansible provisioning (ansible_ssh_pass)"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "Csit1234"
-# Base VPC CIDRs
-variable "vpc_cidr_mgmt" {
-  description = "Management CIDR block"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_b" {
-  description = "CIDR block B"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_c" {
-  description = "CIDR block C"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_d" {
-  description = "CIDR block D"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-# Trex Dummy CIDRs
-variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_0" {
-  description = "TREX dummy CIDR"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_1" {
-  description = "TREX dummy CIDR"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-# IPs
-variable "tg_if1_ip" {
-  description = "TG IP on interface 1"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "tg_if2_ip" {
-  description = "TG IP on interface 2"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut1_if1_ip" {
-  description = "DUT IP on interface 1"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut1_if2_ip" {
-  description = "DUT IP on interface 1"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "tg_mgmt_ip" {
-  description = "TG management interface IP"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut1_mgmt_ip" {
-  description = "DUT management interface IP"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/versions.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/deploy/versions.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3d1a975..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-terraform {
-  required_providers {
-    aws = {
-      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
-      version = "~> 3.61.0"
-    }
-    null = {
-      source  = "hashicorp/null"
-      version = "~> 3.1.0"
-    }
-    tls = {
-      source  = "hashicorp/tls"
-      version = "~> 3.1.0"
-    }
-    vault = {
-      version = ">=2.22.1"
-    }
-  }
-  required_version = ">= 1.0.3"
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d2e5afd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-module "deploy" {
-  source = "./deploy"
-  # Parameters starting with var. can be set using "TF_VAR_*" environment
-  # variables or -var parameter when running "terraform apply", for default
-  # values see ./variables.tf
-  testbed_name          = var.testbed_name
-  topology_name         = var.topology_name
-  environment_name      = var.environment_name
-  resources_name_prefix = var.resources_name_prefix
-  # AWS general
-  region        = var.region
-  avail_zone    = var.avail_zone
-  instance_type = var.instance_type
-  ami_image_tg  = var.ami_image_tg
-  ami_image_sut = var.ami_image_sut
-  # AWS Network
-  vpc_cidr_mgmt = ""
-  vpc_cidr_b    = ""
-  vpc_cidr_c    = ""
-  vpc_cidr_d    = ""
-  tg_mgmt_ip   = ""
-  dut1_mgmt_ip = ""
-  tg_if1_ip   = ""
-  tg_if2_ip   = ""
-  dut1_if1_ip = ""
-  dut1_if2_ip = ""
-  trex_dummy_cidr_port_0 = ""
-  trex_dummy_cidr_port_1 = ""
-  # Ansible
-  ansible_python_executable = "/usr/bin/python3"
-  ansible_file_path         = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/site.yaml"
-  ansible_topology_path     = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/cloud_topology.yaml"
-  ansible_provision_pwd     = "Csit1234"
-  # First run
-  # TODO: Remove the testuser creation when added to user_add ansible role
-  first_run_commands = [
-    "sudo sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication/#PasswordAuthentication/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config",
-    "sudo systemctl restart sshd",
-    "sudo useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash provisionuser",
-    "echo 'provisionuser:Csit1234' | sudo chpasswd",
-    "echo 'provisionuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers",
-    "sudo useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash testuser",
-    "echo 'testuser:Csit1234' | sudo chpasswd",
-    "echo 'testuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers"
-  ]
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/variables.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/2n_aws_c5n/variables.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2673442..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-variable "region" {
-  description = "AWS Region"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "eu-central-1"
-variable "vault-name" {
-  default = "dynamic-aws-creds-vault-fdio"
-variable "avail_zone" {
-  description = "AWS availability zone"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "eu-central-1a"
-variable "ami_image_tg" {
-  # eu-central-1/focal-20.04-amd64-hvm-ssd-20210119.1
-  # kernel 5.4.0-1035-aws (~5.4.0-65)
-  description = "AWS AMI image ID"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "ami-0c2d02d48236a23dd"
-variable "ami_image_sut" {
-  # eu-central-1/focal-20.04-amd64-hvm-ssd-20210119.1
-  # kernel 5.4.0-1035-aws (~5.4.0-65)
-  description = "AWS AMI image ID"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "ami-05ea90e57d2df4368"
-variable "instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior" {
-  description = "Shutdown behavior for the instance"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "terminate"
-variable "instance_type" {
-  description = "AWS instance type"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "c5n.4xlarge"
-variable "testbed_name" {
-  description = "Testbed name"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "testbed1"
-variable "topology_name" {
-  description = "Topology name"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "2n_aws_c5n"
-variable "environment_name" {
-  description = "Environment name"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT-AWS"
-variable "resources_name_prefix" {
-  description = "Resources name prefix"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT_2n_aws_c5n"
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/.gitignore b/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 223f2ec..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Local .terraform directories
-# .tfstate files
-# Crash log files
-# Exclude all .tfvars files, which are likely to contain sentitive data, such as
-# password, private keys, and other secrets. These should not be part of version
-# control as they are data points which are potentially sensitive and subject
-# to change depending on the environment.
-# Ignore override files as they are usually used to override resources locally and so
-# are not checked in
-# Include override files you do wish to add to version control using negated pattern
-# !example_override.tf
-# Include tfplan files to ignore the plan output of command: terraform plan -out=tfplan
-# example: *tfplan*
-# Ignore CLI configuration files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/main.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/main.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 188b095..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-data "vault_aws_access_credentials" "creds" {
-  backend = "${var.vault-name}-path"
-  role    = "${var.vault-name}-role"
-resource "aws_vpc" "CSITVPC" {
-  assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block = true
-  enable_dns_hostnames             = false
-  enable_dns_support               = true
-  cidr_block                       = var.vpc_cidr_mgmt
-  instance_tenancy                 = "default"
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-vpc"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_security_group" "CSITSG" {
-  depends_on                       = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  description                      = "Allow inbound traffic"
-  name                             = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-sg"
-  revoke_rules_on_delete           = false
-  vpc_id                           = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  ingress {
-    from_port        = 22
-    to_port          = 22
-    protocol         = "tcp"
-    cidr_blocks      = [""]
-  }
-  ingress {
-    from_port        = 22
-    to_port          = 22
-    protocol         = "tcp"
-    ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
-  }
-  ingress {
-    from_port        = 0
-    to_port          = 0
-    protocol         = -1
-    self             = true
-    ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
-  }
-  egress {
-    from_port        = 0
-    to_port          = 0
-    protocol         = "-1"
-    cidr_blocks      = [""]
-  }
-  egress {
-    from_port        = 0
-    to_port          = 0
-    protocol         = "-1"
-    ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-sg"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "b" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_b
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "c" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_c
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "d" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_d
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-# Subnets
-resource "aws_subnet" "mgmt" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_mgmt
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 1)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_subnet" "b" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_b
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.b
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 2)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_subnet" "c" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_c
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.c
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 3)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_subnet" "d" {
-  availability_zone               = var.avail_zone
-  assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false
-  cidr_block                      = var.vpc_cidr_d
-  depends_on                      = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.d
-  ]
-  ipv6_cidr_block                 = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.CSITVPC.ipv6_cidr_block, 8, 4)
-  map_public_ip_on_launch         = false
-  vpc_id                          = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_internet_gateway" "CSITGW" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC
-  ]
-  vpc_id     = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.id
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-# SSH keypair
-# Temporary key for provisioning only
-resource "tls_private_key" "CSITTLS" {
-  algorithm   = "RSA"
-  ecdsa_curve = "P521"
-  rsa_bits    = 4096
-resource "aws_key_pair" "CSITKP" {
-  key_name   = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-key"
-  public_key = "${tls_private_key.CSITTLS.public_key_openssh}"
-resource "aws_placement_group" "CSITPG" {
-  name     = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-pg"
-  strategy = "cluster"
-# NICs
-resource "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if1" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.b,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.dut1_if1_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.dut1_if1_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.b.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.dut1.id
-    device_index = 1
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if2" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.c,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.dut1_if2_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.dut1_if2_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.c.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.dut1.id
-    device_index = 2
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "dut2_if1" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.c,
-    aws_instance.dut2
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.dut2_if1_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.dut2_if1_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.c.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.dut2.id
-    device_index = 1
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "dut2_if2" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.d,
-    aws_instance.dut2
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.dut2_if2_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.dut2_if2_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.d.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.dut2.id
-    device_index = 2
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "tg_if1" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.b,
-    aws_instance.tg
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.tg_if1_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.tg_if1_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.b.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.tg.id
-    device_index = 1
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_network_interface" "tg_if2" {
-  depends_on        = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_subnet.d,
-    aws_instance.tg
-  ]
-  private_ip        = var.tg_if2_ip
-  private_ips       = [var.tg_if2_ip]
-  security_groups   = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  source_dest_check = false
-  subnet_id         = aws_subnet.d.id
-  attachment {
-    instance     = aws_instance.tg.id
-    device_index = 2
-  }
-  tags = {
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-data "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if1" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.dut1_if1.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "dut1_if2" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.dut1_if2.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "dut2_if1" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.dut2_if1.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "dut2_if2" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.dut2_if2.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "tg_if1" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.tg_if1.id
-data "aws_network_interface" "tg_if2" {
-  id = aws_network_interface.tg_if2.id
-# Instances
-resource "aws_instance" "tg" {
-  depends_on                           = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_placement_group.CSITPG,
-    aws_security_group.CSITSG
-  ]
-  ami                                  = var.ami_image_tg
-  availability_zone                    = var.avail_zone
-  associate_public_ip_address          = true
-  instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = var.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior
-  instance_type                        = var.instance_type
-  key_name                             = aws_key_pair.CSITKP.key_name
-  placement_group                      = aws_placement_group.CSITPG.id
-  private_ip                           = var.tg_mgmt_ip
-  source_dest_check                    = false
-  subnet_id                            = aws_subnet.mgmt.id
-  vpc_security_group_ids               = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  # host_id                            = "1"
-#  root_block_device {
-#    volume_size = 50
-#  }
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-tg"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_instance" "dut1" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_placement_group.CSITPG,
-    aws_instance.tg
-  ]
-  ami                                  = var.ami_image_sut
-  availability_zone                    = var.avail_zone
-  associate_public_ip_address          = true
-  instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = var.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior
-  instance_type                        = var.instance_type
-  key_name                             = aws_key_pair.CSITKP.key_name
-  placement_group                      = aws_placement_group.CSITPG.id
-  private_ip                           = var.dut1_mgmt_ip
-  source_dest_check                    = false
-  subnet_id                            = aws_subnet.mgmt.id
-  vpc_security_group_ids               = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  # host_id                            = "2"
-#  root_block_device {
-#    volume_size = 50
-#  }
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-dut1"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-resource "aws_instance" "dut2" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_placement_group.CSITPG,
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  ami                                  = var.ami_image_sut
-  availability_zone                    = var.avail_zone
-  associate_public_ip_address          = true
-  instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = var.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior
-  instance_type                        = var.instance_type
-  key_name                             = aws_key_pair.CSITKP.key_name
-  placement_group                      = aws_placement_group.CSITPG.id
-  private_ip                           = var.dut2_mgmt_ip
-  source_dest_check                    = false
-  subnet_id                            = aws_subnet.mgmt.id
-  vpc_security_group_ids               = [aws_security_group.CSITSG.id]
-  # host_id                            = "3"
-#  root_block_device {
-#    volume_size = 50
-#  }
-  tags = {
-    "Name"        = "${var.resources_name_prefix}_${var.testbed_name}-dut2"
-    "Environment" = var.environment_name
-  }
-# Routes
-resource "aws_route" "CSIT-igw" {
-  depends_on             = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_internet_gateway.CSITGW
-  ]
-  destination_cidr_block      = ""
-  destination_ipv6_cidr_block = "::/0"
-  gateway_id                  = aws_internet_gateway.CSITGW.id
-  route_table_id              = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.main_route_table_id
-resource "aws_route" "dummy-trex-port-0" {
-  depends_on             = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  destination_cidr_block = var.trex_dummy_cidr_port_0
-  network_interface_id   = aws_instance.tg.primary_network_interface_id
-  route_table_id         = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.main_route_table_id
-resource "aws_route" "dummy-trex-port-1" {
-  depends_on             = [
-    aws_vpc.CSITVPC,
-    aws_instance.dut1
-  ]
-  destination_cidr_block = var.trex_dummy_cidr_port_1
-  network_interface_id   = aws_instance.tg.primary_network_interface_id
-  route_table_id         = aws_vpc.CSITVPC.main_route_table_id
-# Deployment/Ansible
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_tg" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut2,
-    aws_network_interface.dut2_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut2_if2
-  ]
-  connection {
-    user        = "ubuntu"
-    host        = aws_instance.tg.public_ip
-    private_key = tls_private_key.CSITTLS.private_key_pem
-  }
-  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-    inline = var.first_run_commands
-  }
-#  provisioner "ansible" {
-#    plays {
-#      playbook {
-#        file_path      = var.ansible_file_path
-#        force_handlers = true
-#      }
-#      hosts = ["tg_aws"]
-#      extra_vars = {
-#        ansible_ssh_pass           = var.ansible_provision_pwd
-#        ansible_python_interpreter = var.ansible_python_executable
-#        aws                        = true
-#      }
-#    }
-#  }
-#  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-#    on_failure = continue
-#    inline     = ["sudo reboot"]
-#  }
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_dut1" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut2,
-    aws_network_interface.dut2_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut2_if2
-  ]
-  connection {
-    user        = "ubuntu"
-    host        = aws_instance.dut1.public_ip
-    private_key = tls_private_key.CSITTLS.private_key_pem
-  }
-  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-    inline = var.first_run_commands
-  }
-#  provisioner "ansible" {
-#    plays {
-#      playbook {
-#        file_path      = var.ansible_file_path
-#        force_handlers = true
-#      }
-#      hosts = ["sut_aws"]
-#      extra_vars = {
-#        ansible_ssh_pass           = var.ansible_provision_pwd
-#        ansible_python_interpreter = var.ansible_python_executable
-#        aws                        = true
-#      }
-#    }
-#  }
-#  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-#    on_failure = continue
-#    inline     = ["sudo reboot"]
-#  }
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_dut2" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.tg_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut1_if2,
-    aws_instance.dut2,
-    aws_network_interface.dut2_if1,
-    aws_network_interface.dut2_if2
-  ]
-  connection {
-    user        = "ubuntu"
-    host        = aws_instance.dut2.public_ip
-    private_key = tls_private_key.CSITTLS.private_key_pem
-  }
-  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-    inline = var.first_run_commands
-  }
-#  provisioner "ansible" {
-#    plays {
-#      playbook {
-#        file_path      = var.ansible_file_path
-#        force_handlers = true
-#      }
-#      hosts = ["sut_aws"]
-#      extra_vars = {
-#        ansible_ssh_pass           = var.ansible_provision_pwd
-#        ansible_python_interpreter = var.ansible_python_executable
-#        aws                        = true
-#      }
-#    }
-#  }
-#  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-#    on_failure = continue
-#    inline     = ["sudo reboot"]
-#  }
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_topology" {
-  depends_on = [
-    aws_instance.tg,
-    aws_instance.dut1,
-    aws_instance.dut2
-  ]
-  provisioner "ansible" {
-    plays {
-      playbook {
-        file_path = var.ansible_topology_path
-      }
-      hosts = ["local"]
-      extra_vars = {
-        ansible_python_interpreter = var.ansible_python_executable
-        testbed_name               = var.testbed_name
-        cloud_topology             = var.topology_name
-        tg_if1_mac                 = data.aws_network_interface.tg_if1.mac_address
-        tg_if2_mac                 = data.aws_network_interface.tg_if2.mac_address
-        dut1_if1_mac               = data.aws_network_interface.dut1_if1.mac_address
-        dut1_if2_mac               = data.aws_network_interface.dut1_if2.mac_address
-        dut2_if1_mac               = data.aws_network_interface.dut2_if1.mac_address
-        dut2_if2_mac               = data.aws_network_interface.dut2_if2.mac_address
-        tg_public_ip               = aws_instance.tg.public_ip
-        dut1_public_ip             = aws_instance.dut1.public_ip
-        dut2_public_ip             = aws_instance.dut2.public_ip
-        public_ip_list             = "${aws_instance.tg.public_ip},${aws_instance.dut1.public_ip},${aws_instance.dut2.public_ip}"
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/providers.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/providers.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 38244af..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-provider "aws" {
-  region     = var.region
-  access_key = data.vault_aws_access_credentials.creds.access_key
-  secret_key = data.vault_aws_access_credentials.creds.secret_key
-provider "vault" {
-  address         = ""
-  skip_tls_verify = true
-  token           = "s.4z5PsufFwV3sHbCzK9Y2Cojd"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/variables.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/variables.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 543599f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-variable "region" {
-  description = "AWS Region"
-  type        = string
-variable "vault-name" {
-  default = "dynamic-aws-creds-vault-fdio"
-variable "ami_image_tg" {
-  description = "AWS AMI image name for TG"
-  type        = string
-variable "ami_image_sut" {
-  description = "AWS AMI image name for SUT"
-  type        = string
-variable "testbed_name" {
-  description = "Testbed name"
-  type        = string
-variable "instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior" {
-  description = "Shutdown behavior for the instance"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "terminate"
-variable "instance_type" {
-  description = "AWS instance type"
-  type        = string
-variable "avail_zone" {
-  description = "AWS availability zone"
-  type        = string
-variable "topology_name" {
-  description = "Prefix used when creating a topology file"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "3n_aws_c5n"
-variable "environment_name" {
-  description = "Environment name - used for Environment tag"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT-AWS"
-variable "resources_name_prefix" {
-  description = "Resource prefix - used for Name tag"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT_3n_aws_c5n"
-variable "first_run_commands" {
-  description = "Commands to run after deployment via remote-exec"
-  type        = list(string)
-  default     = [""]
-variable "ansible_file_path" {
-  description = "Path to Ansible playbook"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/site.yaml"
-variable "ansible_python_executable" {
-  description = "Path to Python interpreter"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "/usr/bin/python3"
-variable "ansible_topology_path" {
-  description = "Path to Ansible playbook which creates a topology file"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/cloud_topology.yaml"
-variable "ansible_provision_pwd" {
-  description = "Password used for ansible provisioning (ansible_ssh_pass)"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "Csit1234"
-# Base VPC CIDRs
-variable "vpc_cidr_mgmt" {
-  description = "Management CIDR block"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_b" {
-  description = "CIDR block B"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_c" {
-  description = "CIDR block C"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_d" {
-  description = "CIDR block D"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-# Trex Dummy CIDRs
-variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_0" {
-  description = "TREX dummy CIDR"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_1" {
-  description = "TREX dummy CIDR"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-# IPs
-variable "tg_if1_ip" {
-  description = "TG IP on interface 1"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "tg_if2_ip" {
-  description = "TG IP on interface 2"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut1_if1_ip" {
-  description = "DUT IP on interface 1"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut1_if2_ip" {
-  description = "DUT IP on interface 2"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut2_if1_ip" {
-  description = "DUT2 IP on interface 1"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut2_if2_ip" {
-  description = "DUT2 IP on interface 2"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "tg_mgmt_ip" {
-  description = "TG management interface IP"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut1_mgmt_ip" {
-  description = "DUT1 management interface IP"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
-variable "dut2_mgmt_ip" {
-  description = "DUT2 management interface IP"
-  type        = string
-  default     = ""
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/versions.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/deploy/versions.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3d1a975..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-terraform {
-  required_providers {
-    aws = {
-      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
-      version = "~> 3.61.0"
-    }
-    null = {
-      source  = "hashicorp/null"
-      version = "~> 3.1.0"
-    }
-    tls = {
-      source  = "hashicorp/tls"
-      version = "~> 3.1.0"
-    }
-    vault = {
-      version = ">=2.22.1"
-    }
-  }
-  required_version = ">= 1.0.3"
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/main.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/main.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6501b68..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-module "deploy" {
-  source = "./deploy"
-  # Parameters starting with var. can be set using "TF_VAR_*" environment
-  # variables or -var parameter when running "terraform apply", for default
-  # values see ./variables.tf
-  testbed_name          = var.testbed_name
-  topology_name         = var.topology_name
-  environment_name      = var.environment_name
-  resources_name_prefix = var.resources_name_prefix
-  # AWS general
-  region        = var.region
-  avail_zone    = var.avail_zone
-  instance_type = var.instance_type
-  ami_image_tg  = var.ami_image_tg
-  ami_image_sut = var.ami_image_sut
-  # AWS Network
-  vpc_cidr_mgmt = ""
-  vpc_cidr_b    = ""
-  vpc_cidr_c    = ""
-  vpc_cidr_d    = ""
-  tg_mgmt_ip   = ""
-  dut1_mgmt_ip = ""
-  dut2_mgmt_ip = ""
-  tg_if1_ip   = ""
-  tg_if2_ip   = ""
-  dut1_if1_ip = ""
-  dut1_if2_ip = ""
-  dut2_if1_ip = ""
-  dut2_if2_ip = ""
-  trex_dummy_cidr_port_0 = ""
-  trex_dummy_cidr_port_1 = ""
-  # Ansible
-  ansible_python_executable = "/usr/bin/python3"
-  ansible_file_path         = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/site.yaml"
-  ansible_topology_path     = "../../fdio.infra.ansible/cloud_topology.yaml"
-  ansible_provision_pwd     = "Csit1234"
-  # First run
-  # TODO: Remove the testuser creation when added to user_add ansible role
-  first_run_commands = [
-    "sudo sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication/#PasswordAuthentication/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config",
-    "sudo systemctl restart sshd",
-    "sudo useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash provisionuser",
-    "echo 'provisionuser:Csit1234' | sudo chpasswd",
-    "echo 'provisionuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers",
-    "sudo useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash testuser",
-    "echo 'testuser:Csit1234' | sudo chpasswd",
-    "echo 'testuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers"
-  ]
diff --git a/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/variables.tf b/fdio.infra.terraform/3n_aws_c5n/variables.tf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9e47b26..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-variable "region" {
-  description = "AWS Region"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "eu-central-1"
-variable "vault-name" {
-  default = "dynamic-aws-creds-vault-fdio"
-variable "avail_zone" {
-  description = "AWS availability zone"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "eu-central-1a"
-variable "ami_image_tg" {
-  # eu-central-1/focal-20.04-amd64-hvm-ssd-20210119.1
-  # kernel 5.4.0-1035-aws (~5.4.0-65)
-  description = "AWS AMI image ID"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "ami-0c2d02d48236a23dd"
-variable "ami_image_sut" {
-  # eu-central-1/focal-20.04-amd64-hvm-ssd-20210119.1
-  # kernel 5.4.0-1035-aws (~5.4.0-65)
-  description = "AWS AMI image ID"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "ami-05ea90e57d2df4368"
-variable "instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior" {
-  description = "Shutdown behavior for the instance"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "terminate"
-variable "instance_type" {
-  description = "AWS instance type"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "c5n.4xlarge"
-variable "testbed_name" {
-  description = "Testbed name"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "testbed1"
-variable "topology_name" {
-  description = "Topology name"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "3n_aws_c5n"
-variable "environment_name" {
-  description = "Environment name"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT-AWS"
-variable "resources_name_prefix" {
-  description = "Resources name prefix"
-  type        = string
-  default     = "CSIT_3n_aws_c5n"
index 2592550..0eead1f 100644 (file)
@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ terraform {
       version = ">=2.22.1"
-  required_version = ">= 1.1.4"
+  required_version = ">= 1.0.4"